Feverbones and Good Field Play at Cheer Ups Tonight

Hopefully you Austinites remember that we just recently released the wonderful debut LP by Feverbones, Dream Talk. Well, tonight you’re likely to hear a set including several of those tracks, as the band take the stage with their friends (and ours), Good Field. But, rest assured, they aren’t the only bands, with Linen Closet and My Golden Calf also gracing the stage tonight. A bunch of really talented local acts ready all together to help ease your Hump Day ills? You betcha! See ya’ll there! Doors are at 9 PM!

Gotta Love Death Bells

Australian based group Death Bells really won me over with a couple of solid performances this year during SXSW. Both shows were tight, intense, and filled with tons of emotion. Since that time, the band plans to hop from the land down under and move to Los Angeles with plans of touring and releasing new music. Some of that new music comes your way today with this new single called “Echoes”. It features much more of a bright and soft sound when compared to the band’s more raw, dark new wave sound from last release Standing at the Edge of the World. Not sure if this is a permanent change in direction or just the band playing with new ideas, but I can dig it either way.

This track appears on a new 7″ single you can pre-order now via Funeral Party Records.

Pleased to Meet You: Discus

There’s a new band in Chicago, and it should come as no surprise that the Stolz brothers (Jake and Paul) are involved. The two have previously played in Varsity/Pool Holograph, but their new project Discus is readying its debut EP for Middle Distance Records. They’re pulling off a casual guitar pop vibe here, akin to all that Aussie stuff you know I love; it’s never in a rush to go anywhere, settling for a solid groove and delightful melody. But, the band do add some extra little flourishes that have me fawning over them. For instance, the moments at the 1 minute and 2:22 mark when the guitars dive down and they’re matched by a falling vocal that’s simply intoxicating. Then they close it all out with this rad guitar noodle that takes it all home in the most sublime way possible. The debut EP drops June 29th; they’ll be playing a release show in Chicago at Sleeping Village with our ATX friends Why Bonnie!


And Another Guts Club Tune

When I heard that Lindsey Baker and her Guts Club project was going electric, I admittedly was a slight bit skeptical, having adored Shit Bug. But, through the first couple of singles from the forthcoming Trench Foot I’ve been fairly convinced, but never more than with this single below. It stretches over 6 minutes, with atmospheric touches working behind a solemn electric guitar line; then of course you’ve got Baker’s guttural drawl working alongside that lonesome stretch of musical highway. A slight uptick jumps in with some percussion at the 5 minute mark…and all of its worthy of your time. Look

Kluster Tease Us with One Last Single

This Friday you’ll all finally get to hear the new LP from Sweden’s Kluster; I’ve been doing my best to hype up the band for the entirety of this album cycle. Today the band have given us one final tiny morsel before Civic drops. This track jumps in with the band dropping some angular post-punk vibes, though they also carry a sort of arty side in the guitar sound, akin to early Field Music. Linnea’s steady voice helps keep the jittering ship stable throughout, all the while offering a slight bit of pop sensibility to keep listeners coming back. Their debut album is being released by Rama Lama Records; grab it HERE.

Another One From White Denim

Austin, TX royalty White Denim announced a long awaited new LP last month and the city, along with many in the music scene, are excited for the band’s return. We’ve already heard first single “Magazin” and today the band is treating us with this second new track called “It Might Get Dark”. Compared to the more glam vibe of the first single, this one has a bit more of a southern rock, circa mid 70s sound. Welcome back boys.

As previously mentioned, White Denim will release new album Performance on June 19th via City Slang Records.

Piney Gir Drops New Single

In listening to this new Piney Gir single, I’ve been going back over it again and again just trying to figure out why I find it so intoxicating. There’s something oddly nostalgic about it, as if Piney’s work has a timelessness fitting it into both the past and present all at once. For one, the song’s construction is precise, allowing open space for the voice, whilst also filling in some of the odd turns with textured instrumentation. But, I’ll also keep coming back just to hear some of the vocal turns; I like slight change in intonation just after the 35 second mark…it builds right into the grand chorus. She’s enjoying a brief UK tour with Gaz Coombes, but lets hope that only gives her more tunes to offer us in the future.

Indiepop from Fantasmamidi

It’s Tuesday, the day everyone forgot. But, why not hit it hard from the get-go with this spirited track from Spain’s Fantasmamidi. Immediately upon pressing play you’re going to find that your toes are tapping uncontrollably, and you might even leave your chair to flail about. Don’t let the Spanish lyrics deter you away, as the vocals still have a nice warm draw to them…even if you don’t speak the language. I really couldn’t think of a better way to start out your day than by listening to this track; their new self-titled album just became available via Discos de Kirlian.

We Have New Spiritualized

Man, summertime is the right time. I hit up the gym, got a few miles of running in, then I get to come home to a sweet new track from Spiritualized, one of my favorite bands. It seems to be the same place J Spaceman left us when they last dropped a release back in 2012, though the recording process was said to be much different this round. Spaceman says he spent months writing the songs in his bedroom, but if that’s the case, he still manages to capture what makes some of the band’s shows so captivating with huge horns and textured keys built around the simple structures. And Nothing Hurt, the new full length LP, will be out on September 7th via Fat Possum.

Burning House Channel Guitar Pop Heroes

From the minute this Burning House single plays on your stereo, you’ll immediately here the band’s homage to Teenage Fanclub. But, while the guitar attack has that blend of noise and melody, you need only look towards the vocal portrayal for how the band look to differentiate themselves from guitar pop heroes. There’s a slight bit of wayward dreaminess, almost as if the voice is fading away as it matches the melodic guitar notes. There’s great promise in this song, so let’s hope we hear more from the group soon as they prep a full length for our ears.

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