New Tune from The Ophelias

I’m really impressed by the sounds coming out of the Ophelias camp in lieu of their next LP. Their latest shared composition is a wondrous take on modern indie rock aesthetics. Of course, I’m drawn into the way the intonation is changed in each syllable of the vocals, not to mention the way voices seem layered upon one another. But, the power of the vocals wouldn’t be as strong if it weren’t for the surrounding accompaniment; the swelling string works adds great depth. Almost everything seems like its running in a huge loop, as if the band were listening to tons of early trip-hop and decided to spin it in their own direction. They release Almost via Joyful Noise on July 13th.

ATH Abroad: Secret Solstice – 2018

It’s a crazy thing to travel abroad right now as an American with everything that’s going on (wrong) in our country. One can feel embarrassed, guilty, or even ashamed to admit your nationality while trying to blend in with the locals and keep your voice down. What better way though to bring people together, regardless of background or political affiliation, than a massive, 3 day music festival. Secret Solstice Festival in Reykjavik allowed the wife and I to act as locals while soaking up some great new Icelandic music and enjoy the weather, the food, and the culture.

For more thoughts and pics from the grounds, hit the jump.

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The Shifters Announce New LP on Trouble in Mind

What!? Another band from Melbourne, Australia that rules? This time the band is The Shifters, and they’ve just announced they’ll be releasing their debut LP via Trouble in Mind Records. Our first listen has this rad bouncing rhythm line with matching guitar cuts jangling to keep the pace; it strangely grips you and never lets go. The subject matter, and accompanying video, seem to be taking a knock on a very ordinary life…which is weird because I’m working now, and then going to the gym…are these guys mocking me!? Doesn’t matter, the song is precisely what’s made the group a hot item; they release Have a Cunning Plan on September 21st.

Burn Slowly With Dismal Thinkings

As just about anyone knows about me, the slow burning, emo genre has always held a truly special place in my musical heart. With that said, you’ll understand my love of a song like this one called “Gone Away” from Seattle based rock band Dismal Thinkings. It reminds me of some of the best old school stuff from the genre like Mineral or Sunny Day. If you’re compared to bands such as these, RayRay is going to jam it all day.

Dismal Thinkings will release blanketfort on July 20th. Pre-order.

Another Hit from Mikey Collins

We’ve already written about the forthcoming Mikey Collins LP, but I’m here to encourage you to look into this new single. It opens with light little keyboard dance, with a teasing bass line just underneath…soon the cymbals and snare get a work out as Collins enters the picture. All this is really to set up the listener for the sublime chorus, where Mikey’s joined by a female counterpart; it’s not far off from the hook-laden work Mikey pulled off behind the kit in Allo Darlin. I like how he stretches himself just a bit before the 3 minute mark, elongating the syllables to maximize melody. You can grab his new solo LP Hoick right now from Fika Recordings.

Brand New Jetstream Pony

It’s not every day you get to delve into the musical world of pop supergroups, but alas, that’s where we are with Jetstream Pony, a band composed of members hailing from acts like Trembling Blue Stars and the Wedding Present. In this new single, they toy with us, delivering a thirty second guitar intro, meandering through your speakers. Then the rhythm section jumps right in, and let’s face it, you’re immediately hooked on this track. The guitars have a jagged edge, but the song has this sugary sheen that’s leaps and bounds above any other purveyor of pop music at the moment. This excellent tune will appear on the group’s new Self-Destruct Reality EP, which is being released by the highly-regarded Kleine Untergrund Schallplatten; it drops in an amazing 12″ format you can find HERE.

We All Need Slothrust

Whew. It’s been a hot minute for me as I bounced out of the country for a couple of weeks. Now back in the country and wading through a massive amount of missed music news, not much has been doing it for me other than this new track “Peach” from our Boston based friends in Slothrust. This band has been growing on my radar for a couple of years now and this track might finally blow them open. Hey but if it doesn’t, I’ll continue to enjoy them in my secret little music world.

Slothrust will release The Pact on Septmeber 14th via Dangerbird Records.

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