Nice One From Alien Boy

Portland based group Alien Boy has slowly been growing a buzz about their debut album coming out at the end of the week. Thought I haven’t posted any of the band’s latest singles, they’ve already released a few prior to this solid jam today. This new track “I Just Can’t Feel It” blends some of the popular elements of shoegaze with a more goth-pop sound which gives it something fresh to offer. I think I shall spend the rest of the day with this song and album.

Alien Boy will release Sleeping Lessons on August 31st on Tiny Engines.

Another Gem from the Forthcoming A Lily EP

Back in June I pointed out that James of yndi halda lore was working on his own new album under his moniker, A Lily. Well, luckily, you’re only a few short days away from its worldwide availability, but why not tease you with one of the more haunting numbers. It begins as a brooding number, ambling along beneath a sky of thundering drums and fuzzed chords; Vella slowly lets his voice do some work, quietly whispering through your speakers as the atmospheric elements become more noticeable. If you’re looking for some emotive release, there is a light crescendo after the three minute mark, though its fairly restrained in the grand scheme of things. The album is titled Id Dar Tal Missier, and it drops on Friday via Kingfisher Bluez.

Pleased to Meet You: Bad Sav

Not exactly sure where I came across Bad Sav, but I can’t stop playing this song. Somewhere I keep coming back to a vocal crossing between Molly Rankin of Alvvays and Tracyanne Campbell; I can hear hints of both, and adore both equally. Musically, there’s a definite pop leaning, though it’s heavy-handed at various turns. I think it finds a nice balance between shimmering guitar pop and a heavier post-punk vibe…so whoever threw this my way, I appreciate it. The New Zealand trio will release their self-titled album on September 21st via Fishrider Records.

Punky Number from M. Rutt

I have little knowledge of M. Rutt other than the below little jam. I know that the band has, at one time, employed members of Freak Genes, likely meaning they’re based in the UK. That this single is associated with Nerve Centre Records is another factor aligning with that supposition. As for the song, it’s a riotous blast of energetic punk rock. There’s an anthemic chorus, if you can even call the repeated call of “take take take” a proper chorus. The tune shatters and shakes and then it wraps up. I might not know much, but I know I love a good rock n’ roll jam.

Ramesh Returns with West

Ramesh has been going it alone since his famed Voxtrot outfit called it a day. Fortunately, he works at his own pace, offering singles from time to time, always enjoyable. This new track has a huge vocal performance from Ramesh, with the instrumentation slowly building throughout the song’s core. Perhaps its because we once released a Ramesh LP, or just because I spent a ton of time with Voxtrot, but his voice always has this famliarity to it, with an added emotive power now that guitars have quieted a bit in place of synths. His keen ear for orchestrated pop is clearly on display below, so enjoy.

Constant Mongrel Prep Living In Excellence

Remember when you thought Iceage was dangerous? Well, if that was your sound, then spend a second or more with Constant Mongrel, an Aussie supergroup of sorts (Woollen Kits, Nun and Terry). It’s an easily discernible post-punk sound, with a howl that fades as the syllables die off; the rhythm section is mostly just working to show you’re alive while the guitars buzz through your eardrums. There’s this strange feeling of angry unity that pervades, almost like reveling in some sort of deep euphoric even amongst a crowd of peers. The band will released Living in Excellence via La Vida Es Un Mus on September 21st.

Disheveled Pop from Repo Fam

Repo Fam is the new project of Baltimore’s Michelle Pena, and according to the one-sheet, her songs share the approach of filmmakers in creating images that are emotive. Pena does so on this video with that discordant twang of the guitar; it sort of stomps on your eardrums as the vocals playfully prance around your inner ear canal. The drums, though dampened in the mix, have this almost intoxicating tribalism, drawing you deep into the cavernous craft of that is “Skip to My Lou.” Repo Fam will release the self-titled LP via Gentle Reminder Records on September 28th.


Red River Cultural District Gets A New Exec

Mohawk has long been a favorite venue of ours. It is a home base to start a night and hosted several of our favorite shows over the years, both touring and local. The venue has a following and has been named to best venues lists in several clickbait articles, heh. So many reasons why, but Cody Cowan has been a rock to keep making those gains. Along with being a friend and damn fine photographer, Cody will be leaving his position as GM at Mohawk to become the executive director of the Red River Cultural District. Frankly, we could not think of a better human to trust with our beloved venues. He was a leader in the initiative to get the noise curfew pushed back for Red River venues that has seen revenue increases for clubs that were affected. Chad Swiatecki has a nice intro piece up over at Austin Monitor.

What are your wants and needs for Red River? Let us know.

ps The photo is from a couple years back, but I think it works for this story.

Fun New Track From Say Hi

I have been a terrible human over the last week or so leaving Nathan Wanklord to do all of the posting and I apologize for my absence. If you will have me back on a regular basis, I suggest you check out this new song called “Green With Envy” from Seattle based artist Say Hi. When I say fun, this track is obviously full a lot of joy with it’s bouncing acoustic guitar and upbeat tempo throughout the track. For those of us back to work after a long layoff, it sure is making my work week better.

Say Hi will release Caterpillar Centipede on September 7th via Euphobia Records.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2381184714 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=194280925]

Tears Run Rings Return

Well, perhaps return isn’t the proper word choice, as Tears Run Rings have been with us most recently in 2016 with their LP In Surges. Now, they’ve popped back up with a brand new EP for one of our favorites, Shelflife and Deep Space Recordings. You’ll find below the staples that brought the group into the shoegaze realm; it features melodic guitars with just the faintest hint of distortion, waiting to erupt into a classic shimmering atmospheric. Vocals live beneath the mix, almost like faint musical whispers working behind the scenes. Feels like its too good to miss out on this one. The Somehwere EP will drop October 19th.

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