New Tune from Trudy and the Romance

Having followed Trudy and the Romance for some time, I’m rather impressed with the sounds coming out from their forthcoming LP, Sandman. It’s weird, as weird little jazzy inflections lurk in murky background, from tinkering keys to horn blasts; I think this is where the doo-wop vibe comes in for the song title. Otherwise, this is a swelling blast of beautiful orchestral pop; it almost feels like this is what the National or the Walkmen would sound like if they were a wee bit younger. I don’t care what kind of pop fan you are, you’re really going to want to spin this before the band blows up. Sandman drops on May 24th.

Here Comes Being Dead

If you’ve been hanging in and about Austin for the last year, you’ve likely heard the name Being Dead; we’ve written about them several times over the last year, excited by their growth and creativity. Luckily for us, they asked if we could help get out their new 7″/EP, which, of course, we gladly jumped at! And now, the band have shared the standout tune “Apostle’s Prom” off said release. The track employs both Juli and Cody on vocals, while the video has them dueling…until they realize their shared love of horses. Here’s a band willing to go out and have fun, write catch songs and embrace all that is Austin. If you want that hot 7″, you can grab it HERE.

Teen Body Announce Dreamo

What!? Teen Body titled their new release Dreamo? Yeah, I’m totally going to have to listen to that. Luckily, I like what I hear, and while I understand the sentiment, I feel like this is far more dream pop than emo…but who am I to say. I love the way the vocals duel with one another, though they seem indifferent to the presence of one another. Throughout, the guitars have that angular shimmer that carries us off to pastures beyond our own, letting us look longingly at our own lives. A pretty special first listen on my behalf; looking forward to the album release on April 12th via Broken Circles.


New Stuff from Jess Ribeiro

Late last year, before we started dropping all that list nonsense, Jess Ribeiro released a new tune; she’s back again with another new track/video for you. This tune has a sort of cosmic pop vibe, one that seems build for those drives from Texas through into the dusty horizons heading out West. Ribeiro’s voice has this nice smokiness to it, which only furthers that meandering vibe of the music that pulsates just beneath her. She hasn’t released a full length since 2015, but these last two powerhouse singles are incredible, so maybe there’s still hope 2019 will see a new Jess release…though is she’s stoked to just drop great track after great track, I’ll be here listening.

Scuzzy Rock from Internal Credit

Sometimes you’ve gotta start your day with a little bit of energy, and I couldn’t think of a better way than to venture into Tuesday with a little bit of Internal Credit. The Falmouth outfit have ties to ATH faves Freak Genes, but here we have the band brandishing some rough edged pop rock. The bass lines within these tracks have this innate hook, allowing the guitars and the vocals to give more of a punk rock glint to the band’s sound. But, what I love is that it never seems brash and overly angry, though there are definitely some furiously punchy tracks on the Internally Credited EP. Reminds me a lot of the Burger Records catalog…if you’re into that.

Today’s Catchy Martha Jam

I’m really hopeful that the new Martha record will make waves over here, hopefully encouraging the band to do a lengthy tour that includes Austin on this go-round. The band craft some of the catchiest pop-punk around, and Love Keeps Kicking is sure to fulfill on the continued progress of the hit-making machine. I love a band that can match the vocals, the drums and the guitars all at once, crashing down with this euphoric feeling that makes you happy to be alive. The video even has a nice little breakdown near the end, or an interlude, just to tease us with another round of hooks. The new record drops on April 1st via Big Scary Monsters/Dirtnap Records.

Digging on Bruiser and Bicycle

Sometimes I find myself stuck in listening rotations…a little iniepop here, touch of punk there, and maybe an acoustic ditty of some sort. But, Bruiser and Bicycle, they’re getting me out of my comfort zone with their musical stylings; they’re building songs by adding layer after layer to flesh out the sound. You’ve got two battling guitar lines, one a folkier strum, with the other slightly more menacing. The rest of the track works around the vocal craftsmanship, swelling harmonies atop the natural melody…at times the duo almost seem like they’re merely yelping through your speakers. On February 22nd, they’ll be dropping Woods Come Find Me via Five Kill Records.

Dreamy Jangle Pop from No Fucks

No Fucks might not be on your radar as of yet, but hey, no fucks given, right? The Spanish outfit is a two piece band, brandishing little more than fuzzy guitars that twinkle through your speakers, matched with that bounding rhythm that encourages most folks to get out of their chairs and have a little bit of fun. I love the way they draw things out just near the 1 minute mark, before adding a little bit more emphasis on their heavy euphoria. As of right now, the group just have this single and its B-Side hanging out in the world, but word has it that Discos de Kirlian will be helping with a full-length come February.

Pop Rock from The Regrets

I’m trying to listen my way out of what’s going to be an incredibly horrible day. At this moment I’m at a real loss for words, so all I can do is turn the tunes up really loud. The Regrets are doing me just a little bit of a favor, at least giving me some escapism with their hook-laden riffs and anthemic stylings. There’s a little bit of swagger and pop sensibility lurking, especially if you spend a few minutes “Under a Sideways Moon.” The group just released their stellar sophomore EP via Jigsaw, so listen below.

Paul Bergmann and The Fair Moans Release New Single

Over the last several years, Paul Bergmann has been mentioned here quite frequently. He’s been able to craft his solo work around this powerful balladry that’s continued to suck me into his world. This week, he’s sharing his work with his band The Fair Moans, drawing on the musical imperfections that exist in his musical journey. This tune has this natural darkness to it, whether intentional or not, something like Cave or Cohen would present us with; it’s brooding and damning, yet all the while captivating. It’s easy to get lost in the tones of this one, even with the grainy imagery of the video too. Look for Make Yourself at Home, the new release from the group, on February 15th.

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