The Wedding Present Announce Tommy 30

While I’m partial to George Best due to its Manchester United association, Tommy isn’t far behind on my list of great albums by The Wedding Present. News recently broke that after celebrating George Best at 30 the band have gone back to rerecord Tommy to celebrate its 30th birthday. In the tune below, you can hear the impact of the rerecording and how it changes the sounds for Tommy. For starters, things were fast and furious on the original 7″ for “Go Out and Get Em Boy”, and the vocals seemed hidden in the mix. The reimagining has things open up with the guitar sound much more crisp, which in the end, opens up space for David Gedge to show just how far he’s grown as a vocalist…talk about aging like a fine fine wine.

Indigo Bunting Return with Two New Tracks

Indigo Bunting are the kind of act you’re meant to fall in love with and know very little about. They’re an Austin outfit with some connections to Tiger Waves, but that’s where the story ends…as far as we know. Still, they pop up out of nowhere, toss an album at us, disappear then pop up with a few new gems, like today. While everything’s showed brilliant promise, these two numbers feel like they’ve finally got things clicking on all gears. “White Noise” this bursting pop hit, calling upon forefathers like Unicorns and Animal Collective to craft collage pop pieces on the right side of weird; the chorus for this one is super rewarding. “I Don’t Mind” illustrates the band’s songwriting gifts, offering warmer tones while still orbiting the same pop planet as the A-side here. Never enough words to write about such a talented bunch.

JW Francis Shares Place I Know Video

JW Francis quietly dropped his I’ll Love you Forever, Bye EP almost a year ago, but to be honest, its just now making its way to my ears, especially now that he’s sharing this brand new video for one of the standout tunes. The tune has this sort of warped pop bent to it, it’s got this warbling meander to it; I feel that’s apt as the video sort of encompasses the same sentiment, particularly in the bike scenes. That said, I think the full-toned voice of Francis is particularly charming, weaseling its way right into my ear holes; this is a nice early Monday morning jam, if you’re listening.

Fresh Thigh Master Track

Having already written about one Brisbane act today, it only seems appropriate to follow it up with another that I’m quite fond of, Thigh Master. Matthew Ford and his band have things locked down tight on this one, fueled by a bounding rhythm section and this discordant guitar cutting through like a knife. Still, what’s always charmed me about this outfit is that no matter how rambunctious and out of control they seem, they always carry this pop sensibility just below the surface, lurking and waiting to burst your eardrums with joy. This track is no different! You’ll find it on the band’s Now for Example, slated for release by Goner Records on September 27th, with a big old US tour in the early Fall!

Emu Parade Share Wait and See

Looks like we’re going to star our morning out with a very Australian vibe, and I’m not sure which of the two Aussie tunes I’ve got that I find more charming; I’ll leave that up to you. This number is the latest single from Emu Parade, our first listen to what’s to come from their debut EP (out later this year). I’m quite fond of the natural sense of wistfulness that comes across in the tones of Eamon Webb’s vocal tones. But, the guitar sound on this song really makes me swoon; there’s something about that sharp noodling line cutting across the gentle strum in the front of the mix. Figure this is a great way to start off your week.

Infectious New Single From Marek Kubala

A hot but promising weekend lies ahead and you are likely in need of something to get the party going. Might I suggest this bopping new single called “Fault Lines” from Huddersfield based indie pop artist Marek Kubala. It’s an incredibly infectious piece of pop music not like anything I’ve heard recently. Press play and you will be banging your head and tapping your toes in time.

Abram Shook Shares Your Time

Since the inception of this site back in the 00s, Abram Shook has been a constant feature on these Internet pages…either as a solo artists or one of his various projects like Feverbones or Great Nostalgic. Next week, he’ll be releasing his new LP, the Neon Machine, and while it definitely has his imprint, I think a lot of folks will be surprised by the sounds. For me, the synth pulse, albeit in a smooth fashion, was an unexpected twist; it’s interesting how some of those notes match the rhythm of Abram’s vocal delivery. Speaking of his vocals, there’s this velvety soulfulness that it far more pronounced than anything he’s done; I think the “with your time” line is the only time when I was like “yeah, this sounds like Abram, 100%.” It’s a really impressive shift into new territory, and I can see this getting some Neon Indian comparisons for those with careful ears. The new LP is out August 16th via Western Vinyl. He’ll be out on the road through October with White Denim, mostly through East Coast/Midwest; check some of those dates HERE.

Stream the Glaze TV EP

Those of you following the Austin scene are surely aware of the talented noise rockers, Glaze; they’ve been one of our favorites for the last few years, known for incredible live performances. Today, the band release their Glaze TV EP, and I think it’ll only take one listen before you, too, fall in love with the band. “Beetlejuice” is an obvious standout, but I love it for illustrating all the things I love about the band; there’s heavy noise present, stripped back for melody, brooding energy and even a little bit of post-rock thrown in the breakdown…they’ve got all your favorites covered in one jam! I think “Moody” is another nice addition to the band’s catalog as well, giving off glimpses of the band’s dreamier side, containing the noise only when necessary; it allows for the band’s natural catchiness to shine through that blanketed feedback. Austinites can catch the band live tomorrow night over at Mohawk for the celebratory release show; you can grab tickets HERE.

Campfires Share Jackals Maw

Fire Talk is on a roll this year, and shit, this week really (that Deeper tune!). But, while they’ve kept me alive with great rock n’ roll, I’ve really been gravitating towards the new LP from Campfires, and in particular, this single below. Songwriter Jeff Walls claims a bit of a Velvets feel here, but a more modern turn would be to look at this track through the lens of a Sonny Smith or Woods; it has this rootsy feel to it, while still having this blossoming vibrancy that you can’t turn your ear away from. To me, its like the comfort food of pop music; you feel good listening to it; you feel good knowing its out in the world. Fare Trax will be out on August 30th via Fire Talk.

Dial H for the Hannah Barberas

Okay, so that’s a pretty clever title up there, but I can’t take credit, as it’s the name of the new six song EP from the Hannah Barberas. You pop fans are going to be out of luck if you don’t hop on this, as rumor has it that it’s selling quick. Why? Well, let’s just give you one song, and that should be enough to convince you of the band’s greatness. Lucy comes into the party atop a nice ramshackle beat; she offers up a nice verse before asking the rest of the band to joy in emphatically for the chorus. They stay the course here up until about the 1:30 minute mark where they kick on to offer up a slight little twist in the tune. Mind you, this is just one of the six gems you can have; the whole Dial H for Hannah Barberas EP will be available on CD on September 6th via Subjangle.

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