Anthemic Rocker from the Hussy

Don’t let the scuzzy guitar fuzz on this tune frighten you; the Hussy are here to bring you a bright pop rock tune that will stick inside your head. They enter the scene here with this distorted swagger; the vocals delivered coolly, building the tension towards the chorus. It’s here you get this huge release as the volume seems to jump up, only highlighting the band’s infectious hook that they’ve built into their song. Blasting with sweet melody, the band just jump right in, melt your face, then they’re gone in just over 2 minutes…so feel free to go back there and press repeat. You’ll find this tune on their new LP, Looming, out this Fall via Dirtnap Records. They’ve got an Austin show at the end of September with Xetas.

Sea Caves Share Dart

While at work on their third album, Sea Caves have opted to switch directions, albeit just by way of a new vocalist. Their songwriting still sounds similar to what you heard on Bright Forest; it still has this woodsy adventurism working within the elegant confines of expansive indie rock sounds. It’s the sort of music that entrances listeners, carrying them away with the guitar chords echoing into the night. But, with Sydney Rohrs now in the mix on vocals, things have changed up a bit, allowing a soft quiet to sweep over the band; it creates a whole new layer of calm that blankets this single. Give it a try, won’t you?

Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Share New Single

Two of my favorite voices from Australia, Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton, are teaming up again to release their 3rd album working together; they’ve both released wonderful solo records this year as well. In this video, the duo seem to be having a dinner party, built around the making of pasta with a bunch of pals. Emma takes the reins on the vocal duties for this number, with slight backing vocals provided during the chorus. The subject matter here involves self-love, and the inevitable drive to get out of bed and seek it out. Their new album is titled Take the Reigns, and it will be released by Osborne Again/Bobo Integral on October 18th.

Spray Paint Announce New Album

I know they were never a Black Fret band, and not sure about any Austin Music Awards, but Spray Paint (even when no longer living in Austin) have been one of the best rock groups with their tentacles in our unfair city. They’ve been quiet, and had taken a hiatus of sorts as members relocated. Nonetheless, they’re returning, and do so with this emphatic single that doesn’t seem to abide by any rules set forth. There’s this sense of foreboding on this tune, like something dark is on the horizon; the drums have this nervous energy, the vocals are delivered in this cavernous manner…a warning to listeners. In the last two minutes the band jump into experimental noise arena, with what seems like a faint heartbeat barely audible in the far off distance. Again, one of the greatest acts to come out of Austin in the last 10 years (or more), and now they’ll release Into the Country on October 25th via 12XU.

Post Punk Vibes from Mofer

Admittedly, I don’t know a whole heaping lot about Germany’s Mofer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t throw my support behind this great track off their forthcoming Ghosts EP. At They’ve got this wonderful post-punk sound, the kind that sort of just soars and carries you with it, attached on the wings of glorious guitar sounds. In a way, it really reminds me of the Black Watch, offering up these sort of heavy vocal tones that reach for the higher notes as guitars buzz behind them. At the same time, there’s this effortless bounce beneath the surface, encouraging toe-tapping and light bits of pogoing in place. I promise, this is right up your alley.

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