Slept on This Behavior Video/Tune

Although you can see the lights in the blogosphere starting to dim, we still get a huge number of emails all the time about new music, which I love. But, sometimes, you can’t squeeze everything into your listening, like this Behavior track. It was sent by a friend, so I went back and fell in love. In a sense, it reminds me of what I sort of wish had come out of the NYC scene of the early 00s…there’s touches of Strokes/Walkmen/French Kicks here, but the effortless cool doesn’t seemed donned for approval, rather an innate quality that lets the band throw jazzier elements into the mix atop jangling little guitar notes. It’s honestly like the band truly doesn’t give a fuck, they’re going to craft their own sound, and I love it. They’ll be releasing Spirits & Embellishments on October 18th via Post Present Medium.

The Leaf Library Announce The World is a Bell

In this modern age, immediate musical fulfillment is important; people scroll on if they have to invest themselves too much; I’m guilty of it myself. But, that’s precisely why this new single from the Leaf Library is so special. You’re not going to find that immediacy, rather you’ll be immersed in this was of electronic pulses that clear your mind of everything. This is where the core of the song lives; it’s melodic vocals dreamily floating about; it’s careful guitar notes skittering about in the far-off distance; this is a song to let yourself be lost, and then found again. And you’ll be grateful, so you’ll pick up the World is a Bell from WIAIWYA, which drops on October 25th.


Beautiful Pop Number from Interbellum

Mondays are always moody, at least when you first walk in the door, knowing you’ve got a full week ahead. So, it’s best to sort ease your way into the week with a great pop tune like this one from Lebanese artist Interbellum. The video was shot inside the Grand Theatre, an old pre-war building dating back to the early 1930s in Beirut; it provides some really striking imagery that allow you to immerse yourself into the lives of the two characters in the film version. That ties in quite nicely to the balance beam of pop that works between female and male vocals; they serve as the perfect accompanying piece that makes this song so glorious. A little sonic exploration adds to the song’s latter half, creating this billowing affect that sets up the track’s closing moments. You can find this tune on the Dead Pets, Old Griefs LP.

Another New Jam from Suggested Friends

I really wish folks would look overseas as of late when thinking of great pop rock. Sure, we’ve got tons of great stuff over in the States, but the UK is on a hot streak of hit making, particularly with Suggested Friends. Their latest single cuts all the bullshit and gimmicks often employed, instead just giving you the hooks right on top with these huge belting vocals and crunchy guitars ringing out in the background. The latter moments even employ a bit of a stomp to gather up all that joy and tie it up in a nice pop bow for your ears. Turtle Taxi is one hell of a record, so sample this tune and grab the LP before its October 4th release date from Fika Recordings/HHBTM.

Light Indiepop from Simen Mitlid

If you read these pages, you surely know of my affection for really light indiepop gems built around wonderful melodies that stick to your soul. Today, Norway’s Simen Mitlid drops his Neutral LP, and this track is definitely one of the album’s spotlight tunes. Our journey together begins with this soft gallop and carfeul strum that work with Mitlid’s mellow vocal delivery. Then things pick up, albeit ever so slightly so as not to detract from the core of the song. Bits of tinkering fill in the empty space, leaving the listener with this joyous swell that makes the whole world better. The LP is out today in the world, so go forth and enjoy.

Catchy Tune From Bull

In our never ending quest for high quality pop music to share with the world, it’s a sheer pleasure when we come across songs like “Love Goo”. The track comes by way of York based artist Bull, who have actually toured quite extensively, and even stopped in Austin for SXSW a couple of years ago. After first hearing this song, I was immediately drawn to its simplicity and sheer pop goodness. Seriously, how catchy is this song? I will warn you now, repeat plays will surely have this one stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Holy Fuck Release New Track

I had a super late night…not for partying but for you know, life and stuff. But, I woke up to this hot new track from Holy Fuck, who haven’t done anything official in several years. The pulsing electronica, the participation of Alexis Taylor (of Hot Chip) and the overall energy it provided make this tune well worth your morning listening. Just turn it up real loud, let that throbbing hook just jump right into your life and lift your spirits. Just feels like you could all use a real sweet jam to get your day going…and if you jump to the Spotify page, there’s a longer version from the band, but let’s go with the radio edit this round, eh?

Lost Ships Drop New EP

The Lost Ships are following up their Best Laid Plans EP with the brand new All of the Pieces EP. They brandish the sort of indiepop that walks that fine line with power-pop, infusing their jangling guitar chords this round with a little bit more volume up front. The first two tracks off this EP are just that, swelling with warm melody wrapped around the slightest jangling notes. But, “How Can I Face the World” has a little bit more punch than one might have initially have expected; it’s almost a full-fledged rock song…albeit one spun in the vein of pop fans like myself. Of course, they back that up with the gentle ballad “Sheila Believe Me” to close things out, which is this striking ballad atop a thick piano background. Their new EP is being handled by the taste makers at Subjangle.

Fuzzy Pop from A Certain Smile

Remember when you bought that first Pains of Being Pure at Heart LP and you couldn’t tell whether you wanted to rock out or just start your own twee pop band? Well, now you’ve got A Certain Smile to help emulate that very mood, brandishing their own short buzzy pop number. This one’s like a sweet little sampler of indiepop, over in just over 2 minutes, with the band’s current label Jigsaw Records claiming its the best indiepop single you’ll hear this year. That’s super high praise, but to be fair, the band currently includes the owner of the label…but it definitely is high up there on my list. I’ll say top 10. What do you think? The whole Bae EP is out next week on September 20th, with a full LP to follow soon after.

The Hecks Share Flash Video

I really love how the new stuff from this forthcoming Hecks record has me guessing at every corner; they easily have me outsmarted. I spent the first minute and a half of this new single think this is what Shellac would sound like if Steve wanted to write a dance record. But, eventually, the synth work sneaks into the song, sort of washing out the balance of this angular riffs and smoothing out the vocals into this retro R&B vibe from the MTV era. Then all of a sudden it becomes this eccentric jam breakdown throwing everything (including the kitchen sink) into the mix and coming out on top with this funky coda. This is the 3-in-1 pop song that has you coming back for more; it’ll be on My Star, dropped by the kind folks over at Trouble in Mind on October 11th.

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