Shana Falana Shares Go Higher

I really like that Shana Falana is flexing her songwriting abilities on her latest LP, Darkest Light. But, the tune below, the likely last single before her album drops on Friday is really her bread and butter; she, of course knocks it out of the park. The track has this nostalgic college rock vibe in parts, like she’s channeling Juliana Hatfield…though she fills the space in the songs with these edgier cascading guitar lines. For me, the tune reaches it’s climax in its last moments; the shoegaze guitars push the ambiance and the vocals take on this more angelic bravado that sort of smashes through that hazy cloud…my favorite moment. The new LP will be out tomorrow via Arrowhawk Records.

Ducks Unlimited Share Anhedonia

In case you fancy yourself a fan of jangling pop rock or the casual guitar pop of the Oceanic region, you’re going to want to put your ear real close to the speaker here. This fresh single from Ducks Unlimited only cements the band as one of the best new voices in the indiepop/guitar pop scene. It’s borderline jangle, with the guitars sort of intertwining with a certain sharpness that reveals brightened notes and melody. The vocals have this indifferent cool, which also sort of reveals itself in the “fuck off” lines in the first minute or so. If this is the first release, its one hell of a knockout punch. The Get Bleak EP drops on the 29th of November courtesy of our faves, Bobo Integral.

Don’t Sleep on Woolworm

Woolworm just recently released brand new single into the world, and I’m just now soaking it in. I think the band has locked into the modern day tension of humanity; they have these darkened foreboding riffs that ring out, and if not, they bubble just beneath the surface, ominously haunting the song’s pop moments. Those pop moments, though seemingly weary from the world, illustrate our need to keep trying, keep finding our whatever routines work to carve out our own little niche in the world…mine will probably include listening to this song a whole bunch. This tune appears on Awe, which drops on November 8th via Mint Records.

Wished Bone Shares Pink Room

For nearly a minute, the newest single from Wished Bone toys with you; you get this noisy experimental guitar play, draped discordantly atop a steady beat. Then all of a sudden its gone, the curtain raises and you’ve got Ashley Rhodus’ soothing voice coolly whispering through your speakers. Guitar sound has a much more organic feel to it, but also some natural propulsion, working with the drum to provide the song’s momentum. A faint hint of the noisy opening lurks in the background as the song fades out, but I promise you’re not likely to find a more comforting song today. Sap Season will be out next Friday!

Elctro-Pop Hit From Thirdcurl

Thirdcurl is a Danish band fronted and creatively run by Gabriel Johnson. His music is certainly electronic pop music with influences being clear homages to bands like LCD Soundsystem, Twin Shadow, and even The Cure. Our first taste of music from this new artist comes from this single “Ordinary Life” which features a melding of all the bands previously mentioned. It’s an epic number of electronic pop focus with catchy beats and expertly timed vocal deliveries.

Andronoids Share New Single

Andronoids are a fairly new act out of Sweden, and, for me, they’re sort of working both angles of my musical tastes. Structurally, the song has this energetic jangle that offered up energetic pop moments, particularly when the distortion is stripped clean. But, that’s also what I love, as the bounce only gets all the more fun when the track takes on the noisy distorted fuzz. There’s this whole carefree layer to the track that just makes you want to throw your hands in the air, say fuck it, and run off chasing the band down the street. So go on then.

Stream El Lago’s Pyramid EP

With their 2017 album Colors, El Lago won us over with their elegant take on dream pop; it sounded refined and grown-up, something those with a sensible pop palate couldn’t pull away from. But, from the moment you press play on the Pyramid EP, you meet an entirely different beast. “Citadel” announces itself with this guitar squall ripping through the front of the mix, allowing Lauren to dance in with a spritely vocal delivery; she’ll add a softer touch reminiscent of the band’s early work during the song’s chorus. “Endless” has this sharpness to it, though you can’t turn your ear away from the dark texture lurking beneath the surface. “Moths,” to me, represent the band’s greatest musical leap; the structure and off-kilter rhythm almost craft this sort of angular post-punk spun through an arthouse lens; it’s the sort of tune that leads you down a path of reflection. “Pyramid” comes in to sort of remind you of where the band’s been, nostalgically looking back upon Colors. “Solo” is another of the calmer tunes, but in being such, it really highlights the power of Lauren’s voice; I feel like that’s something I took for granted, but this whole EP is full of remarkable moment after moment. It’s even set up perfectly, heavy and strong at the beginning, full of artistic flare and bold moments, but it narrows its focus on the band’s pop sensibility as it nears the final number, closing out with a nice 46 second instrumental at the apex. Please don’t skip this EP; its out Friday via Wallflower Records.

Capitol Share Never Been to Paris

High upon my anticipated release list is the forthcoming LP from Capitol; I’ve already talked up a couple of the singles off of Dream Noise…and here we are with a third. This tune definitely stretches the expectations on modern post-punk songs, or maybe songs as a whole; we tend to always gravitate towards quick catharsis. But, you’re not going to get that here, and your’e probably better off for it. The tune naturally has this driving rhythm to it, allowing the drums to really push the song forward, which inevitably lets the guitars fly back and forth across through your speakers. This is the type of track you want to close down a show; you can feel the heaviness of the song, but here, it’s wrapped up like a perfect pop cocoon. The LP is out this Friday via Kingfisher Bluez and Meritorio.

The Whiffs Announce Another Whiff

Wednesday always needs a nice dose of rock n’ roll to get us over that hump, and this track from the Whiffsshould definitely get you there. It’s a huge power-pop jam, perfectly meant for arena rock crowds of days gone by. These huge circular riffs, these pounding rhythms and these crisp melodies perfectly pack the punch you desperately need. Thinking through this one, it’s just looking upon a more innocent time when rock n’ roll was just about fun; it was an escape from the mundane, and that’s totally why I’m pumping my fists and stomping my feet from behind my desk today. Their new LP Another Whiff will be released by Dig Records on December 6th.

Electric Arch Share One More Single

Prior to the Friday release date of new album Out of Range, New Orleans based Electric Arch has this new single called “Las Ramblas” ready for your listening pleasure. The band, featuring compositions from main main James Marler, features a heavy layered, beat driven style of pop music. As I continue to listen to this song a few times, I’m finding new layers to peel back and discover each and every time. It’s wild man.

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