Big Baby Announce Fizzy Cola EP

Been a hot minute since we’ve heard from Richmond’s Big Baby, but better get acquainted now as they’re brandishing six delicious new pop tunes you’ll want to consume…and we’ve got the lead single below for you. The band, fronted by Ali Mislowsky (also of ATH faves Young Scum), start with a heavy three second tease; they collect themselves, and they’re off. The guitar chords seem to be dancing and swirling around your ears, all the while the rhythm section keeps your toes tapping. In the vocals, you this coolly delivered warmth, but the hook is all about the falling notes in the line “can’t get you out of my head.” If you’re into the sugary sweetness on display, be sure to grab the Fizzy Cola EP from Hidden Bay Records or Jigsaw on January 10th!

Pop Rock from Non La

Two things I love are when your favorite labels team up to work on something; you generally know something great is in the water. In this case, Kingfisher Bluez and Lost Sound Tapes have united to bring this great pop rock LP from Non La your way, and what a single to kick things off. It starts off with this sort of Sandy Alex G solo work, just a solid voice and a guitar line; even at its simplest, you’re intrigued. Then, gang vocals join in the fray, teasing for a second before the song jumps off to pure infectiousness; I don’t know if it’s the stuttering of “r-i-ght” or the the gang singing along, but there’s nothing that can make this track any more fun. Not In Love will be dropped on February 14th, and you can pick between vinyl and tape!

Handle Announce Debut Album, In Threes

This Handle tune is exactly what I love about the end of the year; folks like to wrap up and pretend like the end of the year is over, yet there’s absolutely fucking amazing songs sneaking out there. This Manchester trio are making this sort of jazzy no-punk, using these incredible rhythms and wonky structures to sort of keep you off balance while you’re hit in the face with this barrage of vocals. It kind of makes you go in and wonder what the hell you just got hit with, so you press play to get that feeling all over again. The song’s little fade out also hints at some of the great little odds and ends that make up their debut, In Threes; it’s going to be released on March 6th via Upset the Rhythm and Maternal Voice.

Jangling Pop Number from Baseball Gregg

A bi-continental recording project, Baseball Gregg have quite a story to share with the world. But, more important, they’ve got some incredible songs out there too, particularly this brand new single. Sharp little guitar riffs jangle in, then go deeper in tone to bubble beneath the surface, always adding a certain swagger to the track. The vocals are soft and understated, holding the tune together like this melodic little bit of glue; I love the chorus when they seem to take off like a shooting star, coolly rising into the ether of the tune. Just spend a minute or two tapping your toes and bouncing around with this pop jangle.

Imp of Perverse Share Despair Puff

The great thing about living in any so called “music capital” is there’s still stuff you haven’t discovered, like Imp of Perverse. It’s the recording project of Sean Lochridge, who seems to have honed in on my love for really solid collage pop. He’s built layers of poppy little guitar riffs, buoyed by nice little textural synth touches that add some dense atmosphere to the track. The vocals are hidden, quiet in the mix, but it’s perfect in the way that it feels just like an added texture in the track, yet still stands out on its own. Happy to get turned onto this, and then hopefully get you hyped on it too!

More From Vola Tila

Having just been named to our very prestigious Top Songs of the year list, Swedes Vola Tila are back at it again today with this new single “All Alone”. When compared to their last hit, this one is much more of a ballad style which evolves into some truly beautiful moments. It could be labeled as early MGMT stuff or maybe even a more Tame Impala style slower jam, but it is of course their own style and sound. I think it’s a rather fantastic way to start your Monday.

New Pelvis Wrestley Tune + Single Release

Pelvis Wrestley have two things going for them: 1) an incredible band name 2) the music to back up said band name. They’ve got this great new single, “Susanna,” which they’ll be celebrating here in Austin over at Cheer Up Charlies (w/ Fanclub and Lord Friday the 13th). This new track revolves around a really heavy synth beat, propelling the song forward while Benjamin Violet hangs his pop sensibility along the vocals; I really love the rise and fall factor that coincides with the chorus on this one, particularly as it takes the song toward a soaring close. Come join the band tomorrow night at Cheer Ups if you’re in town, and keep an eye out, as rumor has it, there’s an EP on the way in 2020.

Dreamy Pop from Postcards

With a handful of releases under their belt, Lebanese outfit Postcards are readying a fresh new LP for 2020, offering us with this great single to tease the aforementioned album. The pacing is nice and drawn out, allowing the feathery vocals to sort of work their way into your ear with a nice emotive tug on the heartstrings. I love how the guitar seems to dance and move about behind the vocals, particularly when no vocals are present; you can even hear some more discordant notes cascading in the far far distance of the tune. If you like what you hear, the Good Solider will be out on January 3rd via T3 Records.


Top Songs of 2019

Phew, the end of the year really snuck up on me this time and it’s crazy to think we are moving on from the 2010s. Before we do so, Nathan and I of course want to share some of our favorite things from the year for those of you who care to hear our opinions. I am typically the songs guy and Nathan usually takes on the albums, so here it is, my favorites from this year. Hit the jump for my list and a Spotify playlist to take with you.

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