Girlatones Share Respond to Love

Opening a song with the chorus seems dangerous, unless you’re Girlatones; they’re a fearless pop outfit from Australia with loads of experience in writing hits. Their newest single jumps right in with this bouncing bop; you can’t listen to those first 15 seconds and not be in head over heels with this tune. The verses don’t let you down either, shimmering like some of the best power-pop you’re likely to hear this day, or ever. Oh, and just a little melodic left turn at the 1:10 minute? You didn’t see that coming did you! Horn if You’re Honky already has my favorite tune of the year, so add this to another reason we’ll be pumped for its release by Lost and Lonesome/Meritorio Records on March 20th.

Synth Pop from Hallows

It’s really interesting to hear what’s being accomplished in the electronic realm of things, like with the Seattle duo Hallows. I thought I had the song all figured out at first, bringing in this driving sparkling synth pop; it was like the sweeter little sister of Crystal Castles. But, then the song took a turn, switched vocalists, and catered to this dark, cavernous haunt, equally as enthralling, however. Things get even more exploratory in the last minute of the tune, bringing in both a little bit of the song’s natural pop tendencies mixed by the tune’s latter dangerous half. This track will appear on the group’s debut Subtle EP, out March 18th via Phage Tapes.

Mopac Share Final Single from Burn & Soothe EP

Mopac first caught our ear a few years back when the band released their Kayfabe LP back in 2017; they’ve been hard at work getting out and playing shows, and writing their new Burn & Soothe EP. One thing I really like about the tune below is the introduction of Christin Monts as one of the band’s driving forces; her vocal performance seems to push the band’s sound in a different direction than where they’ve been previously. It can maybe draw some similarities to Alvvays in the way the voice stretches the notes atop the mix, though the music still feels like its in the wheelhouse of the group. It’s a nice change of pace, and one that I think ultimately benefits the new EP…which is out this week!

Flat Worms Share Market Forces Single

Started off the day with a little bit of mellow tunes on my day, so its great that this Flat Worms tune popped into the inbox with news of their new record, Antartica. I love the fact that this song hits you right from the start, blasting through your speakers after 11 seconds of toying with your emotions. The vocals come in with this sort of disaffected stalking, circling about you as a slight guitar line cascades through the distance. Throughout the song they flex their chops, bringing in this sort of classic alternative guitar sound known for its punishment on your ear drums, perhaps due to the mixing work of Ty Segall and Steve Albini. Their new LP drops on God? Records on April 10th.

Moaning Share Fall in Love Video

Moaning‘s always sort of been on the periphery of my listening. I’ve thrown on a few songs here and there, seen them live, but never wholly invested myself in the group. This might be the single that changes that. It has these heavy synth-driven tones from the get-go, and that gives the song this sort of weightiness amidst the song’s pop structures. I was really sold, however, around the 2:20 mark; there’s this huge explosion of pop momentum that turns the song on its head; it might be one of my favorite moments in music this year; they then go and turn it on its edge with some more angular post-punk exploration. Their new LP, Uneasy Laughter, will be out on March 20th via Sub Pop…and yet another band today that will be playing at SXSW.

Announcing Gabe Hascall’s Thousands of Thorns

Not only do we get to write about music every day, but we also put out a bunch of records! Our next release on ATH Records is really personal, as I grew up listening to Gabe Hascall and his band the Impossbiles throughout my high school years. He’s been away from Austin for a minute, living in Portland, but he’s returned, and blessed us with this incredible LP, Thousands of Thorns. Those that were familiar with his band Slowreader will hear some similarities, but this feels more personal, more intimate. I’ve been waiting and waiting to get this record into your hands, and the time is near, as Thousands of Thorns will be out on April 10th.

Upbeat Tune From Catholic Action

Man it’s a busy time of year for me at the moment and it’s sometimes tough to find enough minutes in the day to post about music. It is easy though when one finds a song like this one called “Another Name for Loneliness” from Glasgow based pop group Catholic Action. For me, this one reminds me a bit of my old favorites Los Campesinos! with a stronger pop song structure similar to say a Shout Out Louds. Really it’s giving me good vibes and offering a sort of throwback feeling to a time when we were first kicking off this site.

This song appears on new album Celebrated by Strangers due out March 27th on Palo Santo Records.

New Ballad from Swampmeat Family Band

It’s strange to know that Swampmeat Family Band comes hails from the UK, as this song definitely sounds like it could have been made by any of my friends down here in Texas. Regardless of location, the song’s really strong in its craft; the guitar lines bend in all the right places, hanging out just to the left of the dial. There’s a familiarity in the vocals too, which should draw fans from all across the Americana genre; that entire really picks up as the song goes on too, building in some great vocal harmonizing that’s destined to hit its emotional mark in the listener. If you dig it, the band is making their way to SXSW this year, so come down and catch ’em.

Pop Rock Tune from Tonne

I love a good jam, but even more when it’s got some Austin lineage, like this Denver band, Tonne. It’s the work of Jay Tonne, who used to play down in our neck of the woods as part of Black Forest Fire. This single comes with the announcement of the Bridey Murphy EP, and while it’s still a very guitar driven sound, there’s a huge focus on the delivery of melody throughout this first listen. It’s got nods to college rock all over it, though approached with the warmth you might find in the likes of Nada Surf. Clearly you can be loud and charming all at once! The EP will drop on March 13th.

Stream Gabriel Bernini’s New LP, Sweeties

You might know Gabriel Bernini from his work in LuxDeluxe or as part of the Deer Tick team, but here, we’ve got a fresh listen to Gabe’s solo work, Sweeties! The entirety of the listen revolves around the balance between melody and rock n’ roll attitude. Take the lead single, “Caramel,” which employs some energetic riffage you’d find at the rock show, but it’s wrapped around this effortless melody that gives the song its cool. Bernini follows that up with the catchy rocker “White Room,” but skip ahead a few tracks and you find the secret joy of this record in “What You Want.” It’s a mellow number, really built entirely by the strength of the voice, with some light accompaniment via guitar and drums. It kind of sets you up for Side B of the LP, which to me, felt a little softer, but every bit as enjoyable; “Hold Up” was the charmer there for me. Sweeties is available this Friday via Dadstache Records!

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