That New Bright Eyes Song

I think every time I hear one of the new Bright Eyes song, I immediately try to rush through his catalogue in my brain to classify what era it seems to fit into best. This latest single seems like a clash between Digital Ash and Fever and Mirrors. It employs that sampled beat at the beginning, building in the nod to Digital Ash, but the vocal tones seem to have that fragility in its warble that made Conor’s voice so distinctive. Of course, the song is spun anew with excellent string arrangements, all for our benefit. I was on the fence, but the more I hear, the more I’m jumping back in that Bright Eyes pool. The new record will be out later this year via Dead Oceans.

Too Much Announce Club Emotion

In case you didn’t get hip to Too Much when they dropped their Patent Leather 7“, you’re going to be rewarded with an introduction to your new favorite dance duo! Consisting of Ian Svenonious and Rich Morel are brandishing an elevated style of club bangers. Morel crafts these pulsing beats that you’d likely hear at any number of dance clubs; the songs would be catchy and fun right there. But, not one to settle, Ian elevates the club sound with his spoken delivery; it kind of feels like Ian’s channeling a disco-ready Jarvis Cocker. The duo will release Club Emotion on Radical Elite on July 3rd.

Pop Filter Ready Debut Album

We heard news of Pop Filter on an all Aussie compilation from earlier this year, but we had no idea how quickly the band were ready to drop their debut LP. Those who recognize the familiar faces in the video probably won’t be shocked at how quickly (and amazingly) these songs seem to have come together. They’re all masters of casual pop stylings, allowing the chorus to include the whole band for this charming hook that you take with you when the song’s done playing through your speakers. Always endearing…their debut Banksia will be out on August 21st via Spunk/Bobo Integral/Osborne Again.

New Jangling Pop Tune from Royal Target

You don’t have do too much to get my ears to perk up, and this new single from Royal Target just jumped right in from the get go, tossing out that j-angular little guitar noodle before the song settled into its melody. Gentle little pop hooks dig into your ears and hold tight with the slightly affected vocal warmth; I think a real highlight comes in right near the 2 minute mark when you get the slightest little tonal shift. That helps switch the song’s mood more towards one of longing, kind of that wistful dream of what’s next…which I’m sure we can all relate to these days.

Catchy Number From Frank Ene

Though many of you likely don’t know the name Frank Ene, touring member of Fresh & Onlys, you are sure to know him soon. He’s recently been working on his debut solo album and has offered up this impressive new single “Flesh in a Womb”. For me, this is one of the most unique pieces of music I’ve heard in quite some time. Ene has taken this creatively constructed, repetitive, almost hip hop style beat and mixed in some swirling guitars to create something he should be proud to call all his own. It’s most definitely blurring the lines of defined genres.

The debut album by Frank Ene, No Longer, is out on July 10th via Empty Cellar Records.


The Arctic Flow Share New Single

The Arctic Flow have graced these fair pages on several occasions, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t toss them a mention now that they’ve got a fresh single out on the esteemed Sunday Records. In a sense, it reminds me a lot of the stuff that came out on the Tres Oui record last year, though this one definitely feels like Brian’s playing up the dream factor in song; there’s not atmospheric haze really, but the vocals feel list gasps of air floating through your speakers. Not quite sure if this means there’s a new record on the way, but you can’t really turn away from a great song on a Friday, can you?

New Stuff from Austin w/ Brother Sports + Sailor Poon

Just because its quarantine, it doesn’t mean folks aren’t working on great music all over the world, but let’s focus on what’s here at home on our end. First up is the newest tune from Brother Sports; we’ve been covering a bunch of their singles in 2020, and they do it again, with sort of slow burning pop tune, coated lyrics and nice backing melodies. I don’t think this track would be out of place on that new Strokes record at all.

After that, we’ve got the debut album from Sailor Poon. They’ve been regarded, deservingly so, as one of Austin’s can’t miss acts for the last several years, putting on phenomenal live shows and carrying an aura of indifference and brashness that puts many punk peers to shame. Finally we get Sailor Poon’s First Album, and its 13 can’t miss hits by one of the baddest bands in town.

The Honeydrips Share Sleep the Day Away

Sweden’s The Honeydrips have long been on my radar as purveyors of fine pop music, and with their latest Here Comes the Sun dropping on Friday, I wanted to give you a sweet dose of what you’re in for here. At times, the track takes on this beautifully seductive French pop vibe, kind of like a weird combination of jazzy crooning, with Leopoldine Charon offering spoken snippets to fill in the song’s space. But, while the song’s construction is pretty special all around, that little pop hook from Mikael comes in to offer up in that undeniable hook we all crave. It’s a track that combines cinematic constructs with sprinkles of trip-hop and pop sensibility…a musical journey well worth your time. Look for the rest of the record this Friday!

Tim Koh Shares Fall Into Your Dream

I remember the first time I saw Tim Koh on stage with Ariel Pink; he was this towering guitar wizard of hair that you couldn’t pull your eyes away from. He’s currently relocated to Europe, and now it seems he’s got his now solo album coming on the horizon courtesy of O’ Genesis Recordings. His creativity and musicianship is obvious in the song’s first minute, but then he settles into this propulsive vibe that seems to course through the song’s entirety. There’s a lyrical reference to his stomach ulcer, which resulted in emergency hospitalization while on tour in 2018, so perhaps this album’s been a long time coming. Whatever happens, a debut solo record from Tim is going to be something really special.

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