One More From Suburban Living

Look, Nathan and I have really been looking forward to this new Suburban Living album coming out next month, so much so, that it seems appropriate to share yet another new tune from the LP. This one, called “Dirt”, is a bit of a slow brooding, more synth heavy number when compared to some of the brighter, guitar driven sounds we’ve grown to love from the band. The brightness is still there, but maybe just a bit more subtle and further back in the mix. Needless to say, we think you should be picking up How to Be Human when it drops on August 28th via Egghunt Records.

Body Double Announce Milk Fed LP

As I listen to the debut single from Oakland’s Body Double I can’t help but feel this sense of anxiety; there’s something about Candace Lazarou’s steady vocal delivery that just makes me feel tense. It’s like there’s this power being harnessed, unsure if its meant to be released and shared by the whole world, but trust me, it is. Once you push through that tension, there’s this animalistic pulse pushing the song, almost hurriedly, accented by sharp guitar shuffling. There’s a little angelic tease too, hanging in around the 1 minute marl, luring you with pop sensibility. That furious guitar riffage around the 1:50 mark is what I live for, might even remind make a nostalgic nod, but you be the judge. The band will release Milk Fed via Zum Records on September 18th.

Tough Age Share Penny Current Suppression Ring

The new LP from Tough Age is going to be one hell of a ride, as cliche as that might sound. Sonically, it kind of bounces around all my favorite areas of post-punk, art rock, pigeonhole-core, what-have-you…but we’re all the better for it. On their latest single Penny once again takes the vocal lead, and her lyrics detail how important it would be to “get signed to Flying Nun,” though that might just be a metaphor for any band’s dreams to make it onto their favorite label and the trials and tribulations you must face to make it there…if you ever really do. The more I’m dissecting this song, does it not have like a mid-period Sonic Youth vibe going on in the guitar work? I mean, not that I mind that sound by any means…just a thought. Anyways, Which Way Am I? drops on August 7th via Mint Records.

Cibeles Shares New Single, Ave de Corral

Y’all know that in separate periods, both RayRay and I have lived in Costa Rica, right? And you know I love a good pop song with Spanish lyrics, and today, I give you both with this new tune from Cibeles. It’s one of those unassuming songs that kind of creeps under your skin, seeming to have this wayward meandering about it; if I were crafting the video I’d likely focus on one protagonist wandering about on solitude. The vocals wash against your soul, like waves tickling your feet near the ocean, toying with your soul; I love the backing notes that add texture after the two minute park too. Just a nice way to let your mind float off into Monday.

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