Chapter Music Release Midnight Meditations

The world is an absolute mess right now. Assuredly so. But, one good thing we’ve slowly started to see is the great music being crafted in this solitude. Today, for instance, our friends at Chapter Music have gathered 14 tracks for a new compilation titled Midnight Meditations; the goal is “to help listeners through long dark nights of the soul.” My first few runs through, and I’m drawn to the R. Edwards (of Dick Diver) track quite a bit. But, just as I say that, I get another run through of label founder Guy Blackman and his number is pretty striking too! I’d be remiss if I didn’t call out the special performance by Sarah Mary Chadwick too. Honestly, there isn’t a single song worthy skipping here. Feel like your soul needs musical accompaniment on its daily journal? Maybe it will find solace in these 14 songs.

Tough Age Share My Life’s a Joke & I’m Throwing it Away

Just a week ago, we got the news that Tough Age had a brand new record on the horizon, and not even a week later we get another single to make sure we don’t have to wait too long. This run you get Jarrett handling vocals, and his delivery very much feels in the vein of those acts bordering on the edge of C86; I feel like recent Boyracer tunes align well here. Musically, everything is jittery and bouncing, though just a hint rough around the edges; its the perfect scenario for a good rock n’ roll show where you’re frantically jumping about with all your mates, screaming at the top of your lungs. In short, this song makes you feel like you’re having the time of your life. Be sure to take part when Which Way Am I is released on August 7th via Mint Records.

Jackie Mendoza Shares Tune for Exitos Varios Comp

There’s so much to love about this post and song, so bare with me. For starters, this track appears on the forthcoming Exitos Varios Compilation…a compilation organized by the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers; the proceeds go to United We Dream, an organization that aids undocumented immigrants; as a human, let alone a Texan, this is an issue of great importance. Second, a few years ago I managed to grab Jackie Mendoza at the last minute on a very last minute SXSW show at Barracuda (RIP); she was just starting to make a name for herself on her solo work, and this one here feels really special. On the tune Mendoza says this”is a song about refusing to cave into the pressures of changing the ways I express myself as a Mexican-American musician.” Why would you want to when it sounds this fucking good? It’s like old-school trip-hop with a vibrancy that can only be expressed by a person straddling two distinctive cultures. Buy the Exitos Varios Comp tomorrow HERE.

The Illness Share Descending G Video

The Illness is a fairly new band to me, though I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that I was initially drawn to this tune because of the inclusion of Steve West (Pavement’s drummer). There sound seems familiar, though I can’t pinpoint precisely why I love it it so much. At times, there are some VU feels working in there, though you can also hear a touch of David Berman in the vocals. Still, it’s the little flourishes in the studio that really brought this track to life for me. It could be the ittle brass notes in the middle background, or maybe the way the guitar strum works into a more focused electric buzz; I think I even heard a faint bird chirp, which could just be a lost note popping its head out. It’s that sort of everything-and-the-kitchen-sink feel, yet still executed well enough to sound perfectly organic. Loving it, and if you do too, you’ll find it on the band’s new 12″ out July 10th via Sea Records.

Have Another Baybs Tune

A couple months ago, Nate Dog delighted us with a new song from San Francisco based up and comer Craig Jacobs and his project known as Baybs. Well now we celebrate the release of Jacobs’ new EP, Introvertigo, with the final single, and title track, from the the collection. For me, this one is all about the progression from the beginning of the song to just about 1 minute or so in as the track tacks this lovely turn, with full drums coming in, and leading us further into the depths of the song. This is a great EP if you’re looking for new music. It’s streamable and purchasable on bandcamp right now.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2685680115 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc artwork=none track=531970290]

ACL Cancels Until 2021

Looking back, no matter how upset we were, cancelling SXSW prevented a potential super spreader event. Now, because of the failed attempt at reopening, we have to continue waiting for life to resume normalcy as other countries start to allow venues and festivals to resume operations. ACL made the right decision. We’ll see you on the lawn next year.

Waves of Dread Share Foregone

For the most part, we’ve recognized Waves of Dread as this mysterious consortium crafting these noise filled gaze numbers; the sort you expect to ruin your eardrums in the live setting. But, with a new EP on the horizon, they’ve also begun to show their hand, and perhaps dip a toe or two into a more ethereal water. Not only is their latest single striking because of its brevity, it also has this billowing haunt to it, like a ghost from your past following you, your heart racing as you feel the hairs on your neck stand up…and then it fades out. I’m very interested to see how this all ties together when the group release II at the end of July.

Fear of Men Return with New Single

I was in love with Fear of Men; I was even fortunate enough to book them for our Welcome to the Jangle party a few years back. But, they’ve been relatively quiet for the past four years or so…until today. Today the band share their first new single in some time, and with it, we get a glimpse at a band expanding their sound. Sure, that saxophone will get the billing for “Favorite New Toy,” but I think some of the pulsing electronic notes really give this darker edge contrasted against the sparkling notes of singer Jess Weiss. It’s a powerful lyrical piece too, one that perhaps we’ve overlooked before; Weiss seems intent on reclaiming life on her terms, particularly if you listen to the line “I hope you see this/That I’m not going to break.” I missed this band. More to come…I hope.

Pop Filter Share Big Yellow Van

While Pop Filter might be a new incarnation, the band’s members have been writing songs together for quite some time. One of the core songwriters, and is Lachlan Denton, whose voice always feels like home to me, whether its in the song he penned below, his solo work or his various other projects (with Emma Russack for one). Little keyboard stabs flesh out the tune from the start, building in some ambiance while the drums right the ship and the Denton stretches his voice across so perfectly. I love the crisps notes of the guitar; you can almost hear the warmth of the strings as they vibrate sound. The outfit will release their debut Banksia in August of this year!

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