Anjimile Drops Baby No More

When I first heard “Maker,” I was super intrigued by this powerful new voice, which more or less sold me on Anjimile‘s music. Here he returns with a brand new track, drawing you in with these little nuanced changes you’ll need a careful ear to detect. For instance, we begin relaxed, mostly vocals over this nice little guitar line and the faintest beat; the full beat drops into play at 34 seconds, immediately encouraging your toes to tap and your head to bob in unison. That alone would have been enough to have me backing the latest single, but he’s not done; there’s an uplift in the tempo at 1:08, then this buzzing stab and sparkle that comes around the 1:32 mark…these little touches elevate the track beyond your average fare…all I ask is for just the faintest hint of creativity! Giver Taker will be out September 18th via Father Daughter Records.

Pleased to Meet You: The Best Around

The perks of this pandemic, so it seems, is that we’ve been given the gifts of great new music from all over, but its always great to meet a new band from here in Austin…as is the case with The Best Around. This trio actually was born during the pandemic, which is alluded to in the first single you’ll here from their new Margaret EP. I love the song’s brand of acoustic indie pop rock; you can hear the layers placed atop the strum, buoyed by huge horns (never a bad thing!). Still, those space-aged keyboard and the slight stretch of the vocal tones provide just the faintest hint of quirkiness to keep the tunes interesting. This Friday you can hear the entirety of the new Margaret EP.

Mint Field Share Delicadeza Video

The title of the new single from Mint Field translates to delicacy, and this video is a treat on many levels. For starters, director Santiago Arouesty has captured our lives; you’ve likely found yourself in the same position as the video’s protagonists as of late, drifting off into day after day of anxiety amidst this pandemic. While I appreciate the cinematic aspects, the angelic whispers from the band do more than enough to allow the song to permeate your being. It also vaguely reminds me of one of those biology films where the animal dies and in doing so gives birth to some sort of plant thus completing the cycle of life; seems like its filled with purity and pain all at once. Call me captivated. The group release Sentimiento Mundial on September 25th via Felte Records.

Helena Deland Announce Someone New

Having released the powerful “Lylz” in July, it was only a matter of time before we got news about Helena Deland‘s debut LP, Someone New. That day has come, and with it comes a fresh single for our listening pleasure. I love how the song begins with this fragility, with Deland sitting for a portrait, as her voice seems lost in solitude. It evolves into something slightly more ornate, her voice taking a slight sparkle as it intertwines with careful chords. Around the 1:36 mark, a steadying beat enters the fray, providing the slightest bit of movement to carry the song to a close. While penned around the concept of a romantic encounter, the song also hints at the greater picture of the album, one of circling back through self-identities only to return as “someone new.” The LP is out on October 16th (Pre-Order).

Straight Banger From Lo Tom

Just about three years ago I fell in love with the self-titled debut album by supergroup Lo Tom, which features David Bazan (Pedro the Lion), Trey Many (Velour 100), Jason Martin (Starflyer 59), and TW Walsh (Pedro the Lion/The Soft Drugs). That album offered us some of the heaviest moments of Control era Pedro with the added bonus of master beat guy Trey Many on percussion. During their time at home, the guys have made another album ready for distribution, but are asking for fans to donate towards the project via Kickstarter. Of course the album announcement comes with a new single to entice fans into giving, and it is yet another straight up banger from the growing supergroup. Check out the rocking “Start Payin'” below and consider donating to the manufacturing costs of LP2.


Gregor Announces Destiny

When I first put on Silver Drop a few years back, I was struck by this powerful new voice, simultaneously heavy and elegant; I’ve been a Gregor fan ever since. Today, a new album has been announced, and we’re teased with a track showcasing exactly what the project brings to the table. Musically, there’s a lush landscape, a realm crafted by deep percussive elements and a warm cloud of atmospheric wash. Enter the steadying voice of Gregor, tying it all together as guitar notes jangle around him; there’s this little moment around the 2:33 moment that really hit me, having this fragility as he pushes his voice, akin to Jarvis. Destiny will be out on November 13th via Chapter Music.

Brand New Track from Hovvdy

I have to applaud Charlie and Will as of late; they’ve updated their approach to songwriting (which wasn’t bad, mind you), taking some chances with their craft. So, here we have Hovvdy living their best in a guitar/drums free world, though there is a percussive loop employed to provide the song with a little depth. Still, this one’s more about the vocals, kind of letting the gravity of their lyrics sink into the listener. All the little nuances, like the overlapping vocals and slight ambient blossoms from beneath stay perfectly in the distance, knowing their place in the presentation of song. Still no word on a new LP, but definitely fun to watch these two explore their work.

Slow Burner from Loaver

It always amazes me which voices the “media” choose to pick up, as we often overlook the gems right beneath our feet. I won’t be overlooking Loaver, the new project from Linnea Hall of Kluster B. She’s just dropped this strong pop number, built predominantly on her voice atop an electronic piano. Around the 2 minute mark, her voice is lifted with the additional bump of percussion, giving the faintest little energetic twist to the track, allowing her voice to sparkle during the chorus as she hangs her notes on the wind. If you dig it, this track will appear on Fern, which drops via Rama Lama Records on October 30th.

Bouncing Track From Carpet People

Sometimes on Friday mornings I will find myself in a sort of throwback mode, looking for something which might evoke just a bit of nostalgia. Today this feeling is brought out by the new Swedish based outfit Carpet People and their new song called “Dead Souls”. For me, this one hits on a sort of bouncing, late 90s alternative sound similar to bands like Travis if they added in a bit more of a current guitar pop sound akin to a band like Girls. It gives off a fun and carefree vibe.

Carpet People will be releasing this track on a new album entitled Kiss Me, I’m Crisis sometime later this year.

New Tune from High Pines

When you name drop Felt, Serge Gainsbourg and the Fall in your influences, you better believe I’m going to have my eyes on your work…so here I am with this new tune from High Pines. In a way, it reminds me a lot of the Black Watch, utilizing this darkly tinged guitar lines that have just the faintest hint of a sparkle, like a glint off metal in the moonlight. Plus, I’m a sucker for sweeping string arrangements, which add a beautiful texture to this tune. And, in the vocals, you get this heaviness, almost like a pained beauty, if you will. Super digging this today; it appears on Between, a new LP dropping August 20th.

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