Nah Share Finger on the Map

Nah… have been on our minds since we first heard their Summer’s Falling EP in 2018, and while we’ve been waiting for a full LP, they’ve dropped in a single here and then to keep our eyes (and ears) on the prize. Their debut self-titled LP is a week or so away, so we’re happily sharing another single to encourage your purchase. For an indiepop band, they sure offered a nice twist on the opening here, giving us more of an almost classic rock chug bouncing back in forth in our speakers. When Sebastian enters with his curled croon, the song softens up a little bit, though there’s still some heavy-handed riffs hanging back there; I just loved the energy this song pushed forward from the start. All that said, the group does start to see-saw back towards the purely indiepop side of things around the 2 minute mark with Estella Rose poking her voice into the fray. Once there, the song bursts into this euphoric dream state of swirling melodies and squawking horns, riding the song to an emphatic close that’s both catchy and boisterous. Nah drops on September 23rd via Shelflife.

Gregor Shares Senseless

When listening through Destiny, the latest LP from Gregor, you’ll find that each song seems to take on a life of its own, like you’ll hear in “Senseless.” At first, it’s almost this sort of bewildering pop rock, buzzsaw guitars building a background wall while Gregor’s voice and synths rise to the song’s forefront. But, push the needle just a bit ahead to find that the song’s evolved into this collage of sounds that feel more traditional in their presentation, thought Gregor builds in various textures like violin and loops to sort of create this pop spiderweb that’s likely to catch any music aficionado. If you want to make pop weird again, be sure to order Destiny from Chapter Music; it drops on November 13th.

Catchy Pop Number from Tapeworms

I’m super in love with this new track from French gaze-pop band Tapeworms. Margot Magnieres helps get the song underway with this sort of sly croon, sliding right underneath the bounce of the keys and guitar; you think you’re lost in some magic pop realm, tapping your toes playfully. Suddenly, right at the 1:45 mark, the pedals get pushed down and you’re hit by this barrage of swelling noise that you can’t run from. All the while, Margot’s still there, still bringing you in with her voice. If you dig this style, you’re going to really enjoy listening to the band’s debut LP, Funtastic, out September 25th via Howlin Banana.

Stream Icarus Phoenix Self-Titled LP

Icarus Phoenix is the current project of Drew Danburry, and while I can’t guarantee that it will change your world, I’m honestly hoping that you give it that chance. The whole of this record requires time, requires you to let your body go, lose everything you have in the quiet notes trickling through your headphones. If you’re looking for musical comparisons, I’ve been sort of feeling that it’s this weird hybrid of Badly Drawn Boy and Elliott Smith; there are these quiet beautiful moments that reek of Smith homage, yet there’s this grand nature of composition that plays on the latter…so it’s like late-era Britpop draped in the coat of sad bastards, and it’s oh so beautiful. The LP is available digitally and on cassette from Telos Tapes.

Jumpei Kamiya Shares New Single

Japanese composer Jumpei Kamiya is undertaking an interesting album, not too far off from various projects that have bubbled to the top amid this global pandemic. He’s crafted an album worth of songs, allowing talented vocalists to write lyrics and sing on his tracks. The first single from the release features Yuga; you’re definitely going to want to stick around for the entirety. At first, it definitely has this sort of elegance, building this trance with Yuga’s voice. Just as the 1.5 minute mark strikes, the song quietly erupts, dropping in this slight atmosphere to sweep you up in the tune’s emotion. Just wanted to hit you with a striking tune first thing in the morning!

The Luxembourg Signal Announce The Long Now

If you get two great LPs under your belt, you may as well shoot for that third, right? That seems to be the feeling I’m getting with today’s announcement that The Luxembourg Signal will return this Fall with The Long Now. Our first listen has the band dropping in immediately, pounding rhythm pushes the pace as those dreamy crystalline guitars chug; there’s a moment where another guitar shoots in, exploding like some sort of pop music firework in the foreground. You wait almost a minute before the vocals come in, but the wait is worth it, providing a moment to let the song breathe. It all erupts once again, like an indiepop volcano spewing forth sublime pop sensibility through your speakers, covering you in its charm. This is the perfect single! The Long Now will drop on October 23rd via Shelflife/Spinout Nuggets.

Dusty Miller Drops Empathy EP

Our friends over at Solidarity Club Records have a pretty solid thing going on, and I’m really stoked on their latest release from Dusty Miller. All I had to hear was that chimes nod coming through, matched quickly by the light dreaminess of the guitars in “Misconstrued” to be on board; this song has some special vocal moments too, showing off the range from Eden Rivas. You probably won’t want to miss the band’s cover of Cocteau Twins’ “Bluebeard,” though neither of the aforementioned tracks does it for me quite like “Focus.” That guitar, muted and jangling all at once, with Rivas doing a little vocal dance across the tune really had me coming back for repeat listens. Empathy is out now!

Pleased to Meet You: Pressed Orchid

Let’s face it, you don’t get to listen to all the bands you should, so when a friend sends someone your way, you should always listen…that’s how I came across Richmond’s Pressed Orchid. Their musical style is this very subtle bedroom pop, but they build in these little textural notes that bubble to the top and elevate their sound, such as the saxophone or the chirping of birds present in the video below. Sarita’s vocals move between this ethereal realm and this angelic playfulness that rewards the listener time and time again. If you dig what you’re hearing, the duo will be releasing Velvet Confessional on via Brilliant Corners Records later this year.

Bee Bee Sea Share Day Ripper

I loved the first two Bee Bee Sea singles, so why would I turn my back on the Italian trio for their third one? This one’s got a bit of a sort of prog meets psych, mashed up with a nice bit of garage rock. It’s heavy and outlandish, perhaps that sort of fury and flare you’d expect at an Osees (however you spell it now) show. Perhaps one of my favorite bits is just the slightest hint of a pop nod leaking in sparingly, all before the band just ramps up the energy and rocks the tune out to a close. The band are set to release Day Ripper on October 9th via Wild Honey Records.

Shame Return with Alphabet

The year 2020 has been nothing short of a shit show, but it’s about to get a little bit better for all of you out there; Shame have returned with a brand new single, a hint at the shape of things to come. Songs of Praise alerted us to the band’s brand of rock n’ roll, with their live sets only furthering the ferocity of their recorded work. Since then, there have been tons of imitators, but nothing comes close to pulling this off. A thundering groove is established by the rhythm section, with a twang of discordant guitar notes ringing out, slowly, then with more pace. Charlie Steen’s vocals are emphatic and pointed at first, eventually fading into this scrawling note across the track as it pushes forward at a frenetic pace. There’s a glimmer of hope out there folks. Just a glimmer.

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