Sleeper & Snake Share Reach Out

Already a fan of Al and Amy’s other act Terry, I knew I’d likely enjoy their work in Sleeper & Snake…I just didn’t know how much. There’s this odd lo-fidelity nature to their latest single, yet it’s also so simple in nature…just going to show you don’t need to overdo it to create a tune for us to love. Instantly you’ll hear the acoustic strum meet up with this off-balance keyboard buzz, with Amy and Al singing atop one another, drowning out the buzz behind them. Breaks in the vocals allow for the keyboard to take a jaunt of its own liking, instilling a permanent pop sensibility. Their new LP Fresco Shed will be out on September 25th via Upset the Rhythm and Lulus Sonic Discs.

Sun June Sign with Run for Cover Records and Share Single

Austin’s Sun June probably need no introduction out there, but rest assured, they’re one of the best exports we’ve had in our fair city in a good bit. Today we get news that they’re signing on to work with Run for Cover Records (they’ll still work with Keeled Scales too!) for their next album, slated for release in 2021. They’ve made said announcement with a new single, and a video featuring their local ATX neighborhood. It’s hard not to be mesmerized by Colwell’s voice in this one, with this powerful softness that exudes confidence. Behind her, the band work on creating this delicate space, perfecting notes that hang in a Hill Country landscape. Simply put, this song feels like home. Look for more from the band as we try to escape 2020.

Pool Holograph Share Life by the Power Plant

In 2019 I threw a SXSW show together in 6 days, and dammit if I didn’t pull it off. One band I was really stoked to have grabbed was Pool Holograph; they played an incredible set that we raved about. Since then, they’ve had a few singles, but I’ve really been waiting for a new full-length to drop…and that news is out there now with Love Touched Time and Time Began to Sweat announced for an October release. This new single has the slow burn I love from the band, utilizing these chopping angular guitars knifing through a haze of feedback to create this sort of unhinged anxiety. The vocals, while melodic, almost feel pained, aching to find a home in your ears. Dig it you will; the record drops on October 2nd.

Bendrix Littleton Shares Final Single from Deep Dark South

Former Bent Denim member Bennett Littlejohn is giving us something really special with his project Bendrix Littleton; the latest single feels like it hits on a personal note, as I’m sure it will for so many out there. I first fell into the song because of its intimate nature, with vocals working softly atop ornate picking; you can also begin to pick up a slight atmospheric buzz in the distance from some keys. That buzz begins to bloom into something more organic and other-worldly at the 2.5 minute mark, kind of quietly rattling your speakers with various textures thrown atop one another. Walking away, I definitely know I’ll take the line “I can’t sit still anymore, don’t feel fulfilled;” feels like the last 6 months of all our lives…or maybe that’s just me. Really looking forward to Deep Dark South; it’s out on September 25th via NNA Tapes.

Smokescreens Share I Love Only You

I’ll be the first to admit, this new Smokescreens LP might be the gift I most needed this year, yet didn’t actually know it was on its way. Sure, throw in David Kilgour (the Clean) on production duties and you’ve already got my attention, but I’m just enamored with this latest single. Immediately, the song just builds on textures, guitar strum and a thin beat work in unison with a tinkering bit of keys, awaiting the vocals; that voice comes in a bit of a sort of devil-may-care, matter-of-fact manner, perfectly fitting the song’s vibe. All that said, I wasn’t head over heels until the swelling of backing vocals that began to brim just before the 1 minute mark; it’s a sublime pop moment that stuck with me when the song came to a close. A Strange Dream is out via Slumberland Records on October 30th.

Have Another Cut Worms Tune

In case you missed it somehow, Max Clarke has a giant new double album coming out on October 9th via his Cut Worms moniker. Several tunes have already been dropped from the upcoming LP, but I am finding myself particularly drawn to this new one called “Every Once in a While”. It features the always engaging, almost Buddy Holly style vocal delivery of Clarke along with an expertly crafted, and beautifully recorded singer/songwriter track. Clarke is an expert at toeing that line between true country and a more Americana, songwriter style.

The new Cut Worms double LP, Nobody Lives Here Anymore, is due out on October 9th via JagJaguwar.

Stream A New EP From Ground Loops

It’s likely you aren’t familiar with the name Ground Loops, but I suspect you are familiar with the work of TC Brownwell in such projects as Wild Pink and Dead Painters. Well Brownwell, normally “the bass player” decided to step out on his own and release an EP of synth heavy, driving pop music. Prior to the actual release date on Friday, we’ve been allowed to share the 4 song EP exclusively for you below. As you give this a listen, you’ll find some brooding, slow developing songs like opener “It Never Happened”, paired beautifully with the more bright, hopeful numbers like closer “I Don’t Think He Remembers” and second track “They Weren’t Made to Last”. For me, the songs have crafted this sort of Joy Division Dark sound with some of the poppier elements of The Smiths or The Cure during the brighter moments. Check it out now and also check out Ground Loops label Rue Defense.

Kindsight Share Debut Single

When I first pressed play on this debut single from Copenhagen’s Kindsight, I fully expected to be greeted with a particular brand of squalling shoegaze. But, to my surprise, the band almost immediately pull back from that heavy front, revealing this glimmering pop core that’s absolutely worth your time this morning. Nina’s voice is sparkling throughout, and she has that same natural joy that reminds me in a strange way of Nina Persson; it has this ability to bring pop sensibility to a somewhat dark sound…and I can always, always appreciate that from a singer. Not bad for a first single!

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