Floating Room Shares Freak Show

Maya Stoner is hitting all the right notes for me with her new set of songs for the Tired and True EP. I thought the choice to kind of have a brief lead-in set the song up perfectly for this single, not to mention that chorus has everything you need for a hit. It has this effortless swagger and cool, almost giving the song an uplifting bounce. As the track goes down Stoner doesn’t shy away from throwing a little heavy jam in there, all before bringing back the intoxicating chorus, this time featuring a little guitar solo. Floating Room will drop the new EP on October 30th.

Smokescreens Share Working Title

We’re getting to the home-stretch of 2020, and dammit if it hasn’t been a slog. Luckily, there some really shining moments hanging on the horizon, like A Strange Dream, the latest LP from Smokescreens. David Kilgour of The Clean produced the record, so its gotten a lot of buzz, but the album is so much more than that. On this single, the band sort of bounces back and forth with this sort of hard jangle sound, spun around these psychedelic gusts of melodic wind that breeze through the verses. I was already on board, but the euphoric choral moment around the 1:36 minute just warmed my heart enough to make it through a Texas winter. A Strange Dream will be released by Slumberland Records on October 30.

New-ish Music from Fred Thomas

We all know and adore Fred Thomas, right? He’s worked and played with everyone, but today let us focus on the announcement of a forthcoming B-Sides and Rarities titled Another Song About Riding the Bus, Collected Songs 2002-2020. This release is part of the new Selected Series, highlighting overlooked artists and their works. How do we listen to Fred and not just swoon? Maybe because I was super into Saturday Looks Good to Me, or maybe its just this refined pop sound, but I can’t ever seem to pull away here; its like a damned tractor beam pulling in me and my wallet. Never a bad day to celebrate Fred, so enjoy this number. Antiquated Future Records will release this collection on October 26th.


The Spits Return with VI

I’m always down to listen a new record from the Spits; it only seems fitting that they announce a new record during the month of October, as they’ve always had this sort of spooky element to their sound. Buzzing guitars drive the song, almost marching towards the track’s finished on the back of precision drumming. There’s this dense fuzz encircling this tune, building in that sort of suffocating feeling while the vocals howl from deep within the cavern of the song. Any day you get one new track from the Spits is a plus, but a second one can be heard hopping over HERE. VI will be out on October 30th!

Love Burns Shares Gate and the Ghost

Phil Sutton has played in some incredible bands, such as Pale Lights who we’ve covered countless times. But, his focus right now is on his solo project, Love Burns; there’s this great new 7″ he’s recorded with a bunch of heavy-hitting friends that will be released on October 23rd. When I first turned this on, I felt awed by how his voice seems to soar; it works perfectly in the song’s stark opening and still carries on when the track pushes forward with more layers. Speaking of said layers, there’s enough texture to create this thickened pop feeling, though with enough restraint to still make everything feel so airy. This is the perfect lesson in how to build a perfect pop song! The 7″ will be available on October 23rd via KUS!

Family Mart Share My Anarcha-Feminist Crush

Mike Lee (Fanclub, LUDGF) has been taking advantage of quarantine to flesh out some ideas I imagine were brewing long before we even met Family Mart, his latest project. On the latest single, things open up a little subdued, with a muted guitar ringing behind Lee’s softened voice and this elegant piano line…it’s an emotional set up for the listener. Moments later drums drop in a little bit more, adding a textured energy level to the song’s gentle pop approach. There’s even a little vocal support on this one from Lani Thomison, touching up the melodic notes that emanate from the tune. Welcome to the softer side of Family Mart!

Radical Kitten Share Shitty Questions

Really been enjoying listening to Silence is Violence, the forthcoming LP from France’s queer punk trio, Radical Kitten. Today they’re sharing “Shitty Questions” with us, and so we’re sharing it with you as you likely don’t have the band on your radar as of yet. They offer up this angular punk sound out of the gate, but they get a little more creative as the song pushes forward, blasting forth in explosive noise before letting the dust settle to wrap the song up. I love the call and response style of the vocals too, with both voices sort of balancing one another; its abrasive in the absolute best way possible. Look for Silence is Violence courtesy of the efforts by the following: Attila tralala Araki Records Domination Queer Records Gurdulu La Loutre par les cornes Mon Cul Cest du Tofu Retratando Voces Stonehenge Records Uppercat Records Hidden Bay Records AB Records Seitans Hell Bike Punks Tomaturj .

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