Dark Tea Announces Self Titled LP

It’s been a couple of years since the release of the Dark Tea‘s last LP, and now we’ve got news that a brand new self-titled effort is on its way this April. Amidst all my jangles and post-punk tendencies, I’m still drawn to the balladeers that encourage that sense of Americana longing. Gary Canino’s voice on this single just seems like he’s out there with hope on the horizon, giving himself up to the graces of the world. On the surface, it’s a great pop song, but if you want to dig in deeper, just listen for the all the careful arrangement work put into the background of this tune; it’s something that Gary put great care into when recording this latest LP, grabbing 20+ musicians to aid in fleshing out his songwriting. Damn, its hard to turn this song. Dark Tea will be out on April 30th via Fire Talk.

Michael Beach Announces Dream Violence

We’ve been covering Michael Beach for several years now, whether it be his solo work or his role in ATH faves Thigh Master, he’s always given us just the right rock dosage. Now we’ve got news from overseas that he’s going to be working with Goner Records for his new LP, Dream Violence (and Poision City in Australia). Honestly, my favorite thing are the two sides of Michael’s voice here. He starts off with this calming croon, something that seems to settle the rambunctious guitar work that opens the tune. But, just as soon as you’ve adjusted, guitars start to ring heavier and Beach takes on this primal howl that pushes everything to the very edge. Flare and discord marry and scuttle about in the midst of it all, creating this maniacal rocker burdened by its desire for pop sensibility. You can’t go wrong turning this one up real loud! The LP is out March 19th.

Walk Home Drunk Announce Time Flies EP

If French outfit Walk Home Drunk hasn’t been on your radar as of yet, you might want to change directions in your life. They’ve just shared this rad new tune that I can’t get enough of today, which is why I am hoping you’re in the same boat. It starts by layering the line “don’t think it’s getting much easier,” with slight little changes to the lyrics; the way it’s performed casts this magical spell that just held me, awestruck. Then guitars begin to twist and churn, almost nodding to the noodling emo guitar work of the late 90s, but then someone jumps on the pedal, bringing in these heavy riffs that echoed through my living room for a good 30 minutes afterwards. The Time Flies EP will be released by the esteemed Hidden Bay Records on February 12th!

Pansy Share Woman of Your Dreams

I’m really intrigued by Vivian McCall, both in regards to her recording project as Pansy, and her journey of transitioning, which is the thematic element that runs central to her debut LP. Musically, the song hits on all the soft spots of my heart; it has this simple beat looped in to give you a bit of a toe-tapping stomp, though it also seems to sort of bring in elements of classic rock n’ roll…the sort my mom played non-stop when I was a kid. Just imagine a really young Elvis hanging out and recording in a bedroom on a 4 track, and well, that’s what you get here…and you’ll love it! This record should be out at soon via Earth Libraries.

Nervous Twitch Drop Alright Lads Video

Feel like Nervous Twitch are taking me to task here, but their sound is so joyous that I don’t even mind that they seem to be mocking those rock show know-it-alls! Just listen, ask yourself if you know it all, then apologize and be better! As for the song, the band Leeds bunch just hammer away at this classic pop rock feel, somewhere between Elvis Costello and the Go-Gos, with hints of punk and classic girl-group pop swirling about your ears. It’s got just enough sugar to make you feel sweet, but an underlying bit of attitude (atop the band calling out those know-it-alls!) gives it just enough of an edge to make it a breezy jam you’ll want to spin at your next party! Give a listen! … Courtesy of Reckless Yes.

Breezy Track From Cool Ghouls

If you have some time on your hands and wanted to do a quick search for Cool Ghouls on our site, you’d immediately see we’ve had a serious fanfare for the San Francisco group over the years. Recently the band has been a bit quiet, but we were pumped to find out about an upcoming record entitled At George’s Zoo, due out March 12th on Empty Cellar/Melodic Records (UK). Prior to the album drop, Cool Ghouls were kind enough to share with us the lead single from the album “Helpless Circumstance” for your ever awaiting ears. I’m simply overjoyed to hear that old familiar psych/Americana rock sound from the band, but this time with a touch of a folk inspiration akin to CSNY or Fruit Bats. Welcome back friends!

Loulou Shares Positive Outlooks for the Apocalypse

This is the first I’m hearing of Brisbane’s Loulou, but dammit if I’m not totally in love with their sound (which coincidentally led me back to bop about to their It Spills Out EP. But, here they are with this new tune, and I was initially drawn towards Louis Wheelman’s vocals; they have this deep tonal quality, but this earnestness that seems to push its way through your speakers with each syllable. When bass player Caitlin joins in with backing vocals, she provides the perfect foil, completely juxtaposed with a soaring voice. Plus, they toss in these little delicate drops of dream pop, just because they knew I’d be a sucker for it, right?!

Stray Fossa Share How Come

Please file Stray Fossa‘s debut LP away in the category for “Nathan’s Most Anticipated in 2021.” It’s not hard to tell why I love this, as the track has this incredible rhythm bubbling beneath the shimmering shoegaze licks from the get go; it even take a nice bit building the tension in the first minute, seductively whisking you into the song. From there, the vocals have a nice soft edge to them too, letting the final syllables evaporate into the air. And, just as you have it all figured out, the back end has some solo flute work and a more emphatic vocal that puts the finishing touches on the tune. Their debut LP will be out in April courtesy of Nice Guy Records.


Giant Cats Share Knock on Koffins

I’ve got a real soft spot for Matt Williams and his project, Giant Cats. At times, its got this sort of silly, almost b-movie aesthetic. But, its also sort of locked up inside a nice little indiepop packaging, giving off these light little guitar licks that force you to kick your heels up as you jitter across your bedroom floor. How can you not listen to this tune and not get stuck inside the infectiousness? Turn it up, let yourself feel the freedom of really enjoyable pop that can carry you into the rest of your week!

Stella Research Committee Announce New LP

When I first turned on this single from Stella Research Committee, I’ll be super honest, I had no intention of writing about it. The first 30 seconds sounded like simple bedroom knob-work, which is fine, mind you, but just not entirely my cup of tea. But, I love to give a song the full listen, and just about the 40 second mark guitars started to ring out. Drums came in more forcefully too! Vocals get delivered in a very matter of fact manner, akin to those brilliant early Liars records. Suffice to say, by the 1 minute mark I couldn’t pull myself away from the tune; it was like wrestling an alligator, rolling me over, dragging me under the water, toying with my by giving me air, then taking me back down for a shattering close. Get weird with me folks. The band release A Proposed Method for Determining Sanding Fitness on March 2nd.

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