American Culture Announce For My Animals

It’s got to be tough to sit on an album for a minute, but in the case of American Culture, it led to a more finished product for their latest LP, For My Animals. The record was made pre-pandemic, but they chose to sit on it…leading to a path of creativity with the final product; it will feature screen printed covers, hand stamped labels, plus comes with buttons and a mini riso poster. It’s an art piece, not just your average record. Will you dig the music? Well, below you can sample the first single from the record. Each time I listen through I hear a bit of something new. At times, I thought I heard the howl of Iggy, all the way down to the tonal similarities (think “I Wanna Be Your Dog”), but there are some elements that felt like they were bringing in the Boss circa Born in the USA; then they added in some jangles and dreamy guitar lines, leaving you with this collection of indie rock twists and turns that are sure to entice. For My Animals is out on HHBTM on March 19th.

The Deathray Davies Share Oh Stars

It’s been nearly fifteen years since the Deathray Davies have dropped a new LP, but we’re now only a few short weeks away from the release of Time Well Wasted. Still, all the core members of the band have stayed plenty active, which suffice to say, keeps the band sounding as sharp as ever. They’ve built this song around some angular guitar riffs, and while those cut quick and hard, they’re also super fast, which works in direct contrast with the sort of melancholy of the vocals. Sort of feels like they’re churning out some classic post-punk vibes, only woven together with some ballad-like tendencies. Forgot how much I really enjoyed this band, so we’re stoked to see what’s in store when the LP drops on February 12th.

Sloping Shares Raft Single

I was a big fan of JJ Posway’s writing when he was part of Scooterbabe, but he’s now moved onto his new project Sloping. His songwriting chops are still intact, though these songs are meant to have a more organic feel to them; it’s very similar to what our own Gabe Hascall is doing. At times, the vocals sound like a whisper, struggling to get out into the world; the mix brings the strum down, lulling you into a hushed gentleness. It’s a really nice little ballad, definitely giving off this intimate bedroom listening experience, which is perfect for a day alone with just you and your headphones. Look for Completed Songs to drop on February 26th via Sound as Language.

Cool Sounds Share Crimson Mask

Big fan of everything that Cool Sounds have been working on the last few years, and with another single comes more Nathan support. This particular single feels a bit nostalgic; it’s got this sort of Kenny Loggins spirited vibe to it, bouncing and catchy, though also feeling rather homely. You can put that intimacy down to the musicianship here, as the group work beneath the front of the mix to build in ample layers of creative texture. There’s a really nice hook in at 1:05 via the vocals I couldn’t get enough of, and then the backside has this great little jam out illustrating the band is offering up more than nostalgic nods. Their new LP Bystander is out on February 12th via Osborne Again Music.

Oh Ok Gets The Complete Reissue Treatment

Oh-OK, NYC, 1983 (?) Laura Levine

It’s been a great year or two for the history of Athens’ music scene, with reissues for Pylon and Love Tractor; now we can add Oh Ok to the mix too…they’ve just announced a reissue of the Complete Reissue (the Complet-ist Reissue perhaps?!). The band is made up of Linda Hopper (Magnapop) and Lynda Stipe (yes, Michael’s sister), whilst also featuring Matthew Sweet at times in later line-ups. This short introduction should have you lacing up your shoes and readying your pogo-moves; the rhythm section matching every twist and turn of the vocals. Quick and catchy, you’ll find this tune on the LP when it drops on January 29th courtesy of HHBTM.

Tele Novella Share Paper Crown Video

As anticipation builds for the release of Merlynn Belle, Tele Novella share one final video/single to entice your ears before it drops. And no offense to Jason here, but this track is completely Natalie’s show; her vocals are right in the front of the mix, showing off this insane range. Steady pop notes rise to meet quivering high notes, then dropping right into the max in this incredible playful manner; there’s also an emphatic punch that’s set up in the chorus, riding along the gallop of the drums. While I’ve always enjoyed the work of the band, this whole LP is starting to really really special. Kill Rock Stars will drop it for us all on February 5th.

The Telescopes Ready Songs of Love and Revolution

What do you do when you’ve been at it for over 30 years, working away at the underbelly of rock n’ roll? Well, if you’re the Telescopes, you do what you know best, you keep pushing further and further; this is where we meet the band for their 12th LP, Songs of Love and Revolution. The tune below finds the band descending into the cavernous depths of Earth, dark and shadowy from start. As listeners go deeper into the song, echoes of jittering feedback reverberate through your skull, united with the grim throb of the rhythm section. Vocals almost feel like an afterthought, foreboding and haunted…seems like a warning. Excited to hear exactly what this group comes up with when the LP drops; it hits on February 5th via Tapete Records.

Nightshift Share Power Cut Video

If ever anything was going to save us from drab Mac Demarco cover bands, I hope to God that its Nightshift. They’re crafting this brilliant blend of post rock and pop music, almost creating this musical seance that hypnotizes as it pushes you forward. It very much begins by offering you this sort of no-wave meets indiepop groove, slinking about with this tribal rhythm and Eothen Stern’s vocals haunting the song like a mysterious ghost. As it moves, guitar lines seem to walk up and down this imaginary staircase, building layer upon layer, blanketing listener in this dense wash of pop sensibility. Plus, they’re not afraid to freakout a little, as you see in the song’s back half…all pointing to a band making up the rules as they go forward. If you want to get “off the grids” then you’ll want to be on board when the band drop Zoe on February 26th via Trouble in Mind.

Black Twig Return with Devils Please Be Gone

After a five year absence, Finnish outfit Black Twig return this year with a brand new LP, and we’ve got a sneak peek at what’s in store. While their early work had this heavy hand to it, I love how the group seem to have polished off the edges in favor of this darkened pop vibe; it almost reminds me of my faves The Black Watch. At times it feels gothic, but almost pastoral, perhaps tying into the band’s ‘secular gospel” theme on this particular song. Alas, you still get a heavy-hand as guitars dart towards the end, echoing and feeding back in this tailspin of squall. Both bright and dark, this song finds the band taking comfort in achieving a perfect balance. We expect great things when the group drop Was Not Looking for Magic on February 26th via Soliti.

Another New Tim Cohen Tune

I’m really surprised at how indifferent folks are to the new stuff from Tim Cohen, particularly considering how much everyone loves Fresh and Onlys. There’s a real steadiness to the verses on this tune, which you’d expect from Tim’s songwriting. But, I think the growth comes in that chorus; there’s this spirited pop bloom, emphasized by jagged guitar chords, horns and female accompaniment. Still, he kind of dwells in that mysticism mode, allowing the track to sort of brood then fade out in this hazy mantra that ends the tune succinctly. You Are Still Here is out on March 26th via Bobo Integral.

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