Chapter Music Reissues Tangled Shoelaces

There are very few things in life that are a sure bet, but one of those is that if Chapter Music has their hands in it, its probably going to be something worth your listen. And for me, I’ll be honest, I had no idea who Tangled Shoelaces were prior to Guy and company sending out their press release about the forthcoming Turn My Dial – M Squared Recordings and More 1981-1984 (that’s a mouthful!) LP. The collection gathers 22 songs from the limited recordings of the young Aussie outfit, enhanced and ready for your consumption. I mean, if you’re going off this track below; you can see the lineage between the various current acts, all the way up to the Goon Sax. That vocal delivery, that intertwining of male/female vocals; that damned energetic “ba ba ba ba;” this is a fucking necessity! It will be available on April 23rd.

Tape Deck Mountain Announces True Deceiver

It’s been a few years since we’ve heard anything pop up from the Tape Deck Mountain camp, but it looks like there’s a new album in store for us…along with a new line-up. As of right now, the band’s announcement of True Deceiver comes with two new tunes, both stretching beyond the 5 minute mark; this indicates that we’re in for some expansive musical journeys when the LP officially drops. On “Screen Savior” there’s this careful guitar sharply ringing in the background, but what drew me into the tune was it’s approach to offering up heavy beauty. “NOMO” feels like its letting us drift out to space, perhaps tethered to Earth by our headphones; it faintly reminds me of where the last Hum record hung out. This new record is slated for release on April 23rd.

Catenary Wires Announce New 7″

When we were fortunate enough to have Rob and Amelia of Catenary Wires take over our web site last year, they hipped us to all they were working on, be it Swansea Sound, Heavenly reissues, European Sun and…well, we knew there was fresh CW on the horizon. Today, they announce their Mirrorball 7″, and they do so in typical fashion sharing a whimsical pop tune to give your day some wings, some spirit (maybe its only me that needs that!). Electronic buzz and horns open up before the light guitar strum provides the stage for the back and forth melodic banter between Rob and Amelia. For me, having listened to the band, and their various projects, this one feels supremely mature, like a lesson in the joys of indiepop being given by its elder states-people; it just gives you this warmth, almost as if it can’t be pigeonholed as anything other than a really great song. This 7″ will be out via Shelflife/Skep Wax on April 16th…and includes a Human League cover! And just a hint, this tune is the first single off a forthcoming LP later in the year.

Another Ski Saigon Tune

A bit back I was hoping to point your attention towards Ski Saigon‘s debut LP, coming out in a wee bit via Too Good to Be True Records. Today, we get another glimpse at the London outfits sound, this time with a keyboard drenched pop approach. Guitars and vocals are buried beneath that electronic wash, almost drowning in the darkened sensation. Still, as much as the song can sound dense and cavernous, the vocals come out like whispers rising above a crowded city center, the words staying as faint signs of future promise. That future promise is surely the group’s debut, Ski Saigon Sees the Albatraoss, dropping on March 4th.

Stream the Debut LP from Quality Used Cars

When I first heard “To Wendy Love Steve,” I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure what to make of Quality Used Cars; Francis Tait has a rather distinctive voice, and I wasn’t sure whether I was on board for it or not. But, when that chorus dropped in, I was stunned, and couldn’t wait for more. Today, we get more as the Good Days/Bad Days is finally available to stream. These feel like the songs you want to accompany your favorite storyteller; the songs have great narratives, wound about these gentle little Americana elements sliding off into the sunny horizon. I’ll admit, it doesn’t have that immediate reward that makes for the thirsty hits of today, but dammit if its not rewarding if you just bathe in the joy of Tait’s songwriting. Grab the LP from Spoilsport Records.

Oh, Yes Shares Broken Arm No. 2

The longer you run a blog or whatever it is we’re doing here, the more friends you make along the way, like Jimmy of Lost Film. He reached out recently letting us know he’s started his own label, Relief Map Records. One of the first releases from the label is by Oh, Yes, and the latest single really warrants your ears, and hopefully turns you on to the band/label! For me, it honestly takes me back to the first time I heard Fevers and Mirrors; it sounded personal, but like I could record it on my own…but, then it ventured off into its own world, just like this tune does before the 1 minute mark; it’s what makes this tune special, what makes it more than that song you wrote in your bedroom. Crooked Wine Smile will be out on February 26th, so take a gander!

Pansy Release Anybody Help Me Single

I’m really high on what Vivian McCall is accomplishing with her Pansy work, particularly with the latest single bouncing about in my head all morning long. There’s this late 90s lo-fi rock to it, particularly in that guitar sound, like a fuzzily distorted guitar ringing out of tune. But, the vocals dominate with this sensational melody that has this pop familiarity to it; it creates this brand of pop music that’s entirely unforgettable…the sound that will hopefully get future generations into great lo fi pop tunes. She’ll drop her debut LP on April 2nd via Earth Libraries, and it looks to be rewarding us all!

Gracious Losers Announce Six Road Ends

While the opening moments of the new single from Gracious Losers begins with a foreboding guitar sliding and bending, don’t look to pigeonhole the track as some sort of everyday folk tune. Instead, Jonathan Lilley and his 9-piece super group develop the tune into a bit of a moody pop burner. It starts with the joining up of vocal duties with Amanda McKeown, drafting a new melody to glue the tune together. Moving forward, keys tinker in the background and those bending strings seem to swell and swing, almost exalting the vocal display. It’s a unique trick, allowing the song to sound both forlorn and uplifting; this is the kind of magic you can expect on Six Road Ends, the new LP dropping on March 25th via Last Night from Glasgow.

Dark Tea Share Deanna Video

With another self-titled Dark Tea album on the horizon, I’m putting my headphones on up loud and indulging in the musical journey that Gary Canino always seems to take us on. Luckily, the band are also doing it with a little nod to LA noir films, so you get both the visual journey and the musical journey. I totally love how this song walks this line between Malkmus and Woods, offering both nostalgic wordplay and present day musical tendencies, spooning with one another. This paints the picture of an album that’s begging for that complete immersion, so prepare yourself to get lost inside what’s in store; Dark Tea drops on April 30th via Fire Talk.

Farewell Horizontal Share Doesn’t Matter No One Cares

In case you haven’t checked in on Farewell Horizontal, you ought to scurry on over and give a listen to their latest record, An Argument with an Idiot. Pat and Lauren just keep churning out these little treats of guitar pop that will likely spin on repeat for the entirety of your day. The tune below is the perfect example; bobbing with hints of churning guitars, pulled under by the melodic undertow of the warm vocal delivery. It’s like this clash of the perfect musical titans, power-pop from Europe battling with the classic Oceanic guitar sound. Trust me on this one, you’re better off just turning it up and sitting back.

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