Pony Hunt Share Who Are You

As of late, I keep associating music with the moving pictures in my mind, and when it comes to the latest from Pony Hunt, I can’t help but visualize a scene where rain splatters upon windows, water descending in bullets as the song’s notes fall away. The whole tune is filled with this melancholic beauty, such that you’re just sitting there, awestruck, waiting to be crushed by the weight of this tune. Give in to the feeling, and you’ll likely find yourself rewarded ten-fold. The band’s new album, VAR!, will drop on July 23rd via Wing and Wing.

The Chairman Dances Share New Single

The Chairman Dances are one of those bands that you treasure, keeping to yourself, except, when you can’t, because you want everyone to enjoy. You’ll find this single on the forthcoming LP, the Strength of Your Arm, which comes out at the end of July. For me, this song flirts with branding itself as sort of an indiepop tune, though you could easily just file it under a mellow brand of exploratory indie rock. The vocals are feathery, with light jangling bits coursing through the tune; I’ll be honest, however, as I feel there’s some resemblance here to the early charms of Death Cab, with the group really working to build in some textural elements throughout.

Acid Dad Share Searchin’ Single

Acid Dad seem like one of those bands that truly benefited from the pandemic that wrecked the music industry in so many ways; they were able to craft their own studio (and guitars) to work on completion of their latest record, Take It From the Dead. Clearly, the band are still honing in on psychedelic vibes, which I don’t mind, but they seem to be operating a little bit in that cleaner arena where bands like Woods hang out. It’s like re-imagining classic rock vibes, which I think the band admittedly epitomizes, offering up the lyrical line “I’m still searchin’ for the sound.” Take It From the Dead is out July 16th via Greenway Records and Reverberation Appreciation Society.

Sungaze Share Storm Chaser Video

Still lurking over some of the great tunes I missed out upon while I was on vacation, and this track from Cincinnati’s Sungaze is high upon that list. The band, while living on the fringe of dream pop, seem to incorporate a bit of Midwestern sentimentality to their style; something about it feels like you’ve just sort of begun the long trek West, wondering in search of something meaningful. I love Ivory Snow’s heavy voice too, it adds this perfectly sleepy feel to the tune, giving it that dreamy quality ya’ll all know I love! The group is set to release This Dream on August 13th.

Bnny Share Ambulance Video

I have this weird feeling that Bnnywill be high upon folks talking points list when their debut record finally drops; I’m already holding them in high esteem. I love the nakedness of this tune, just the solitude of the presentation is really striking, to me anyways. Not sure which feels lonelier, the vocals of Jess or that guitar, but either feels like its just hanging in isolation, waiting for our discovery. There’s also this very slight tonal change around the 1:10 mark that really made this song stick out in my mind, so if you’re looking for little flourishes to charm, check that brief moment. Everything will be out on August 20th via Fire Talk.


Another Great Massage Tune

This Massage LP better not sell out before I get paid, though admittedly, it should definitely be on everyone’s radar. The latest single has this wistful vibe, something akin to a movie scene where the passenger stares longingly out a window hoping/praying for a better day than today…or at least that’s how I’m hearing it. Plus, the jangles and the synths give the song this wash that sounds incredibly similar to Another Sunny Day’s “You Should All Be Murdered,” and that is 100% reason alone to steam this song and tap your toes. I mean, how many great songs can this band write? We’re going to find out when Still Life drops on June 25th.

Florry Announce Big Fall

I have next to no idea about Florry, other than what I can read on the bandcamp liner notes. But, I trust the label she’s on, and I trust the sounds coming through my speakers. At times, the latest single from the forthcoming Big Fall has this slight sort of indifferent bedroom jangle, something that you might associate with old K Records vibes…you know catchy but dissonant in a way. Then, the song has these scurrying guitar lines that seem sort of bluesy, giving the song this natural expanse that you might not associate with a two minute pop song. Being new to Florry, I’m definitely excited to hear more. You can grab the LP on August 27th from 12XU.

What’s Cool in Australian Music, Today

Clearly I’m struggling to not write about all the songs and all the cool things, so why not turn three posts into one, you know, just to cut down on boring you with my mundane thoughts on people’s music. So, below, you’ve got streams to 2 great LPs and a new single.



Shrapnel – Alasitas

This record’s impossible to describe in the absolute best way possible, though I’ve tried to pigeon-hole the band’s sound in the past. Just imagine bits of indie pop, elements of experimentation, prog and psych, then swirled about like the colors on the album art. This is an LP worth self-immersion.

Quivers – Golden Doubt

They’re going to get Go-Betweens comparisons, based on the band’s line-up alone, and parts of that are unfair, but parts are definitely just. What’s just is that they’re writing the same style of timeless pop tunes you want to share with everyone you love. I’m stuck on “When It Breaks” at the moment.


Delivery – Brickwork

I’ve already written about the first single from the band’s forthcoming Yes We Do EP, so, feels like we should continue that support as they offer up another frantic bouncer, an energetic frolic in fast forward. Their new 7″ will drop at the end of the month via Spoilsport!

The Narrow Escapes Return with New Singles

The Narrow Escapes have been quiet for almost a decade, but they return today with some jams on new label Tenth Temple Records (its ATH adjacent). The project is led by Art Silva, who played in Rose Selavy, and he’s joined by members of Meryll and Tres Oui, so you know that the songs are going to be energetic and hook-laden. “Cruise Life” is a little bit like the title, a nice little sailing trip off into the sunset, cruising through the seas with a nice little smile upon your face. “Night Owls” is a definite jam, and one you’d expect with the members involved; it feels like a power pop anthem crafted in the latest corners of the night, propulsive but just hinting at darkness. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more about what’s coming from the band and label!

Space Daze Release Visible Spectrum

Before Space Daze, Danny Rowland played in Seapony; I was fortunate to book them for this great show at SXSW where they played with Twerps and Suckers next to a chicken coop. But, the last few years Danny’s really been focusing on his solo stuff, and while there are some sonic similarities to the work, he’s clearly making things his own on the new Visible Spectrum EP. I think you just need to listen to “Don’t Mind” to hear him breaking free of dreamier tendencies and going straight for the bouncing pop jugular! Honestly, I love the contrast of the guitar sound against the steady thump of the beat on this tune, all the while Danny sings just in the distance. But, to be honest, you’d be remiss if you skipped past any of these songs, so just be good to yourself and enjoy the EP below!

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