Alex Riegelman Shares I Don’t Know How to Care

As a member of Big Bill, you’d be forgiving for your misconceptions about Alex Riegelman‘s solo work, but with his latest single as a testament, it’s clear his musical touch goes far and wide. There’s definitely a playfulness in his vocal approach, and also perhaps in the song, which definitely ties back to the Big Bill lineage. But, at times he’s building these avant pop moments, akin to Of Montreal or Destroyer. Then the guitars jangle and the cymbal work comes fast, giving the song a little shimmy and a little set up that comes crashing in like an anthemic pop rock chorus that erupts for the audience. Be sure you’re all caught up on your required Alex Riegelman listening; he’s all over the place, in the best sort of way!

Bops of the Week: July 19 – 23

We gotta start off our week looking back at last week. We’ve got 19 great songs to enjoy on your end of things, including a tune from Quivers who shared with us a delicious pudding recipe, plus talked about their latest LP Golden Doubt. Some tunes from friends like Lachlan Denton, Geoffrey O’ Connor and Colourmusic popping up too, so you really can’t go wrong by just spending your morning withs one easy listening on a Monday. Click the link, and if you find something you love, go back and check out last week!

Philip Frobos Announces Debut

It’s always a joy when a band or songwriter changes your perception; I think I especially relish the unexpected, like when I put on this new tune from Philip Frobos. As one of the members of Omni, I figured I had his sound locked down, and while I was in the wheelhouse, he definitely has given me a sort of fresh approach. This track sort of harkens back to the earlier days of post-punk when bands kind of deconstructed the angst and energy, letting the chords speak for themselves. It’s being described as lounge-punk, and I get that, but I think in its purest sense, it’s sort of anti-punk, moving away from the generic structures in search of new presentation. Philip’s debut solo album Vague Enough to Satisfy will be out October 1st via Upset the Rhythm.

Rock n’ Recipes: Quivers

Earlier this year, Quivers released the most excellent Golden Doubt, receiving rave reviews all over the globe…not to mention ATH adoration. So, having followed the band, we reached out to songwriter Sam Nicholson to ask a few questions about the record and its release, and asked him to share a recipe with us. He’s obliged with some incredible answers, and a recipe for Golden Doubt Lemon Delicious Self-Saucing Pudding. Read on and find yourself a detailed recipe you can easily follow at home!

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Smile Share Hideout Single

It shouldn’t take you too long to realize why I’m pulling for Italian outfit Smile; I mean those furiously jangling guitar chords that open the song right up gripped me immediately. Interesting, instead of adding in the casual soft vocals that you’d expect to match up with the guitar work, the lyrical content here is much more spirited, akin to all the great college rock of yesteryear, perhaps due to the band’s love of REM and Husker Du. This track is the first new single since the band’s sold out The Name of the Band is Smile LP, which came out earlier this Spring via Subjangle.

Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton Announce New Album

Two of my favorite songwriters have teamed up once again! Emma Russack and Lachlan Denton (Pop Filter) have reunited for another record, which based on the first single, will likely be filled with charming pop numbers you’ll play time and time again. We open here with this jangling piano line, something akin to a classic rock feel with Lachlan narrating the storyline. Quickly, guitars begin to ring a bit more, there’s a swell and suddenly Emma joins in to lift the song’s spiritual connection. The song travels back to another verse/chorus before the rest of their friends join in the fun to “take solace” in the togetherness. They’ve titled the new record Something is Going to Change Tomorrow, Today. What Will You Do? What Will You Say, and its out on October 8th via the always reliable Bobo Integral/Spunk Records/Osborne Again.

Alexaone Share Electric Sickness

I’m sitting over here, fully expecting this Alexalone record to be absolutely huge, ready to cheer on a few folks I know involved in the project. For me, this feels like the track that could really hook people, as it has the immediacy that you mightn’t have found in the first few singles. Alex and Hannah combine their voices in an almost meditative state, matched by the steadiness of Sam’s drums and the guitar chords, strangely feeling like an incredibly unexpected homage to Sonic Youth. Of course, that wouldn’t be complete without the explosiveness, which you do get as a sort of semi-chorus of feuding noise. Please make Alexaloneworld huge; it’s out August 13th via Polyvinyl.

Straight Banger From Stuck

Looking for some short and sweet rock music to brighten up your day and get you ready for the weekend? Well, then you need look no further than this new single “City of Police” from Chicago quartet Stuck. It is most definitely a song inspired by the post-punk genre but offers a hell of a lot more intensity and passion in it’s 2 minutes than most things I am currently hearing on the scene. I think you’ll dig it as well.;

Stuck will release a new EP entitled Content That Makes You Feel Good on August 13th via Exploding in Sound Records. Pre-orders are live now.

XOR Share Final Single from Self-Titled Debut

XOR is the solo project of Secret Shame bassist Matthew, and next week he’ll be releasing his debut solo record. For the last single before the release, it seems he’s aiming to hit right at the heart with the catchiest tune on the release. At times, the warmth of his vocals lines up with the synth work he’s crafted, melodically seducing the listener with these synthesized harmonies. If you’ve been caught up in the work of Black Marble or Soviet, or hey, maybe you like the last few New Order records, then you’re going to find yourself pressing repeat on this tune for a long time to come. Look for XOR next Friday!

Harry the Nightgown Sign to Dangerbird

Harry the Nightgown is a new duo out of the Cali scene, featuring Sami Perez of Cherry Glazerr/the Shes and Spencer Hartling. I think the two play really well off each other, reminiscent of the Babies in that facet, sort of two contrasting voices that somehow seem to fit together like a  wonderful little puzzle. The duo employ some minimal beats/synths to build their sound, and it works well, with some spots leaving tons of empty space in the track for the beats to remain minimal so that Perez can let her voice sparkle. Now that they’ve signed with Dangerbird, time will tell where they head from here!

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