David Christian Drops Bubblegum Summer Beach Bash

David Christian‘s been one of my favorite songwriters for over 20 years now, at least since I grabbed my first Comet Gain LP. But, out of nowhere he’s released 12 pop ditties for you to enjoy as the Summer draws to a close; the album is titled Bubblegum Summer Beach Bash. There’s a lot to love here, particularly if you find yourself a fan of David’s other work; I’m personally drawn to “Song for Suburban Butterflies” as I go through my first few listens, but I have a feeling that will likely change as I listen on repeat…usually the case with Christian’s stuff. So go ahead and stream it!

Clear History Announce Debut 12″

Looking for something way left of the dial, then you’re going to want to put your headphones on and turn up this track from Berlin’s Clear History. They’ve crafted this buoyant bit of post-punk, fueled by wonky rhythms and these angular guitar chords that seem to sprawl all over the tune. You get the stationary vocal delivery here, as is the recent fashion, but you get it with a little call-and-response, adding an extra bit of hook-laden flare. I love the song’s end, as the band get frantic and fun, almost like they’re channeling the B-52s at their most spastic. If you dig it, the band are releasing Bad Advice Good People on November 5th via Upset the Rhythm.

Half Dream Share I Am My Own God

I’ve been championing Half Dream since last year’s Monster of Needing EP, and it seems like Paige Berry and company have outdone themselves on their latest single. In the opening two minutes, you get Berry angelically maneuvering her voice through this dreamy landscape, in part aided by the ambient craft of local legend Thor Harris; I love how there’s this natural solitude to these early moments, gradually birthing the song into our consciousness. Then the song strikes! Drums pound ominously, giving the song this heavy depth that seems perfectly suited for the powerful vocal portrayal we’re given. If you’re in Austin, you can celebrate the band’s new single at their show this evening at the Far Out Lounge.

Central Heat Exchange Share Almost to You

We’ve previously written about the group project Central Heat Exchange, featuring members of Varsity, Living Hour and Daphne Tunes…but I’ll be open here…this one gets a little close to home as the vocals come from our friend Santi of Daphne Tunes. I love the song’s construction, feeling like it’s brimming with textural heaviness, while still seemingly floating in nature due to Santi’s vocals here; he’s got this magical touch that seems to feather every note, providing this endless coziness. The video, whether intentional or not, seems to kind of capture the band’s spirit, though perhaps not capture the band. It’s a bunch of friends, playing and skating and doing their thing, much like the members of Central Heat Exchange accomplished in crafting this LP. The self-titled album is out on September 10th, courtesy of Sunroom/Citrus City/Birthday Cake Media.

Motorists Share New Vainglorious Single

I’m really hoping folks get captivated by the work of Motorists, as they seem to be building the components to a most excellent LP. Their second single has this song that feels like its stranded in musical territory, picking up psychedelic licks while also employing some circular jangles; the rhythm section keeps the song pushing forward too, bobbing all along. All that before I even mention how much I love Craig Fahner’s voice on this jam; he’s got this knack for throwing out a vocal hook that feels pop and punk at the same time, and I can’t help but swoon, especially when bassist Matt Learoyd adds some backing texture. They’ll be dropping their Surrounded LP on September 3rd via Bobo Integral/Debt Offensive/We Are Time.

Sonny & the Sunsets Share Palm Reader Video

I took one of those rarefied family vacations, heading to the beach this last week, so I wasn’t able to properly wrap up last week, where I most certainly would have shared the latest video from Sonny & the Sunsets. This is one of my favorite tracks on New Day with New Possibilities (which also dropped while I was tanning), hitting home because of the intermingling of sliding guitar lines and the sunny pop vibes that are always present in a Sonny Smith release; you might have heard a non-country version on Antenna to the Afterworld, so this gives you a different glance at Smith’s writing process of late. The new LP is out now via Rocks in Your Head Records.

Roaring New Single From On Video

East London based group On Video is a banging four piece who really made a name for themselves back in 2019 with their debut EP Clap Trap and extensive touring around the UK. Fast forwarding into 2021 and the band have released a few more singles with the latest, “He Is Me”, coming late in the day yesterday. If you are unfamiliar with the band, you’ll immediately love their explosive, raucous, and downright fun take on a sort of garage rock meets surf, meets punk style. Here’s to hoping to more from the band in the near future.


Slow Rosary Share Evangeline

As I listen to the latest single from Slow Rosary, I’m struck by the textural layers the band put into this track, letting it build and swell before you, blossoming like this striking pop flower. It opens with a heavy strum mixed with solemn vocals, beginning with a dark vibe, though the tones begin to lift as backing vocals swell, quickly joined by an oppositional guitar line and a jangling tambourine. But, that’s barely even scratching the surface, with horns furthering the textural vibe of this tune. And all this before you even get to the song’s latter half where a surprise lays in wait for you. Trust me, this is your jam of the day, though you might not know it. Look for the band to release Refinery on August 27th.

Curved Light Announces Spirit Echo

Five years in the making, it’s time for Austin’s Curved Light to release the debut LP, Spirit Echo. Our first listen shows Peter Tran coming to grips with the collective past, present and future, with loops and beats battling for supremacy, competing for relevance in the listener’s ear. At times, it might feel disconcerting, as if nothing’s distinct enough to really make its own rise to the top. But, then compile that with the visual imagery and poetic inclusion of the video, uniting all the sounds for a common goal…a push forward for Tran and his sound. Spirit Echo is out on October 1st via Gentle Reminder.

Cold Beat Share Mandelbrot Fall

I guess we’re super lucky today, getting news of a Dummy LP and another single from Cold Beat‘s new LP. On the latter end, you get the band performing atop this incredibly electronic hook; it definitely feels like a futuristic video game…not that I mind that at all. But, that’s merely the canvas for the song, as the band paint contrasting moods atop, sort of blossoming in this dreamy industrial fashion, dulling the bright beats beneath to create this, dare I say, cold beat. It’s also highly infectious, which should only further entice you to get your wallet out and preorder War Garden, out on September 17th via Like LTD.

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