Go Hawaii Share Coastal Single

Once you’ve delved into our reflective playlist, I wanted you to start your day with this Go Hawaii‘s latest single, “Coastal.” The band said they aimed to capture the simultaneous feel of “melancholy and bliss,” and I can certainly hear what they were after in this track. The vocals take on a solemn mood, serious and heavy, almost weighed down by the world. Standing in direct contrast is the energetic push of everything surrounding the vocals; you can’t tell me that bass line doesn’t get you out of your chair and into dancing mode with a big grin on your face. Maybe you too are stuck between two places; it is Monday, after all, so just turn it up and find solace in this jam.

Crystal Eyes Drop Don’t Turn Around Video

This Crystal Eyes tune’s been floating around for a few days, but it’s delightful feel totally has me circling back to listen again and again. The drum work is really the driving force of the tune, with the string elements pulsing and gyrating, though often muted in the mix. All of that allows for Erin Jenkins to offer these vocals that feel almost rushed, like she’s hurrying to run these lyrics through your ears. I love the 2 minute mark jet off into a more chaotic pop feel, tugging the song into this territory that feels nostalgic and timeless all at once. The band release The Sweetness Restored on April 22nd via Bobo Integral.

The Minders Release Psychedelic Backdrop

I wonder how one of the bands that sprang out of the early Elephant 6 era could completely miss my radar when they dropped a new release! I aim to rectify that by sharing the Minders newest release in streaming form below. As the title alludes, there’s tons of psychedelic nods throughout, though I’ll be frank, as the album feels a lot sunnier and poppy than you might be led to believe. For example, listen to “Let’s Go Driving!,” which feels like a reimagined Dead tune, spun with sunshine and hooks. Of course, there’s also the more sullen vibes you get on “Astoria,” though I’m a sucker for the buoyant hooks of “Magic Anorak.” If you’re looking for classic indie pop sounds, then dive into Psychedelic Backdrop.

SXSW Interviews: Babehoven

Hang on to your hats ladies and gents! If you thought we hit you last week, well then get ready for even more previews and interviews this week as we draw ever closer to SXSW week. Please tell me you’ve started to make a list of bands you need to see? Of course we will have you prepared either way so no worries. Today I am happy to share with you an interview from Hudson, NY based outfit Babehoven. Hit the jump for the full interview and some tunes.

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Papercuts Share Lodger Single

I feel like Jason Quever is that person at the cool kids party, sipping his drink in the corner and taking mental notes at the chaos that surrounds him; he’s not bothered by the madness, though seemingly content to play the narrator and not the protagonist. Every time I listen to his work in Papercuts, I feel like he’s watching us, building this cinematic musical landscape of the darkened corners of our lives; though when he’s there, he extracts the beauty in those hidden moments, breathing life into our mundane world with his own brand of psychedelic pop. He’ll be releasing the new album, Past Life Regression, on April 1st via Slumberland Records.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (2.21 – 2.25)

We hit it hard last week, mostly because we’re gearing up to see how this whole SXSW thing goes down. Plus, there were tons of new songs dropping everywhere. Two of my favorite Austin artists, Rad Gnar and Twain (he’s from Austin now dammit!) dropped new tracks, so that rules. Plus, the Jeanines dropped what might be the best pop song of the year, though the Stereogum comment section likely disagrees. We’re also including all the jams from artists we talked to that are heading our way for SXSW this year, so check tracks from the likes of Paul Jacobs, Phebe Starr, Teke Teke and more!

SXSW Interviews: Gus Englehorn

We are sort of winding down our week here with lots of new music coming your way and a slew of interviews on my end. It’s cold again out there folks so what better time to stay indoors and plan for SXSW in a couple of weeks? As always, we are here to help you make sense of the madness with our previews, interviews, and band spotlights. Today I am pleased to share with you my latest SXSW interview with Montreal based artist Gus Englehorn. Hit the jump for his interview and some tunes.

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Pleased to Meet You: Charley Horse

Our friend Kevin, who used to operate in Austin’s Allgood, reached out with his newest project Charley Horse, so we wanted to be sure we hipped you to the dreamy landscape that’s he working with now that he’s got a new band. As the album art would hint at, the group are playing with bit of tropical psychedelia, flirting with the genre’s pop boundaries, particularly on “Exercise.” When you get to the second of the tunes, “Weather,” it seems like the group are playing in a more relaxed groove, hitting the perfect notes when they get to that soaring chorus. Always nice when your friends write great tunes; we’ll keep you posted as we hear more from the new project.

Boy with Apple Share Linger On

While Sweden’s Boy with Apple work on their debut album, they’re spending the Spring months dropping little breadcrumbs so we can follow along. I love everything about this latest track, drenched in these heavy notes and cascading guitar notes glittering across the song’s backdrop. Theres’s something about the vocals that shimmers and reverberates in your ears as the rhythm section thumps; it leaves you with this blanketing melodiousness that soothes you as the darkness echoes behind. Really love the way the band is working things out, and I’m super excited to hear where they end of with this debut; the new single is out today courtesy of Varo Records.

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