Pete Astor Shares New Religion Video

About a month back, legendary Pete Astor (The Loft/The Weather Prophets) dropped a new record, Time on Earth, which received great praise from all over the indie sphere. Today, we’re here to share the video for “New Religion,” which is features footage of Astor, layered atop other video samples, with a mix of common objects. It brings to mind what Pete has said about the track, tossing out the line “we have all sorts of things to believe in…Johnny Thunders…Golden Dawn…I just sing about it;” it’s a sort of hodgepodge where we’re all actively seeking to find our footing in the world. Musically, you’ve got to stick around for the chorus, as it’s worth the price of entry alone. Astor’s heavy tones in the verse quickly spin into this more ethereal melody, churning out a hook that you’ll be humming throughout the day. Time on Earth is now available via Tapete Records.

Robert Forster Shares Tender Years

Our first glimpse into Robert Forster‘s new album was the heartbreaking “She’s a Fighter,” which detailed Forster’s wife current battle with cancer. On this new single, Robert takes on that personal level all over, yet in this instance, it feels like something that could aptly be applied to any listener’s life…it’s that timelessness that always draws me into Robert’s work. The video reveals Robert dancing and singing in his kitchen, and perhaps my favorite moment comes right after the 3 minute mark. Robert takes to soloing, and form there, the song ventures into familiar Forster territory, where you get to hear the past and present of his songwriting all collide into this beautifully warm pop track. I’m not going to lie here…this might be one of my favorite post-GB Forster tracks, period. The Candle and the Flame is out on February 3rd via Tapete Records.

Dress Warm Release A Cowboy on Ice EP

We’ve been keeping a close eye on Dress Warm over here, as the band are an upstart act from our home; they’ve just released their new EP, A Cowboy on Ice. The one song we hadn’t heard as of yet is the nicely strummed “Close,” which wraps up the four-song listen. It operates on a nice little bedroom beat and gentle strum, but then it bursts into life, albeit momentarily as the group pull back to really hit those warm indie rock notes that make guitar pop so enjoyable. I really appreciate the band maneuvering back and forth in this track, mixing up the pacing, allowing the song to really swell into something lasting. Here’s “Close,” but be sure to check out the whole EP.

Strawberry Fuzz Share Wasting My Time

Well, in case you needed a blast to get some energy to deal with your family, we suggest trying out Venice’s Strawberry Fuzz. While the sound hits heavy, mixing in various genres to grab all the fans they can, the band have a particular “no bullshit” policy in their craft. They’re out here just smashing through your speakers, detailing all the ways in which the singer Colby Rodgers manages to waste his time. As his voice peaks, it turns from bravado into a primal yell, pummeling your eardrums, just as the song’s done all the way through. If you’re digging, this is just part of a 3-song teaser via CandyShop, letting you know what’s on the way.

Stream Two New Tracks from the Ovens Reissue

While the world might not be entirely aware of Ovens and their history, the indie world surely knows of Tony Molina and his gifted songwriting. He released several great LPs via Slumberland and has since dropped a few more, but we’re here to talk about his earlier work in Ovens. The San Fan band are getting the reissue of their work via Tankcrimes, and there’s now two more tracks available from the collection. Honestly, you’d be best suited to jump to Bandcamp and play these songs in succession. They’re perfectly matched, “Good Idea” offering Tony’s softer side, teasing his craft of melody before jumping right into the ripper that is “Bad Day.” The Ovens collection drops on December 2nd.

Say Hello To Angel Twin

Well things are winding down around the ATH offices for the holiday break, but we’ve still got a few more tunes this week before shutting things down. Up today is a new tune, from a relatively new project, called “Ride” by way of Fort Worth upstart Angel Twin. It’s like they’ve taken some of the best parts of shoegaze and then melding it with super dreamy and bright elements of indie pop. This is going to be hitting all of my Holiday playlists for the weekend.

Swansea Sound Share Music Lover Single

A year ago to this very day, we here at ATH, in conjunction with Skep Wax and other friends, helped Swansea Sound get their debut LP out into the world. Well, today we’re here to share a brand new single from the band; it’s a straight pop rock ripper that’s taking the piss out of all those pocketing dollars on the backs of artists (and football players too). Hue’s rocking the lead vocals, but behind the chugging guitars you can hear Amelia offering up an added layer of sweetness…a surefire way to charm this listener. This track appears on the Music Lover EP, with a couple of added holiday tunes done up in Swansea style, all courtesy of Skep Wax!

Last Week’s Jams, Today (11.14 – 11.18)

It’s that time of year when songs begin to dry up for some reason, as we’re all just expected to put our lives on hold to gather some lists for you to browse. Still, we managed to get some new tunes out your way, hoping to keep your eyes on the prize. I loved the new Spice World tune, and was fortunate to be able to run a video premiere for the latest from Shaki Tavi. We’ll likely still have a handful of tunes for you this week, but will likely take a little break ourselves to kick it with our families.

Summer Flake Share One Less Thing Video

Today is looking an awful lot like it’s a dedicated Aussie Friday, which I’m totally okay with to be fair. So, we’ve got another new tune from Summer Flake, who tossed a single our way just before Halloween. This one has this old sort of Hope Sandoval vibe to it, with these layered vocal pieces that really create sort of the first wall of the band’s sound; it’s got this powerful weight, holding all the melody in one spot. In the second wall you’ll get these rolling drum hits, giving the track movement so as to coincide with the fiery guitar licks cutting through your speakers. This track is the title track from the new LP, One Less Thing, which will drop via Rice is Nice next February.

Spice World Share Useless Feeling

If you haven’t boarded the train to Spice World, might beg you to join, as the band seem set on releasing a pretty timeless record at the start of next year. There’s something in the vocals that brings about this striking familiarity, like a friend’s on your porch detailing their latest yarn. It provides this naturalness that’s been drawing me in like some sort of crazy pop tractor beam. Behind those vocals, you get a steady tapping of the feet, like bouncing a baby on your knee as guitar notes flirt with jangling. It all comes together perfectly when you hit that chorus, adding in the backing vocals to maximize the saccharine core that makes this group so endearing. There’s No I in Spice World drops to the world on January 20th via Tenth Court and Meritorio Records.

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