Nathan’s Top 50 Albums of 2022

Ok, so let’s be honest here. Top Albums doesn’t truly exist; I’m a part-time blogger, so I’m not really qualified to tell you what is the top album, and what isn’t. But, that being said, I do have 50 albums that I spent a lot of time with this year, and purchased about 90% of them; I can only buy so much on this teacher salary! So, my list is alphabetical, thus eliminating the rating system; I’ve tried to get the Bandcamp links so you can buy it from the bands or the labels, if you’re so inclined! Happy 2022 ya’ll!

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New DarkWave Single From Keep

Though I just ran my Top Songs of the year yesterday, new tracks continue to come in that might just alter my list a little bit. Richmond based group Keep certainly have a push for, at the very least, top song of the month with this new single called “Dasani Daydream.” I think a large part of my infatuation with this song today comes with hearing something that offers a unique sound and fresh vibes when we can otherwise be inundated with the same ‘ol same ‘ol stuff. It mixes this sort of darkwave goth sound from a band like Chastity with small hints of shoegaze brightness here and there. It’s rad.

Keep will release new album Happy in Here on February 3rd via Honey Suckle Sound. Pre-orders are live now.

Cosmopaark Unleash New Single

After blowing up with a couple of rad EPs, Bordeaux’s Cosmopaark are about to take it one step further by releasing their debut LP, And I Can’t Breathe Enough. Their latest single to tease you drops in almost immediately, delivering a punishing wall of screaming noise; I love that it still feels fairly lo-fi, and not overly produced to turn it into some sort of heavy-goth-wash. When the noise is halted, there’s a delectable melodic treat hanging in the verses, but they’re brief, so the explosive nature of the song erupts in your eardrums almost immediately after you take a long five count. This new album will hit on January 20th via Flippin’ Freaks and Howlin Banana Records.

Fine Release Love Death Dreams and the Sleep Between

Did you know there was a Boston in the UK? I reckon that makes sense since we stole most of the colonial establishments. But, it also happens to be the home of pop songwriting duo Fine, who’ve just dropped another 19 tracks of brilliant tunes, courtesy of the super fine folks over at Subjangle. There’s not a single track over 4 minutes so its easily consumed, so don’t be afraid of the daunting number of tunes; I kept going back to “Sleep,” as it has that gentle jangle and a rolling beat that kind of pushes the song’s pace a bit. It’s hard to really pigeonhole their sound, but I like to think of it as aged Death Cab/Belle and Sebastian fans opening up their Sarah Records collection for inspiration. Anyways, stream it below!

Dreams on Tape Share 1999 Single

Jake Benfant is still working on the finishing touches to Tomorrow’s Unknown, the new EP for his Dreams on Tape project, and with that, he’s given us another peek into what’s in store. This track feels a lot like its pulling from Julian Casablancas solo record, texturing these cavernous electronic pieces atop one another, letting the vocals hang heavily coated in the middle of it all. There’s this sort of heartbeat to the way the song pulses and moves up and down with those melodic vocals, giving the track this sort of dark pop lifeblood. Give it a listen while we wait on the new EP to finally get here!

RayRay’s Top Songs of 2022

Well the ATH crew is getting ready to shutdown for the season, but we’d be remiss to miss out on this whole year end list thing before closing up shop. As we’ve done in the past, I sort of took the lead on top songs of the year as I tend to be more of the playlist guy with Nate featuring more on the album side of things. So if you have any comments or hate to hate on, you can bring all that to this guy. After the jump I have an alphabetical list of all my 102 songs plus playlists for both you Apple Music (winner) AND Spotify (losers) users. Happy Year End 2022!

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ATH DJ Set & Holiday Movie Night @ Oddwood Brewing (12.14)

Hola friends and family of ATH fandom. We are closing down our events for 2022 with a DJ set at Oddwood Brewing on Wednesday evening and we’d love to see you there for one last jam session before we close out the year. We’ll be spinning our usual brand of randomness on the tables from 5 till around 8, or maybe 8:30ish, followed by a Holiday film screening of the classic flick Black Christmas at 9:30. I’ll also have a few boxes of records for sale and Nate will have some choice ATH Records LPs, 45s and tapes available at markdown Holiday prices. See ya there!

Here’s my most recent vinyl mix up over on Mixcloud if you need more motivation. Preview?

Packs Share Abalone Video

The last time I caught Packs was when they blew through Austin with Good Morning; we all shared the legendary Armadelo, though that footage sadly didn’t make it into the band’s new video. This track, a brand new single for Fire Talk/Royal Mountain, features the group’s knack for weaving these slow-burning riffs that snake through your speakers, with little background nuances sliding into the fray to bring in the full-band effect following their stripped down Woah EP. Definitely excited to see what’s in store for the group going forward, as they’ve clearly had a productive season, which sounds like its already paying dividends.

Dart Trees Share New Single

Ottawa outfit Dart Trees must be doing something extremely right, as the group recently got Hannah Judge of fanclubwallet to help out with the production on their new EP. You can hear how easily someone could slide into the band, as the vocal delivery alone radiates this sense of indifferent cool, detailing the struggles of an Ottawan resident, likely being blamed on mayor Jim Watson. In the instrumentation you have sort of a light bit of sort of bedroom punk; it’s got a heavy strum and thumping drum work, all of it allowing for the song to stride forward with a sense of haphazard hipness. We’ll keep you posted when more details from their EP arrive!

Another Stunner From Free Range

Friday was a bit of a whirlwind in the ATH offices so I missed this absolutely stunning new tune from Chicago based artist Free Range. The song, “Want to Know,” is the second piece of work from Free Range mastermind Sofia Jensen which shows a songwriting skill and knack for beautiful progressions comparable to some of the best in the genre. This song can break your heart and possibly mend it all in the span of four and a half minutes.

This new video and single comes as with an announcement of a debut album entitled Practice due out on February 17th via Mick Music.

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