The Legends Return with Loser

Johan Angergard’s a seasoned hitmaker, playing roles in Club 8 and Acid House Kings, but it’s his Legends project we’re hear to listen to right now…and it might be my personal favorite project of his. This latest single immediately grabs you with this snappy little snare bounce, giving your leg that uncontrollable need to go up and down with the beat. In the guitars you’ll find the driving rhythmic nature that makes a good pop song, though its careful to hide beneath the vocals, only popping up in between to display the musicianship. Vocals, as you expect from Johan, are drenched in sugar, with duties shared with Club 8 bandmate Karolina Komstedt. Can’t wait to hear a new LP!

Last Week’s Jams (1.30 – 2.3)

This whole 2023 thing has been quite a shit show from those at the ATH offices: forced server changes, loss of electricity, loss of Internet (still!), and we’re old! But, we keep pushing on, as there’s still plenty of great tunes for you to cover and enjoy. It was good to hear that our old pal Jana Horn has a new LP on the way; she’s been one of my favorite voices forever. I think my favorite jam of the week came from the latest single from Roller Derby…with a video that has lots of nods to Austin and their journey to SXSW last year. Plus, Elephant 6 added the Rishis to their roster, so be sure to give a listen. Label of the week clearly goes to Slumberland with more Frankie Rose and new Reds, Pinks and Purples. I aim to hopefully have more tunes up this week! But enjoy a quick journey through what we loved last week!

The Psychotic Monks Share Gamble and Dangle

Honestly, I don’t know too much about The Psychotic Monks, but when listening through to their new single “Gamble and Dangle,” I thought it was just enough outside of what I’ve been posting today, so felt fitting to kind of end there. In it’s crawling pace, the song maneuvers over a thumping, rolling drum, almost meditating on this sort of anti-pop style. At times, the vocals and the guitars flirt with noisy experimentation, ultimately weaving this tapestry of darkened post-pop that evades the trappings of modern indie rock. This tune appears on their new LP, Pink Colour Surgery, so I look forward to diving further into what the French outfit are constructing.

Dropkick Announce The Wireless Revolution

So glad to have a new Dropkick tune to warm us up a little bit today. The group, led by Andrew Taylor (also of Boys with Perpetual…) are masters of crisp pop songwriting, hanging out somewhere in the realm between jangle rock and power pop. Just like his other project, there’s nothing that blankets you in joy like the sound of Taylor’s voice; it’s got that fireside familiarity, allowing you to revel in the crisp riffs that ring out. Good old guitar pop doesn’t get any better than what this lot push out there; their new album the Wireless Revolution will be out this April.

Nothing Natural Announce NN EP

Well, seeing as I’m just getting through all my emails today, may as well stop with another track from the Bay Area…Nothing Natural. You might already be familiar with the band’s members, with us having covered their other projects like Parallel and Aluminum. This act, however, are hitting on these classic 90s guitar vibes, slowly letting the guitar notes light up in the track’s background while the vocals have this heavy indifference; it’s that perfect college rock vibe, best if listened to really loudly through your speakers as the echoing distortion let’s you know this more than just a slacker rock affair. Listen loud as the group hit that perfect balance between ballad and grungy riff work; NN EP will be out via Dandy Boy Records on March 3rd.

Hydrodate Share Early Reflections

I’ve come to realize that I’ve always been a bit of a pop fan, and as much as I’ve tried to deny that, it’s always come back to the fact that I can’t steer clear of hooks. That said, I’ve grown to love searching for those hooks in distorted realms, built on textured guitars and heavy atmospherics, much like the world Hydrodate have crafted on their latest single. For all intents and purposes, this is just a casual ballad, buoyed by dual vocals playing off one another. Still, the cavernous world the band create is filled with billowing guitar noise and begging for me to get lost in their little noisy fantasy world. I’m wiling to dive further in today, so you can join me by pressing play. Single released courtesy of Fire Talk/Open Tab.

The Reds Pinks and Purples Announce The Town That Cursed Your Name

It wouldn’t be a year in music without at least one release by Glenn Donaldson, so it’s good news that there’s already a new Reds, Pinks and Purples LP on the books for Slumberland Records. Honestly, I can’t imagine a better song to live through the shit-show that is Austin right now; there’s this comforting feel in Glenn’s voice, sort of what I imagine some celestial being encompassing, wherever I end up. According to Donaldson, the entirety of the new LP is based around “living while also feeling called to make music.” I’m definitely glad he’s had that calling, as my record collection wouldn’t sound nearly as moving if Glenn’s work wasn’t catalogued accordingly. The Town That Cursed Your Name is out in March via Slumberland Records.

Roller Derby Share Always On My Mind Video

If you recall last year’s SXSW recap, you might remember me harping on the work of Roller Derby. The young German outfit are in the midst of finishing up their debut LP, and with that, they’re teasing us with this incredible single. This tune is precisely why I love the act; they bring in this knack for huge choruses and boast powerful vocal work from Philine. Plus, you won’t ever hear me arguing with the jangling guitar work throughout; it’s the sort that gets you jumping about joyously, like the folks you’ll see in this video! Still, it would be easy for the band to circle back through verse/chorus/verse/chorus, but they don’t!. There’s this beautiful breakdown just after the two minute mark before the group dance right back into the hooks! Can’t wait to hear this band’s LP!

Don’t Sleep on SUEP + Stream Shop

Bands like Porridge Radio, Joanna Gruesome and the Tubs have gotten lots of press in the States, but I’ve been surprised by how many folks have slept on the SUEP stuff’ the band interestingly shares members with all the same acts, plus a few other thrown in to the mix. That said, I promise you, you can’t really pigeonhole what they’re working on. Their latest Shop EP feels like its got bits of ESG and Blondie and Talking Heads all butting heads with one another; I think my favorite is the darkened dub-ish number “Misery.” From track to track, they’re taking risks and never hanging in just one spot, so feel free to go on a journey with this lot. Their new Shop EP is available now via Memorials of Distinction.

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