Interbellum Share Brand New Single

In a couple of weeks, Lebanon’s Interbellum will release their latest LP, Our House is Very Beautiful at Night, and today, I’m really excited to share a new single from that record to get it on your radar. Here you’ll find the song working a slow synth push, carrying the listener on this wave of melodic euphoria. There’s something magical in the voice here, reminding me of a sort of dreamy Wayne Coyne or Jason Lytle, keeping the song’s vibe just left of the dial. I think Grandaddy’s a great comparison here, with the song sort of taking on this spacey brand of pop that I’ve got on repeat all day. Our House is Very Beautiful at Night is out on April 7th.

Wares Return with Graceless Video

I remember walking around my neighborhood with WaresSurvival on repeat; it was such an incredible listen, abrasive and gorgeous all at once, so it was a nice surprise to hear a new single slide into my inbox. Like that early album, the band carefully dance around bold drama via Cassia Hardy’s vocals, though there’s always this hint at danger lurking in the background…and it hits here just after the 2 minute mark. While that moment packs a big punch, it maybe still seems tinted with hope, tucking the pop sentimentality just beneath the surface. Hopefully this single means the band are back working on more new jams!

Transy Warhol Share Kaleidoscope

When booking our annual SOTO vs ATH party at Hotel Vegas, one of the bands I absolutely had to have on our line-up was Transy Warhol, who absolutely killed their set on the indoor stage. Around Austin, they’re known for their punk tendencies, which I adore, but this new single takes that staple sound and stretches it into something that seems quite a bit more bold and dramatic. It honestly feels like some of those early Cure pieces, when the band was clearly not ready to dive into the weirdness yet, holding onto punk structures whilst stretching it into these striking pop masterpieces. This is such a jam, you’ve got to press play right now! They’ll drop Control on April 28th.

Iffin Share New Single

Our good friend Joe turned me onto this new Iffin single, which in a way, reminds of the electronic period of Patrick Wolf…and everyone knows I loved that stuff. It’s an interesting take on modern bedroom pop, with these chords that cut in faintly, then fade into fuzz, only for this propulsive beat to jump in and steal the entire spotlight. The vocal tones are read too, bringing in this heaviness in the tones that’s disguised a bit in the mix, which throws back to 80s club bangers my sister would bring home. There’s an added single to go along with this, which bleeds over into that sort of heavy pop that folks like Peel Dream Magazine have been crafting in the last few years. Give a listen.

Kay Odyssey Share On the Breeze Video

Our friends in Kay Odyssey dropped this great jam last week, but unfortunately got buried down in those millions of SXSW emails. Thus, here I am to harp on how great the band is, and maybe shine a little light on their hits! For me, the key to this tune is just this steady blast from the percussion; it sets the song in motion, giving it this near march vibe, allowing the psychedelic tendencies of the guitars to swirl all around while still pushing the track forward. But, just because you can stomp about doesn’t mean that the there’s not some sweetness here, as the vocal seem to take a nod from the song’s title, floating into the track like a bit of a breeze that just sort of rides the wave of the tune. Always great to have this lot pump out solid tunes!

Donzii Release New Single from For the People Release

Florida group Donzii dropped a few EPs in the last years before the pandemic, and now that they’re back with a new record, Fishbowl, they’ve decided to toss those old EPs out to the world and throw in a few bonus tunes! Below you’ll get “For the People,” which feels like it lives in the land somewhere between ESG and Blondie, as there’s a definite hook-laden groove, though not entirely ready for that dancefloor. This feels like one of those late night tunes that helps you wind down the party, while still feeling really cool about your musical tastes! If you dig this jam, listen to the whole For the People release, with those two hits!

The High Water Marks Share Let’s Hang Out Forever

It seems crazy to me that the latest single from perennial ATH faves The High Water Marks started out as what the band called “a mellow pop tune…about finding what you love and doing it forever,” as the instant you click play, it will seem like anything other than mellow. You’re met with a quick drum roll and bending guitar notes tearing right through your speakers, but don’t fear, as the band quickly slide right back into the best brand of power pop you’re going to find today (and the next). Slight little pop jangles hang in the air, with the melody driving the song towards its enthusiastic choral chorus performed by the whole band. Every great single the band drop brings us closer to the release of their next album, Your Next Wolf, so keep your ears ready!

Freedom Fry Drop Brand New Track

We’re nearing the end of the week, and while we might almost be there, I need a little extra to get me over the edge, thus the need to boogie along with this new hit from Freedom Fry. The LA duo have this insane knack for fusing various styles and various decades into one playful tune after the other; this song’s got this disco-funk groove to it from the guitars, but it also employs a thick beat that could be upped in volume to really push your butt out on the dancefloor. The vocal spin near the 3 minute mark adds an extra layer of fun that guarantees you’ll want this bumping on your playlist as you ride towards Saturday.

SXSW 2023 – Wrap Up

Yet another SXSW Festival is behind us and the ATH team covered a whole lot of ground during our week of music and fun. You may have seen some of our collected thoughts via daily recaps or maybe you even read some of our interviews leading up to the festival. Either way, we’ve gathered everything we have and dropped it all into one huge post for you to peruse at your convenience. Top bands, tons of interviews, daily recaps, photos; you’ll find it all after the jump.

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Talking Flowers Sign with Rama Lama Records

When I want to know what is cool in Sweden, I look to labels like PNK SLM and Rama Lama Records. The latter just agreed to work with Malmo artist Talking Flowers, releasing a double single to celebrate the signing. The release is a great way to get introduced to the songwriter Astrid Lagerstedt; it’s got two sides to her songwriting, both which I’m definitely enjoying today. “Storytelling” is a smoky soul number with Astrid scrawling her vocals across this funky mix of electronic sounds and a rolling bit of drum work. “Bedroom Wall” is more of a songwriter’s piece, a light strum working with the power of voice; it’s something you’d likely find on Keeled Scales here in the States. Give it a listen, and let’s celebrate this beautiful partnership.

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