One Last Soft Walls Single

This last single from Soft Walls before the release of True Love has been out for a few days, but seeing as the record comes out tomorrow, I wanted to make sure I had it up on these web pages. Where “Waking” had this incredible energy that drove energy through the speakers, this tune flips that into a more introspective piece, working with a weighted vocal performance and a light bit of guitar strum. There’s a textural wash atop the tune that leaves you with this bit of musical residue that kind of clings to the inside of your ears as further layers are added by percussion to continue the swell of the track itself. Tomorrow, grab a copy of True Love.

Chapter Music Announce The Particles Reissue

The incredible humans from Chapter Music have been sharing incredible Australian music with us for years, and as of late, they’ve also been dipping into the past to make sure various acts don’t go unnoticed. First it was Whadya Want? and now they’ve got a reissue of 1980s Bubblegum, a compilation from the Particles, which has all the indiepop and punk nerds really excited. Their sound is a little tough to pigeonhole, particularly as they seem to embrace elements of everything that was great about the underground musical scenes of the late 70s/early 80s…there’s a little punk, a little pop, and a willingness to take those sounds beyond and make something entirely new. Interestingly, they could slide right into everything we love about indiepop today, pushing hooks and bounce with a sharpness you don’t get elsewhere. If this sounds like something you might like, the label will reissue the release on July 7th. There’s also a great promotional video you can find HERE!

Go By Ocean Share Should Have Known

Another day and another tune that really lifts the spirits, which is much needed after administering the STAAR Test here in Texas. This new Go By Ocean has a sunny horizon that the song swings towards when the verses drop; you can almost feel the hope over the hills waiting for you with open arms. That said, the song takes a look at addiction struggles through the perspective of the rearview mirror, looking back to see what was likely always there. Something about this track just makes me want to put my arm around a friend and swing to and fro, so felt like that was a good way to slide into Thursday morning. This June (6.2) the group will drop Can I Communicate with the Unknown.

Dreams on Tape Drop Tomorrow’s Unknown EP

I have been really enjoying the craft of Dreams on Tape over the last year or so, with singles slowly trickling out across the Internet. Today, Jake Benfant’s recording project drop their latest, Tomorrow’s Unknown EP, with the title track running below. When I first heard it, I really loved the wash over the vocals; the coating has this thickness that reminds me of Blank Dogs, yet doesn’t lose any of the melodic cornerstones. Musically, you can certainly hear the drenched electronics circling back and looking at the pop of the 80s, mixing the darkness with little blips of pop; it kind of reminds me of some of those bangers on the last Strokes record. Give it a listen.

Johanna Heilman Announces When We Were Electric: Shares Title Track

Really getting lost in the moment these days, and when I hit play on Johanna Heilman‘s new single, it didn’t take long to get there. All of the guitar tones have this sort of lonesome dreaminess, like your watching your soul leave your body as the the notes trickle quietly through your speakers. Johanna’s voice has it’s own sparkle, feeling both fragile and seeping; it’s message about being weary of nostalgia tends to provide further depth as the notes seem to crest and fall at your feet. Another mesmerizing single from an Austin artist this week; look for When We Were Electric on June 30th.

Dragnet Rip Through with M-99

Not too long ago we brought you the album announcement from Dragnet, a riotous outfit from Melbourne. Today, they’re dropping another pummeling bit of punch punk rock, but this time their unraveling a story of danger and perhaps murder? I mean, the whole tune is about the drug M-99, the drug utilized by the anti-hero Dexter; the lyrics “too late/its in your system/you’re on the table/and I’m bringing down my knife” pretty much confirm my suspicions. Still, the band easily disguise the sinister lyrics with this punchy bit of punk that begs for high volume and repeat listens! If you’re on board with me, then grab the Accession from Spoilsport Records.

Lifeguard Announce New Release; Share 17-18 Lovesong

If you were anywhere near SXSW this past year, you were likely turned onto Lifeguard; they were one of our favorite acts of the festival, dropping these mature performances that went beyond their age. They’ve just announced their first release for Matador Records, which is a combination of an old EP and a fresh one to get you excited for their future. Listening through, it sort of reminds me of At the Drive-In during the Vaya EP; they’ve got this masterful balance between hypnotic pulses and artful noise; you’re being pulled and pushed while the lyrics seem to echo more of a mantra than a typical mantra. Look for everyone to rave about this trio; they drop Crowd Can Talk/Dressed in Trenches on July 7th.

Rob I. Miller Shares New Single from Companion Piece

Having recently rocked a lot of socks off with Blues Lawyer, Rob I. Miller doesn’t seem to have dropped any of those hooks with his latest single. I know I’m one small voice, but the way the track was recorded reminds me a lot of that pop created by acts like the Lucksmiths, bringing in these crisp guitars from the jangling realm, heating them over a nice bit of melody and just letting the hooks loose. You can also feel this natural swing in the tune, where it drops a bit of the speed, only to sweep you right back up with these quick drum rolls to punctuate the vocals. Charms galore if you ask me; Companion Piece will be out via Vacant Stare Records on May 12th.

Girl Scout Share Monster Video

When we caught up with some of our friends from Sweden during SXSW, they all joined us and we headed over to catch the first set of the festival by Girl Scout; the band smashed it, and we all were bobbing our heads to the huge hooks. Listening to their latest single, you can hear similarities to bands like the Beths, bridging pop rock and bedroom pop to build these huge “monster” jams that are perfect for singalongs. There’s still this wicked tenacity that shines through, letting us know that just because you can hear the hook, doesn’t mean you can’t rock it out really really loud. Turn this up as we all await the band’s forthcoming EP, slated for release in the Fall!

Elephant Stone Share New Music: Dawn, Day, Dusk

There has always been something in the work of Elephant Stone that seemed to move beyond the traditional psychedelic territory; they seemed to take the standard staples and build upon them to create something wholly new. This is precisely where we find them with their new release, Dawn, Day, Dusk; it’s a brief release, highlighted by a 7 minute tune that is inspired by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy; the song also incorporates classical Indian music, supporting my idea that the band have always been so much more than just your run of the mill psych act. The track has a journey too, moving between spacey stomps and effortless bits of classical pop charms and then those bits of Indian music, all of it feeling like storytelling in musical form. Give it a go!

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