Mo Troper Covers Jon Brion + Announces Toper Sings Brion

It’s likely that you’ve heard Jon Brion‘s work, even if perhaps you weren’t aware. It’s more likely that you’ve heard Mo Troper‘s work, particularly if you’ve hung around on our site for a minute or three. Good news, Mo Troper is covering Jon, but he’s dedicating an album’s worth of material to tracks Brion never officially released, or at least in terms of a collection of tunes, such as 2001’s Meaningless. Interestingly, Troper’s version, like his own latest opus, plays high upon the pop heartstrings; I love the way he’s polished his voice into something distinctive and sugary. There’s a mid-tune guitar noodling, tying the work of Brion and Troper together. Whether you’re listening to this as a fresh Mo Troper bit, or from the Jon Brion aficionado, you’re going to be instantly rewarded. Toper Sings Brion will be out next Friday via Lame-O Records.

Welcome Strawberry Share New Single

When Welcome Strawberry sprang onto the scene last year, they were blasting us with the perfect balance between noisy bits and tasty melodic morsels. They’ve got a new Scared to Look EP coming out Friday, and for this tune below, they’ve mostly pulled the noise away to reveal a warm blankety of meditative melody. The entirety of this track falls in love with this dreamy guitar line that works over a thump that’s merely meant to keep the pace. Sprinkles of ambience shimmer in the far off distance, but they always seem intent upon staying out of the way of the vocals, so the song’s more pop-centric. New EP is out Friday via Cherub Dream Records.

Last Week’s Jams (11.6 – 11.10)

It may not have been a week covered in big names, but there were tons of ridiculously quality tunes dropped this last week. We had tons of ATX stuff, from Daily Worker to Wet Dip to S.L. Houser to Voxtrot, so we were all over that. I fell in love with Dumb Things, which is the Aussie outfit opening up this week’s playlist. But, it’s probably a toss up for me whether the new track from The Witching Waves got more plays than that new Weakened Friends. A ripper of a week with some new names we hadn’t come across before like Amelia Coburn, so give the whole mix a Monday morning spin.

New Austin Music: Wet Dip, Voxtrot, Resound + SL Houser

Seeing as we’re all living in Austin, somehow, we always have to try and hold up our end of the scene by throwing our weight behind what we love. So, seeing as it’s Friday, there’s a few new releases to get on your radar.

Wet DipSmell of Money – A record filled with twists and turns and odd little moves of frantic punk sounds. A ripper of a record best listened to loud!

S.L. HouserHibiscus EP – We’ve long been fans of Sara Houser’s songwriting, so we’re excited to see where her career goes now that she’s focused on her solo stuff. Release show at Mohawk tomorrow!

VoxtrotNew World Romance – What? Like we’re not going to let you listen to new Voxtrot? They continue to dive into a darker pop realm, and Ramesh’s voice continues to sparkle.

Resound Presents: A Very Homie Holiday – A charity compilation featuring a ton of local acts lending their songs to raise money for Free Lunch ATX. New music each week, until it drops! New Being Dead tune below!

Dumb Things Give You Self Help

I knew almost instantly that I was going to love this track from Dumb Things; the song opens with that forlorn, wistful Aussie twang, sort of weary yet filled with hope on the horizon. Then, the vocals jumped into the picture, working somewhere between Malkmus and Pete Yorn, with faint hints of backing vocals twisting the pop knife deep into your soul. All of a sudden the track drops into the chorus, throwing some sick harmonica at me, and you’re tapping your toes to this spritely track built on the back of broken spirits. This was a really unexpected hit to come my way, and I’m looking forward to their new record, Self Help; we’ll have more on that later!

That New Weakened Friends Single

Yesterday, I mentioned in passing booking a rad show with Rosie Tucker amongst others; well, one of those others was my favorite pop rockers, Weakened Friends. The trio unleashed a new track yesterday, their first since the vastly underrated Quitter dropped a few years back. This song churns out relatable lyrical content, filled with hope and self-doubt simultaneously, particularly relating to a new romantic relationship. And, if you’re looking for a good pop rock chorus, you know that Sonia Sturino’s going to deliver it with a huge wallop and a hook, just as you get here. Love to have them back, and hoping there’s a new LP on the horizon. Don Giovanni helped get this tune out there!

Canalss Share Manateez

When I was younger, most of my friends were super into grunge, but that’s where my dads taste got me into Townes and Nick Drake, then my record store of choice turned me onto Elliott Smith; I just naturally gravitated towards singer-songwriters that embraced this sort of solitude. All this to say, Canalss reminds me a lot of that, albeit with a slightly more modern take, akin to early Coma Cinema stuff or Peter and the Wolf. It feels like it was made at home for home listening; you get the intimacy, but there’s this faint hint at absurdity in the lyrics, which personally makes it all the more endearing. This tune is brought to you by the kind folks at Zerowell Records.

Outer World Announce Who Does the Music Love

If you were going to put out a record that sounded equal parts late 90s DC scene and the entirety of the Stereolab catalogue, then you’re going to get what Outer World‘s new single is all about. There’s a rolling wave of psychedelic keys that run in and out of the tune, twirling and swirling about as Tracy Wilson’s vocals do their best to stab their way through the speakers. Vocal notes have this sharpness, matched by this knife-like guitar line, both cutting through the murky melody running underground. Wilson and her partner Kenneth Close have created this amalgam of sounds from their own record collection, and if this is our first taste, you know this will rip! Who Does the Music Love is out on March via HHBTM!

New Single And EP From Free Range

Chicago based musician Sofia Jensen, who records under the moniker Free Range, has very quickly become one of my favorite new songwriters and composers over the last year. The construction of each song seems so effortless with complicated structures, poetic lyrics, and tons of emotional crescendos throughout. If you haven’t checked out Practice from earlier this year, well I suggest you do that before going any further. Once you’re done there, come on back and check out this new single called “The Moon” from the recently recorded, and soon to be released Loft Sessions EP. The EP features this beauty along with 2 re-recorded tunes from Practice and three other brand new tracks, all recorded in Jeff Tweedy’s famous Chicago recording studio The Loft. You can pre-save the EP now ahead of the release date on November 17th.

SWIIMS Share In Puzzles Video, Drop New LP

Today, Canadian act SWIIMS drop their newest LP, Into the Blue Night, and thus, we’ve got to dive into the band’s fresh single encouraging you to get a little taste of what’s in store. I loved the way this one opened up with these atmospheric flourishes, sort of carefully treading on post-rock. But, then guitars cut through the speakers and the drums hit hard, giving way to a churning bit of indie pop. Mai Diaz Langou has the dreamy take down, though I’m mostly intrigued by the way she lets her voice clime notes and climb back down in the chorus moment; it creates this tension that allows the track’s emotional pull to really shoot off. If you dig it, be sure to check out the LP, courtesy of Mint 400 Records.

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