Six Organs of Admittance Shares Summer’s Last Rays

If you listened to “The Mission,” you’re not going to get anything like it with the new single from Time is Glass, the new LP from Six Organs of Admittance. This new single is all about craftsmanship, it’s as if the guitar playing is done as an exercise in artistry, a need for life to spring from the strings. It builds slowly, with a faint sense of danger in the tones of the strings, moving forward for nearly two minutes. As guitar lines overlap, other textures begin to unfold, heightening that sense of unease that ebbed beneath the surface; it grows and grows until the end, where it just drops out, letting both the listener and Ben Chasny take a rest. Time is Glass hits on April 26th via Drag City.

Last Week’s Jams (2.19 – 2.23)

With a holiday squeezed in, and some craziness on my own end, we maybe didn’t cover as much as I ideally would have liked to cover. Nonetheless, there was tons of great tunes running on the site, including a premiere from 40th Parallel, plus brand spanking new music from Apollo Ghosts…which I’m still listening to right now. Rural France is back too, so we included that in our coverage, not to mention the fact that we got a hot new Daniel Romano tune included. You can never go wrong either with new Reds, Pinks and Purples or En Attendant Ana…and those are included. It’s a 45 minute collection of solid rock n’ roll, so turn it on and turn it up.

Boy With Apple Return with Good For You

Swedish outfit Boy with Apple have been on our radar for some time, and they slowly keep churning out these dreamy little singles to keep our attention. Their latest is completely blissed out, taking their ghostly tendencies and draping them atop these subtle little beats that move and unfurl throughout the mix. Honestly, the more I listen, the more it feels like the Sneaker Pimps turning into a dream pop band; there are the little club beats that provide a groove, yet they get wrapped up in the swirling atmospherics, giving more of a modern twist to the vibe. As always, the band’s work is brought to you by Varo Records.

Apollo Ghosts Release Surprise Amethyst EP

If you didn’t grab a copy of 2022’s Pink Tiger LP from Apollo Ghosts, then you missed an absolute masterpiece, so I was really excited to open up my email to a surprise EP from the Vancouver vets. In a lot of ways, they remind me most recently of Lewsberg, sort of working with these delectable guitar treats you want to devour, while the vocals seemingly work in contrast to that energy. I can also hear lots of nods to acts like Yo La Tengo and Sonic Youth, but spun in a more kind of organic indie fashion, so obviously I adore that. “Strawberry Moon” is my jam right now, so don’t skip it. Stream all of Amethyst below!

Rural France Announce Exactamondo

I was a really big fan of Rural France‘s debut, RF, which in turn led to my fandom of Teenage Tom Petties…and now it seems that Tom Brown and Rob Fawkes have put aside time to lay down another delightful batch of tunes. At first listen, it seems like the jangles, while still present, have been turned down a bit in the mix, building more of a broad pop approach to the duo’s songwriting; it sort of feels like they’ve branched into Teenage Fanclub territory with these big riffs rocking throughout, though I’ll admit, their adherence to the melody is constantly delighting on this tune. Look for Exactamondo to drop April 26th via Meritorio Records.

Elephant Stone Are Going Underground

As you’ve seen from the site, I’ve been really into the forthcoming Elephant Stone LP, which finally drops tomorrow! While we initially got into the band with their psychedelic sounds, Back Into the Dream seems to be offering a glimpse at a band working their way into other musical realms. For me, while I can certainly hear the psych nods in the mix, there’s something about this that feels more like a Britpop bit from the 90s; I keep thinking I hear hints of Ash in the way the vocals soar in the chorus. There’s a nice little plot-twist too, when the band pull back to offer a nice little subdued moment before letting the riffs fly right through your speaker. Stoked to see them flexing their songwriting muscles; grab Back into the Dream tomorrow.

Glimmer Drop New Tune Buried

New York based band Glimmer hit me in my ear holes yesterday with this new song “Buried,” and I just had to pass it along today. I love how the song starts out super heavy with loud guitars and driving beat, but then drops well into some quieter moments. When we say something like “rising action,” this is what we mean. The track also comes with a longer, more epic B-side called “Daydream,” which is streamable over on bandcamp.

En Attendant Ana Drop Single for SubPop

We’ve been huge supporters of En Attendant Ana over the years, and I adored last year’s Principia (Trouble in Mind). Today, out of nowhere the band dropped a gorgeous new single for the Sub Pop Singles Club, which continues to show the band stretching their pop sensibility. “Magical Lies” picks up where Principia left us, using this bobbing bass line to work its way throughout, adding a bit of bouncy lifeblood to the ethereal wash of vocal melodies. Then, you get to “Teeny Tiny Tyche,” which feels like the group is aiming to take on more open spaces in their songwriting; the tune has a striking vocal performance, with plenty of room left behind the voice for the notes to flutter about. These two new tracks are available now!

The Reds, Pinks & Purples Share Learning to Love a Band

If you’re coming to this site to discover a new song or be reminded of a favorite act you’ve missed, then you’re likely going to find yourself in love with the new single from the Reds, Pinks & Purples. “Learning to Love a Band” can be seen as a track from both sides, as a fan fawning over their favorite act or as a person stepping into a new musical project. Either way, the subject matter is spot on for our site, and the musical element…the smooth softness of Glenn’s voice, the understated melody…you’ve been here before, and you loved the coziness, so feel free to learn to love this band all over. The new LP, Unwishing Well, will drop on April 12th via Slumberland/Tough Love.

Soliti Welcome Kaspar to Their Roster

We love when our friends Soliti Music reach out from Finland to offer us a glimpse of what’s going on in their scene, and today, we’ve got a tune from their latest signing Kaspar; the duo will release a AA single this Friday via the label, with a sneak peek below. For all intents and purposes, the song’s a slow-moving pop ballad, but it was the way they crafted the soundscape behind the vocals that caught my ear. Early on it’s a rolling synth line, with the faintest heartbeat bubbling beneath; I love how the empty space leaves a lot of room for the melody to kind of build and grow, like a rolling ball of snow gathering mass as it moves down the mountain. Give a listen, and look out for the new single on Friday!

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