Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice Offer Keeps Ya Head Up Video

If you’ve grown to accept that the Melbourne music scene is all bright guitar sounds and warm breezy melodies, might I ask you to listen to Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice? This bunch are working with a sound that’s much much darker, akin to that sort of middle period for Liars when they were moving from rock to more electronic sounds. That said, this isn’t an electronic piece, though there are certainly elements of that bleeding into the tune; it’s instead a study on locking into a groove and bringing in new pieces to see what fits. There are horns and discordant notes that almost seem as if they’ve been thrown at the centerpiece to see the reaction. This is a song only for the cool kids, pushed by the rhythm with risks running throughout. You’ll hear this jam on the new Total Reality LP, out this Friday via Marthouse Records.

Russian Baths Share Bind Single

If you’re looking for a bit of darkly twisted pop music, you’re going to want to try on the latest single from Russian Baths that popped up at the end of last week. For me, the lighter guitar notes that set the song in motion were the perfect set up; you find yourself fully expecting a dreamier pop fare until that bass starts to growl and tear at the underbelly of the tune. From there, the song takes in a jagged lead guitar, momentarily toying with a heavier vibe, only to pull it back and offer in backing vocals to further the song’s melodic elements. Playing with contrast in both themes and music is definitely something we expect from their new LP, Mirror; it drops on June 14th via Good Eye Records.

Eastside Suicides Offer Another Single from their Reissue

There’s a period of Austin’s music scene that seems to have faded. The tenacity, explosiveness and creativity, to a degree have waned a bit…so it’s good to go back in my brain and listen to the good time rock n’ roll of Eastside Suicides. They’re reissuing their debut LP shortly, with all the tracks getting a touch up through remastering, so why not toss out another teaser for folks. While their pop tendencies were all over “Streets Got Your Baby,” this tune below is all New York Dolls; it has the bravado and a more just a punch in the face rock aesthetic. Desolate Sound Records will drop Streets Got Your Baby on May 10th.

Last Week’s Jams (4.8 – 4.12)

Apparently it’s that time of year when I just can’t help myself; I’m going full-time it seems, as we ran 28 brand new tracks this last week, plus some nods to albums we liked that dropped on Friday. We got some fresh premiere activity from the Wesleys and Max Blansjaar, then there were some recent favorites dropping in new stuff like Lightheaded, Neutrals and Autocamper. Me personally, I loved the new Gregor single, and that new CBVB plays into similar territory. This collection of songs, like my own catalog, is pretty random, though we always tend to aim for left of the left of the dial. Stream on.

Rural France Share Guideropes

We’ve received two pretty energetic tunes from Rural France thus far, all hinting at an exciting new record from the group. Today, there’s a bit more of a relaxed vibe in their work, playing with our expectations while also illustrating some of the differentiation we’re likely to find on the LP. The crunchiness of the guitar lines hints at an almost Pacific Northwest rock jam, but while burning up their amps, the band also remain tethered to their pop tendencies, using dueling vocals and overlapping melodies to provide that emotional connection. All things are pointing towards Exactamondo! being a knockout; it drops on April 26th via Meritorio Records.

Broken Gold Share Fault Single

I’m running a million tracks today so had to make sure I got a touch of Austin in the coverage, and it never hurts to offer up a Broken Gold single. While they’ve traditionally been working on a more punk aesthetic, you’ll find that they’re latest track continues to see their allegiance to Paul Westerberg grow a bit. There’s still an edge with the guitar work in the mix, but the rhythm guitar is out there running with a nice little jangle, which ultimately allows for a soaring pop vocal from singer Ian MacDougall. There’s just enough pop hear to satisfy your cravings, while not straying too far from the rock n’ roll roots of the group. Wild Eyes will be out May 3rd via Chicken Ranch Records.

Club 8 Share Sucker Single

Admittedly, woke up dragging ass today; it’s the post standardized test blues all teachers get after forcing their students to take a meaningless exam. So, I need a pick me up and the springing notes from this fresh Club 8 track immediately did the trick. Both the rhythm and the guitars are off and running from the get-go, encouraging you to get just the slightest bit of a wiggle running through your body; if you give in, you’ll find that wiggle turns more into a full-blooded head-bob and toe-tap. The Swedish duo’s bread and butter is locking into that energy, then juxtaposing it with a bit of sugary sweetness, which you’ll certainly get when you hear the intermingling of the voices! Another hit!

Autocamper Relase Blanche

Okay, so maybe I over-indulged in my Friday listening a little bit, but you’ve got to hear this fresh tune from UK outfit Autocamper. They hang these jangling guitar notes right at the front, and you know instantly that you’re going to feel the energy rushing right through you. They steady the jangle when the vocals run into the scene, layering it with a rolling bit of keys to soften the melodic nature; they don’t stop their, stacking layers of backing vocals to the tune, completely filling every inch of the tune with pop sentiment. You’ll find this track on a cassingle, courtesy of Safe Suburban Home.

Ariella Shares Ready Single

Ariella, who just recently signed up to work with Lauren Records, has dropped two tracks this year. A month or so ago, “Blindsided” offered a glimpse at an artist working out the kinks while finding their footing; the song had great production and was a step up from the early demos, ultimately leaving us with a voice that would go on to haunt us for a few days. On this new jam (a rerecording of an early demo), the song just hits you like the Texas heat when you step off a plane in July; it’s in your face, and you’re unsure if you’re meant to be welcomed or encouraged to run. I stay stick around in order to find Ariella Fett’s voice gently weaving its way inside your brain as the heavy riffs punch through the speakers. With a voice this moving, only time will tell where she takes us.

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