Stephen’s Shore Share Under the Pine

I don’t always invest in EPs, but you better believe that when I do its because Stephen’s Shore have released something pretty special. They’ve got Neptune EP on the horizon, and today share a more pensive piece that’s really gotten stuck in my brain. While they’re last single held tight to a bit of bounce, this single sees them sinking further into the mistiness of songwriting; there’s almost a dense cloud of pop sentimentality that pervades every inch of the track. In a way, it reminds me of a cleaner version of what the Mary Onettes excelled at; there’s this somber quality that presented in this fashion somehow works in contrast and gives you this little hint of spirit. Feel like the rainy weather outside my window and this tune couldn’t have been better timed for one another. If you want to invest in this EP, buy it from Meritorio Records before it drops on May 10th.

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