Swiftumz Shares Never Impress

Up until recently, I hadn’t heard of Swiftumz, which I consider an ultimate failure on my behalf. I mean, how has a songwriter like Christopher McVicker gone unnoticed by me for so long? Rest assured, I’m aiming to correct that immediately by forcing you to fall in love with the latest single. For me, it is vaguely reminiscent of Dean Wareham in the early Galaxie 500 days, at least in the way the vocals have this intimacy that clings tight to perfect melody. Musically, there’s a slight hint at jangling pop, but it’s understated, giving off more of a joyous bewilderment, such as you’d find in any number of releases by Oceanic bands the last four decades or so. Simply the Best is out June 14th via Empty Cellar Records.

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