Photay Shares Global Wind Trade

Mornings are all about setting you up for your day, and for me, the new Photay tune does the perfect job of setting you up, then rolling out from under your feet. It’s like breakfast, where you get a little sample, you ride it out, then you bound at the door with a new sense of energy that’s meant to carry you through the day. The shifts that you’re presented with are definitely subtle, often emphasized by a punch up in the beat or a kind of kick that sets a new twist in motion. Every step of the way, there’s a bit of encouragement, pronounced volume, snappier drum sample, etc, and all of it helps the storytelling without ever whispering a word. Look for Windswept, the new LP, this Friday.

Abandoned Buildings Release Rabbit Holes

Having dabbled in the realms of dream pop for some time, Abandoned Buildings, for my two cents, seem to be taking on an almost classic brand of rock n’ roll; they’re bridging their dreamy realm with bits and pieces of a sound that feels like Jeff Buckley. It’s difficult to describe, but there’s roll to the track that certainly reminds me of the elegance of “Grace” by the aforementioned Buckley. Maybe I’m way off, but it brought me deep within the song, where they then turned to a lighter ambiance, floating the tune into this otherworldly realm that still feels like its circling my brain. They have a new album titled Eroding Light, and we’ll have more info as we get it!

Snailosaur Shares Nature & Kaleidoscopic Mind

Brooklyn outfit Snailosaur keep forging ahead, brandishing their love for heralded indie rock sounds, filtered through their distinctive vocal work and phenomenal drum section. When listening, you get hints of Berman or Mascis or Callahan, though done up with a bit of an amphetamine rush, setting up the two new tunes to rip through your speakers with a wall of noise. While they offer up the Dinosaur Jr-esque “Nature”, they turn it into a more pensive piece on “Kaleidoscopic Mind,” settling into a Western ballad that carefully frays the edge between Americana and indie rock. Both tunes rip, so enjoy them both below!

2nd Grade Announce Scheduled Explosions

If you were looking to wear a bit smile on your face, we’re betting you’ll have a little help if you press play on these fresh set of tunes from 2nd Grade. These three tracks are blasting rays of sunshine right into your living room, brimming with huge hooks and ringing guitar lines. The jam below feels like what you’d get if you allowed Teenage Fanclub a weekend beach getaway; but you’ll be able to hear a few more tunes by clicking HERE. Might I suggest cranking up “Airlift,” as it might be my favorite of the three singles dropping today. Sounds like Scheduled Explosions is going to be a big big hit; it drops on October 25th via Double Double Whammy.

Gitkin Share the One

If you’re looking to lock into a groove and ride it into the week, may we introduce you to the latest single from NOLA’s Gitkin. On this new single, they don’t waste any time, jumping right into the tune with these guitar lines that just rain down upon the listener like some psychedelic thunderstorm, all the while, the rhythm section sets you up. It locks you in this hedonistic groove, running the tune into this headstrong muscular boogie of left of the dial rock n’ roll; you’re tapping your toes and banging your head, setting you up to grab a copy of Golden Age, the new LP out October 18th.

Last Week’s Jams (9.9 – 9.13)

Seemed like a strange week for some reason, but there were some definitely tunes that just broke my heart, in the best way possible. I continue to be impressed by Merce Lemon‘s new stuff, and “Crow” was just a beast. Porridge Radio, too, offered up a song that just wanted to shatter spirits, though if that’s the case, I won’t mind one bit. Alas, there was some pop in the week, like the new record from Young Scum and new single from Jim Nothing. Plus, old favorites the New Tigers are back, as is Germany’s Roller Derby. Indulge yourselves by pressing play below, but be sure to start with the powerhouse hit from The Wickies.

Friday Album Streams: Lunar Vacation, Kal Marks and More

Dropped the ball last week, and there were several notable releases hitting the streets, at least on my end (Dummy and Mythical Motors). Plus, there were some solid releases dropping this week we wanted to remind you of. This section just needs the streams and the links, so you can make up your own mind! Stream and buy the stuff below!


Lunar VacationEverything Matters, Everything’s Fire (Keeled Scales)

Kal MarksWasteland Baby (Exploded in Sound)

Nada SurfMoon Mirror (New West Records)

DummyFree Energy (Trouble In Mind Records)

Mythical MotorsSeven is Circular (Self-Released)

Alec Andre Shares Holy Dream

To be honest, we don’t know too much about Alec Andre, though the Mexican American artist works the influences of his background into his work, drawing from Brazil, Americana and Mexico to build this sound we present you below. For those of you who followed acts like Tim Cohen or Cool Ghouls, this is something that fits perfectly in that vein, hitting a little bit of psychedelia and then churning it out like some haunted balladeer sitting lonesome in the desert. Simultaneously haunting and moving, so be on the look out for the forthcoming Holy Dream EP.

Roller Derby Share Ready to Forget

If you’re seeking out perfect pop vibes on this Friday morning, might we direct you towards Germany’s Roller Derby. The band are frequent visitors on our site, and their latest single lives up to our continuous support, dangling another superb chorus that keeps you circling back. They’ve always had this style that feels like it could rush off into pure jangle pop territory, but somehow, they manage to pull it back just enough to set up that huge chorus that absolutely stuns every time it comes into play. Really hope the increased output of late means there’s something as special as this track on the horizon.

Jim Nothing Share Wildflowers

While a great deal of Jim Nothing‘s remarkable catalog has felt more introspective, almost like private listening parties for fans of ornate guitar pop. That said, this new single is just a blaster; it sounds huge and anthemic from the get-go, so be sure you crank this one all the way to 11. The guitar set up is huge, almost entering in like some late 70s arena rock, though the band manage to stay close to home with the vocal delivery, pulling strings that send the melody soaring in this wistful manner that circles back to the song’s reflection on past and present memories that make you smile. The new Grey Eyes Grey Lynn LP is out on Meritorio Records on October 18th.

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