Show Reminder: 3 x3 @ The Mohawk Tonight
We’re at it again, with another great 3 x 3 Series show for you to enjoy on a Monday night. This time around, we’ve got new act Mean Jolene, shoegazers Ultraviolet and ATH Records own, Templo X. Every band here is certainly worth a dollar, if not more, plus you can grab one of those cool Templo X Split 7″ w/ Rose Selavy…or get your hands on the Ultraviolet EP. Plus, if you want to start your night off early, the guys in Templo X will be DJing over at Mohawk for Happy Hour, spinning hits and shaking hands. Come on folks…$3 for 3 great bands….and you can get home before Midnight? Sounds like a win in our book.
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