Survival Knife Don’t Mess Around


As if you couldn’t tell by their name, Washington based Survival Knife are not a band that plan on wasting your time with their musical delivery.  These guys, and one gal, get right down to business from the get go with some very fast, loud, and in your face rock n roll that fits in extremely well with label mates like Obits or King Tuff.  The new song I have for you below “Name That Tune” plays exactly how I just described the band; the guitars are loud and it’s full of non bullshit styles.  I digs it.

This song appears on a brand new 7″ single coming your way on Sub Pop Records March 13th.  A pre-order for the record is up now.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music From Dead Leaf Echo

Brooklyn based Dead Leaf Echo just sent us this new tune “Act of Truth” and I am deeming it worthy of inclusion on this here site.  It’s hard to slap a quick label on this song; one might call it similar to old school Radiohead with a shoe-gaze twist or throw it in the dream pop/new wave movement that seems to be on the up and up.  Either way, I think it’s cool.  The band is currently working on a new LP for future release and are previewing the new album with a series of singles.  This 7″ single will be a split with San Francisco band Slowness due out June 26th on Green Fuse Records.


Download: Dead Leaf Echo – Act of Truth [MP3]

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