Stream the New EP from A Novel Resort

novelresortLong ago I was really excited to hear that Michael from Northern Portrait was working on a new project, A Novel Resort. But, while that first track was great, things had been rather silent until Jigsaw Records up and broke out the band’s debut EP, Island of Atlas. The songs on this EP dwell in the softer side of indiepop, trickling melodies, calming vocals and lyrics that will run through your head. If this happens to be your style, then you can grab the EP HERE, or just stream and love it below.

A New Tune from A Novel Resort

anovelresortThis track’s been quickly making its way around the indiepop circles, seeing as it features M from Northern Portrait, one of the genre’s revered current acts. It’s an interesting song from A Novel Resort, wrapping electronics around the stereotypical sound…filling in the gaps with strings and horns. Quite a special moment, though we’re still waiting to hear whether an album will be in the works from the group (rumor says Dufflecoat might make a grab!). Anyways, a pretty good song for you to enjoy while you’re sitting at your desk.

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