Emma Russack Shares About the Girl Title Track

When we first encountered Melbourne’s Emma Russack, she was doing collaboration work with Lachlan Denton (Ocean Party/Pop Filter), but then dropped an excellent collection of soft strummers on Winter Blues. But, as she prepares to release About the Girl, perhaps there’s a little bit more of an electronic underbelly on this tune, perhaps providing Emma with the freedom to craft her own visions entirely unencumbered by bandmates or collaborators. There’s something in the synth work that feels very Broadcast adjacent, though the way the strum is built atop that fuzzy beat allows Russack to stay true to her origin story while pushing herself musically forward. Another reason you should pencil in About the Girl as a record to pick up; it drops via Dinosaur City on August 23rd.

A New Song From Emma Russack

When thinking of some of my favorite voices from the Melbourne music scene, Emma Russack is definitely one that comes to mind. She’s done work with countless acts like our friend Lach, but hasn’t had a proper solo effort in some time. That’s all changing, as she’s just recently announced About the Girl, her new LP. Our first listen has a slightly different approach than where she left off with her solo work; this time’s she working with synths and distorted guitars as the vessel for her pop tendencies. I love how their are elements that bubble and pop with a snappiness that seemingly contrasts against Russack’s voice. Another great entry, and we’re looking forward to the new LP; it drops on August 22nd via Dinosaur City Records.

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