Sturt Avenue Share Title Track from Bury Me in the Garden

So, while us here in the States were turkey-ing up, the rest of the world carried on as one should, just like Sturt Avenue, who released Bury Me in the Garden. We’ve covered the band’s work before, noticing their brand of orchestral chamber pop and how it naturally has that swelling feel-good nature to it. The title track from the record has an incredible vocal performance, again, from Bryn Soden; I love how we can feather a note, but then turn around and pull another tone from deep in the gut…and all the while there’s a perfect bit of accentuating backing harmonies to boost. Feel like this is the warmest welcome to a fresh week of music!

DyspOra Drops AustraAlien Video

We tend to focus on what’s in front of us, and in the US, it’s very clear changes need to be made. But, this new track from DyspOra reminds me that the African community has long been the subject of discrimination world-wide…even now in Australia…a scene we cover a lot here.

Gabriel Akon had this to say about the inspiration for his tune:Theres a generation of, I call them, Australiens. They are the ones that want to be Australian, but they get treated like aliens, so theyre somehow on the fringes. They are the biggest potential this country could ever have because of what they could add to this country. All the nation has to do is invest in them. And the investment is so tiny. The investment is literally just accepting them.”

The tune is the title track from his latest album, out now via Music in Exile (a label you should really look into right now).

Introduction Share Red Light Video

I suppose a label’s reliability is the theme of today, with another one of my favorite Aussie labels, Tenth Court, sharing the latest from their forthcoming release. The trio that makes up Introduction formed in 2019 to escape the mundane male musical landscape. Here, both video and song take you into another realm; in a faint way, it reminds me of Tan Cologne, sort of creating this mysterious cinematic planet we get to briefly inhabit. Listening through on repeat, you kind of feel like you’re suspended in the air, floating while these minimal little beats warp in and out of your ear. It’s been a minute since I’ve heard a group embrace simplicity so successfully; their EP will be out on June 19th.

Another Ditty from Go Get Mum

Don’t you dare let the slow tease of the guitars catch you off guard on this new Go Get Mum track, as this might be the pop tune to make today slightly less shitty. Once it kicks on, those guitars start to ring fast and quick; the vocals do their best to keep up with the frantic pace. Those angular notes and the harmonic gang vocals are just too good for you to turn away from; I also kind of feel like there’s hints of the Feelies in this number (probably just me, right?). Their new EP, Ok Now What, is out on Meritorio Records on March 20th. It’s so damn good!

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