Raucous Jam from Waves of Fury

You send me something that references both the Stooges and STAX Records and I’m going to have to listen to it.  And surprise, I dig it.  This is the new single from Waves of Fury, a UK band set to release their album Thirst on October 30th via Alive Records.  Interestingly, it definitely has more of an American feel than a UK feel, though the lyrics do have a bit of a Brit-rock delivery.  I found it noisy, yet catchy, so you know those things are going to be present when you press play.  It doesn’t hurt that they appropriately incorporate a nice bit of horns too…maybe I need to run and bust out my STAX collection.  You enjoy this while I run and do that right quick.


Download:Waves of Fury – These Things I Leave You [MP3]

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