Jordan Paul Shares Archetype X

This morning, I’m really being taken by voices, and Jordan Paul has one of that I can’t seem to escape. It’s got this fragility to it, while also having this strange familiarity, like a mix between Buckley and Drake. Behind him is this open space that really lets him carry the song purely on the back of his pipes. Now, that does’t mean there’s not a nice bit of arrangement working through here, giving him just the right amount of angelic lift in all the right spots. The Canadian musician will be releasing Already Gone shortly, so enjoy a nice little settling mood with Jordan Paul.

Dreamy Rock From Crystal Eyes

14330090_649928901842139_176906699157259295_nCrystal Eyes, out of Calgary,released their debut EP last year and are on their way to follow up this up with their first full length album. They’ve got a nice and dreamy aesthetic to their sound– complete with sun bleached guitars and high-pitched female gang vocals. You’ll hear a perfect example of this sound on “Already Gone–” their latest single, which you can take a listen to below. It opens with cutting guitars, and before the vocals even kick in, you know you’re in for a hit. Check out the track and get stoked for The Female Imagination, which will be out soon.


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