Annabel Allum Shares Altar to Alter

Annabel Allum has some great songs beneath her belt, but perhaps my favorite thing about her songwriting is her ability shape-shift between genres in her work. In her latest single, she opens up the song with this powerful sort of indie rock, but there’s just the hint at softness in a few of the guitar notes and the backing vocals. Still, there’s a firmness that explodes in the chorus, forceful as guitar noise swirls around her lyrics and drums come crashing down; it’s like the quietloudquiet phenomena, only the quiet has more of a vibrant swing to it. Her new EP, Gravel Not the Grave, will be out on September 13th via Killing Moon Records.

Enjoy New Annabel Allum

The continued growth of songwriter Annabel Allum is pretty special to watch. She’s moved from early folk stylings into a confident rocker, blending the line between the two. Her new single almost seems like a confessional, and the verses seem to be perfect if she were to play a solo acoustic gig. But, as we’ve seen with her earlier single this year, she’s building up this wall of sound with her band that comes crashing down on the listener during the chorus. Her voice takes on a soaring tone, cymbals shake and you find yourself wrapped up in every moment. Still no word on a debut LP, but another hit never hurts.

New Tune from Annabel Allum

Last year at SXSW I was pretty hyped on Annabel Allum, and that adoration hasn’t died down. She’s just dropped a new track via Killing Moon, offering us a glimpse at what we can hope comes our way at this year’s SXSW (she’s returning!). Her work has taken on a more powerful force as she’s moved into full-fledged band mode…as opposed to her earlier, folkier work. Still, she holds onto that same style when delivering her lyrics, always with a touch of wisdom hanging out there. If you haven’t gotten to know Annabel yet, be sure to check out her All That for What EP!

Annabel Allum Streams New EP

I have a feeling that Annabel Allum will be a sensation within the next few years! I’ve already written about two singles, and still rate “Rich Backgrounds” as one of my favorite tracks of the last year. Today she’s streaming her brand new All That for What EP, which also includes two new singles. “Picture on Picture” is a stunning addition to her catalog, with her voice shining above the noise, while “Spit” has a more intimate showing from the singer. This should be your new favorite jam!

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Brand New Annabel Allum

If anyone asked me about what my favorite act during this past SXSW year, I probably would have had Annabel Allum high upon my list, if not at the top. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to bring the whole band our way, but the recorded version of her latest tune has me just as excited as the intimate display she offered us. She’s got this incredible knack to create these insatiable hooks within her songs, even as she sounds dangerous and devil-may-care. I love how she even brings in a brief respite near the song’s end before blasting to a close. She’s done it again…so keep her on your radar.

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SXSW Awards – 2017

How is it possible we’re already through SXSW hangover week? It seems like only yesterday the ATH crew was hanging at Hotel Vegas, with Lone Star in hand, kicking off the week a couple of Sundays ago with the awesome lineup put together by Nathan and our boy Mr. Laird. As always, we move on, reflect on the fun behind us, and plan for the next great lineup or festival. Such is the beauty of living in the live music capital of the world. To look back on the festival, Nathan, Brian, and myself came up with an arbitrary list of awards with each of us picking our choice for the category.

Hit the jump for our awards, final thoughts and a few related pics from a fun, exciting, and draining week.

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