Do I Like This New Girls Names Single?

girlsnamesHmm. Do I like this? Well, I do like it, but I also have to see it as a completely different version than the Girls Names I originally came to love. Honestly, it seems like an entirely new band, though we’ve had hints with recent singles and 10″ coming from the band. What was once atmospheric and brooding now takes on the full focus, thrusting the band into a darkened world of filled negative space and slowly unraveling rapture. It sort of reminds me of what’s become of Iceage…though it seems like they’re getting a lot more out of their approach. Their new effort, Arms Around a Vision will be out on October 2nd. My final thoughts…yes, I like it.

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More New Girls Names

girlsgirlsgirlsAdmittedly, I think I’m partial to the Girls Names debut, Dead to Me.  There was something in the simplicity of the songwriting that the band now seems to have discarded for the most part.  Their newest single, like their 11 minute 12″ tune from earlier this year, goes beyond simplicity, filling in space with sonic exploration.  Still, what I’m liking from this new effort is the band’s adherence to pop tropes within the confines of their new direction; while it borders on a touch too long, there’s still evidence of a pop song in every moment. It’s our first listen to the band’s new album, Arms Around a Vision, which will be out in October via Tough Love.

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