Dreamy Pop from Blushing

blushingAustin’s Free Week is all about discovery, and I didn’t even have to leave the house to discover this great new dream pop band, Blushing. The group are about to release their Tether EP on January 13th, and I dig what I hear in these songs. You’ll hear the guitars shimmering in the best way, but perhaps what I love the most is how the songs have some length, which allows you to fully digest the sound from the band…no two minute tracks here! The longest track on the EP is titled “Mess,” and I’m putting it below to illustrate the power the aesthetic beauty they’ve captured on their EP. Go ahead, give it a listen.

ATX Spotlight: Hunter Jones Unleash Jordan Year

hunterjonesIn what’s been an incredible year for Austin’s music scene, Hunter Jones look to add their name to that list right before the year draws to a close. The band employ those slightly jangly, slightly dreamy tones throughout the entirety of Jordan Year. There’s a calming quality working here, always present, even when they pick up the pace on my favorite track, “Fast Song.” I’m also partial to “Maybe,” but those are just my picks for standout tracks. You can grab the new mini-album via bandcamp, or pick it up in cassette format via Outer Limit Records.

New John Wesley Coleman and His Top 10 KOOP Shows

jwcAs we push forward towards 2017, we’re all thinking of highly anticipated releases. One on my personal list, and that of most in-the-know Austinites, is John Wesley Coleman‘s Microwave Dreams. As he’s written more and more, he’s elevated his sound and songwriting far above what was possibly unfairly deemed as “trashcan troubadour.” He’s the songwriter you can take to your square friends, and thrill your hip friends at the same time. Read more

ATX Spotlight: Ama Releases New Single

amaA day after we dropped our ATX Christmas Guide, featuring tons of local talent, we’ve got another talented group offering up their new single, Ama. The band’s long been known to us, but the balance of this track exemplifies the group’s talents; they rock hard amidst the cool verses on display from vocalist Blair Robbins. You offer me impressive guitar work and hook-laden vocals and I’m in, which is why I’ll throw down behind this act. No word on a release, but you can help them out by throwing a buck or two their way over on their Bandcamp.

ATX 2016: The Christmas Gift Guide

austinchristmasAs year-end lists get more and more arbitrary, I decided I didn’t really want to play that game with our local Austin scene. Instead, I wanted to celebrate the excellent year Austin had, musically speaking, and encourage you to go grab copies of the things that suit your fancy. As it gets harder and harder for our musicians and labels to survive, lip service, sadly, just doesn’t cut it. So why not pick up something for all those you love…or just wish had better tastes!

Read more

ATX Spotlight: Brand New Hundred Visions

Hundred VisionsEarlier this week we caught wind that local Austin act Hundred Visions would be releasing some brand new tunes; I was salivating…and dare I say this is better than I expected. At first, the band seemingly trudges through familiar territory bending guitars nice with vocals drawn out atop the mix. But, hold on because they refuse to settle for the same old story, blasting off into a riotous mix of punk that jumps right into your ears! They go back and forth throughout, jolting you back and forth the whole way. They’ve got a new tape titled Brutal Pueblo coming out next week via Burger Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/295762555″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Jeffrey Lewis at Beerland Tonight

In a city with an abundance of music, even during low touring seasons, you can easily get overwhelmed by shows. But, tonight at Beerland you’re getting a special treat: Jeffrey Lewis. He’s a musician at the moment, but for the past twenty years he’s also worked as an incredible comic artist (the book version not the stand up). You can check out his work and his site HERE, but show up tonight at 9 and get ready for something incredible. His last album, Manhattan, still plays steadily in my rotation, so check out the tune below. Also, you’ll get to hear Jake Gumb and Dead Sally, so technically you’re going to win all day long…and you know how America likes winning.

Check Out This New Pollen RX Tune

pollenSo, as we wrap up the rad year of 2016, I’m already looking towards what ATH Records can bring you in 2017! First up, the brilliant band of popsters, Pollen Rx, aim to take Austin by storm with their excellent debut, Sunbelt Emptiness. It was recorded here in town by Ian Rundell, and I think he killed it; it’s filled to the brim with the perfect blend of punk and pop, discord and harmony. I can guarantee you there’s not a bad hit on this record, but you should judge for yourself by listening to this new single (a demo version was floating around, but it’s since been re-recorded). Look for the LP from us on January 27, or pre-order it HERE.

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Show Preview: Ultimate Painting @ Barracuda (TONIGHT)

ultimatepaintingYou just spent your whole week hanging with your family, so now you wanna go hang out with your friends, right? Well, the best way is to catch an incredible show, and boy is there a great one at Barracuda tonight. First, Ultimate Painting are headlining, and the band’s gotten tons of praise all across the pond, especially for their great new LP, Dusk. Plus, EZTV will be there too; the band’s been described as one of the best in NYC, and you’ll likely see their latest High in Place LP on my year end list. Local powerhouse Flesh Lights, as well as Ruby Fray, will kick the night off, so be there or be real square. Tickets are super cheap for a rad show ($7) and can be found HERE.

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ATX Spotlight: Dana Falconberry Offers Solace

Dana FalconberryAs of late, my social media feed has been filled with anger, and deservedly so. But, as we seek to move forward and make changes, we’re all seeking comfort on some level. Austin musician Dana Falconberry opted to do what she does best, sharing a beautiful track she recorded about recovering from grief while working as a resident artist/musician in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Perhaps this is the solace you were looking for, and if not, then perhaps you can just revel in her songwriting, which is always remarkable.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/288830201″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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