Deeply Intimate Song From Eliza Shaddad

My apologies for the lack of posts from RayRay over the last couple of days. As Nate and I get back into school mode, I often forget how to juggle the real world with the fun of ATH. That said, yesterday I really enjoyed this new track “This is My Cue” from London artist Eliza Shaddad. It’s a very personal, driving song similar to a slower ballad from Cat Power or Best Coast. I think you will be hearing A TON more buzz about Eliza Shaddad in the very near future.

Eliza will release her debut album Future on October 26th via Beatnik Creative.

Fresh Hit from Matthew and Me

matthewI like starting off Monday’s with great pop music, and this Matthew and Me tune seems to be a fitting way to kick off our week. There’s a little tribal rhythm bubbling beneath the surface as the guitars twinkle in the front of the mix, allowing room for singer Matthew Board to drape his gentle voice over it. It all builds to the emphatic chorus, though I could use with a bit more volume, personally. You’ll probably enjoy this track, so look for it to appear on the band’s new Starpoint EP, released November 18th by Beatnik Creative.

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