Shelf Life Sounds Pretty Stellar

shelfsFor the last several years I’ve had a penchant for bedroom pop, wrapped in warped tape sounds, mixed with oddity a la Coma Cinema. This project from Philly’s Shelf Life reminds me of that, though the recording is a bit stronger, relying more upon the craftsmanship of the songwriting than on the process of lo-fidelity. The project is set to have its debut, Everyone Make Happy, released in September via Lefse, and this first single indicates a pretty remarkable start.  Tracks like this don’t just spring up every day, which is why I’m going to fawn on this all day long. You with me?

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Have You Heard the New Alexei Shishkin

alexeiA few weeks ago we talked to you about the new Forged Artifacts artist Alexei Shishkin, and now we’ve got yet another tune to really get you inside the songwriter’s head.  On the latest single Alexei seems to turn his focus into the lyrical content, lamenting the loss of a life near the ocean.  It’s interesting when you put that next to our modern world where we’re all seemingly too caught up to catch a breath, so I can empathize with Shishkin’s longing for a slower pace to life. Take a listen and look for The Dog Tape to appear in April.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dreamy Pop from Horsebeach

horsesAs a Manchester United fan, and a fan of the city’s musical production over the last few decades, I always like to take a gander at what’s going on in the fair city.  It seems that the hip new thing is quite incredible; Horsebeach is the work of Ryan Kennedy, and he’s crafting glorious bedroom pop.  You’ll hear the typical wash of atmospherics in his work, but if you listen closely there’s these intricate little guitar parts beneath the mix, akin to Mac DeMarco, only a wee bit more depressing.  This is the B-Side to his newest 7″ that also features “Disappear,” so grab it if you’re so inclined.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music From Gems

About a month ago B.Gray posted on a beauty of a song by indie pop band GEMS, and I’ve got another tasty little tune here for you today.  It’s definitely a bedroom pop song featuring some great female vocals from Lindsay Pitts.  You’d probably immediately compare the band to the likes of early Stars material, and I see that as a flattering comparison.  This song “All I Ever” is the latest single from the band which is only the second piece of recorded material we have.  Stay tuned in 2013 as we update you on their goings on.


Download: GEMS – All I Ever [MP3]

Danceable Bedroom Pop from Onuinu

You don’t typically think of dance music or bedroom pop when you think of Portland do you?  I agree, but it looks like the one-man project Onuinu aims to change our minds this year.  Dorian Duvall is the man behind the project, and he’s finally going to see a full-length come to fruition when he releases Mirror Gazer on August 21st of this year via Bladen County Records.  If you listen to jam below, you’ll find yourself in that escape mentality, arms in the air as you swing your body around your bedroom.  Those are the best kind of days, are they not?


Download:Onuinu – Happy Home [MP3]

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