Peak Twins Return with Beloved

Not too long ago, Peak Twins were getting some adoration from the masses, but they’ve been relatively quiet since 2013. Today that changes with the announcement of the group’s new LP, Beloved. “Water” is our first listen, accompanied by a gorgeous video employing mirror images, but ultimately it’s the song I’m in love with right now. All the verses reside in that casual pop arena popularized by many an Aussie outfit; they’re not pushing the envelop, merely caressing the natural melody within their songs. For my two cents, the special moment, aside from the nice little added arrangements, is the nice little change that comes for the first time around the 2 minute mark (also at 3:30); it’s just a mild directional turn, but plays in perfectly to the song’s aesthetic. Call it what you will, but Peak Twins have dropped one hell of a new number. The new LP will be out on June 28th.

Mo Troper Continues His Run of Hits

Just a few months after his well-received Beloved was released, Mo Troper is already back, this time releasing a collection of songs he’d written over the last five or so years. The album takes on themes of spending time with a person that makes you better just by their mere presence. This single blasts forth with huge riffs, with the hook hiding deep in the song’s core. It’s similar to the current emo fare, though I tend to dig this due to its lack of polish. Look for Mo Troper Gold on February 10th via Good Cheer Records.

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Mo Troper Pushes New Single

moThere’s something special in Mo Troper and the tunes from his band. He borders on the edge of screeching in this tune, though it comes across in that captivating fashion that had me hooked on pop punk as a youngster. There’s hints of guitar pop throughout this track, but the vocals definitely win out for your attention. Just something so damn catchy about this track. He’ll be releasing Beloved on April 29th via Good Cheer Records, ready to give you a full dosage of rock n’ roll.

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Blasting Emo from Mo Troper

moI’ll admit, as an older, once super-emo, music fan, I’m not always sold on what’s coming out of the new resurgence. Some of it just seems so commonplace, such a rehash, but not Mo Troper. My ears here elements of the hooks that made things like Ultimate Fakebook endearing, yet still making nods back to the first two Weezer records. Sure, maybe it’s derivative in a sense, but that never hurts when it’s executed so perfectly. Look for Mo Troper to release Beloved on April 29th via Good Cheer Records.

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