Jettes Share Another Ditty

Having already introduced you to one of the catchy tracks from Jettes debut EP, it only seems fitting that I would back that up with another of the duo’s infectious tunes. This one has Melody Connor taking on the vocal duties while the pace is furious and fun; it’s in the vein of the garage lore we all know love. Laura Lee’s backing vocals jumping from time to time only solidify the band’s hook factor; this is especially true when they come in offering a more anthemic note to support Connor, likely the perfect moment in the live setting. There’s a lot of fun here, so go ahead and blast this one through your speakers!

Pleased to Meet You: Jettes

Berlin’s Gurr have been bopping around for the better part of the last ten years, and this year the group really hit home with their She Says EP. Why is that important in this Jettes post, you ask? Well, Laura Lee of Gurr is also one half of Jettes, along with Melody Connor who moved from Seattle out to Berlin to write the aforementioned EP. Our first taste is this fuzzy pop number, hazy in both its video and musical presentation; I love the cascading guitar line that sort of dives in the distance if you put your ear close to the speakers. Plus, there’s this little momentary breakdown with some soundbites in it that leaves the band with plenty of room to grow in different directions. Real excited to hear more from these two!

Still Parade Offers Another Hit

Niklas Kramer and his project known as Still Parade has received a ton of praise from us over the last several years. I know personally I’ve always enjoyed his unique take on minimalistic pop music with a dreamy flare. His latest offering called “Soon Enough” is no different with it’s gleaming sound and washed out vocals hovering beneath the surface. If you aren’t tuned in to this guy yet, now is officially the time for you to start paying attention.

Still Parade will release new album Soon Enough on November 14th.

Minimalistic Pop From Still Parade

What’s left for us to say about Berlin based Niklas Kramer and his project know as Still Parade? Likely not much as we’ve posted his music on multiple occasions and even interviewed him a time or two. That aside, the guy is continuing to pump out some incredible music and I’m excited to share his latest single today called “Should Have Known”. What you’ll find is a very minimalistic take on electronic pop music. With such a pared down song, you wouldn’t expect to find such beauty, but Niklas continues to impress with his unique take on songwriting. Carry on.

Still Parade will drop the Kindness EP on December 15th.

New Single And Video From Lea Porcelain

I’m looking to shake things up a bit today with this unique and creative new single from Berlin based Lea Porcelain. When I say shaking things up, I simply mean a song like “A Year From Here” is a little different when compared to things I normally post. Here me out though, as this song is truly beautiful and trance inducing. I also find the track mellowing me out as we speak with it’s droning effect and repetitive rhythms. Check out the new single with accompanying video below. You’ll be glad you did.

Debut album Hymns to the Night is coming on June 16th.

Nice Bit of Pop From Still Parade

stillAs I hit play on this new Still Parade song for the third time today, I’m finding more and more to like with each new listen. We’ve posted about the band in the past and I’ve find some things to like here and there, but I feel as though this is the most complete tune I’ve heard so far. It flawlessly melds things like synths, hushed vocals, and one hell of a beat to create a truly memorable pop sound. Check out “Chamber” below and let us know what you think.

Concrete Visionis coming on June 3rd via Lefse Records.

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SXSW Interviews: Still Parade

stillWhen we start looking at all the bands on the SXSW lineup, it’s sometimes hard to decipher everything and find quality acts. Need not worry though, ATH will help you out in that department as much possible as we lead up to the festival. We’re continuing things today with another interview, this time from Berlin based Niklas Kramer and his project known as Still Parade. Click the jump for more from Kramer.

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Sing-A-Long with Stanley Brinks and the Wave Pictures

berlinThere’s just something about the work between The Wave Pictures and Stanley Brinks that’s just exceptionally charming. You can hum the words or sing them at full strength, but regardless you’ll find yourself being charmed. It’s just some sort of insane magic they’ve concocted together, with more coming in the form of the album titled My Ass. But, while we wait for it, Fika Recordings is letting you grab a 7″ with this wonderful tune; I think I already have half the words memorized, and plan to have the whole thing down by the time you read this. Grab copies of the album or the 7″ directly from the wonderful label.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Mellow Number From Fenster

Screen-shot-2014-01-23-at-2.07.59-PM-1Here’s to hoping you’ll enjoy this mellow new number called “Mirrors” from Berlin based band Fenster.  It’s a beautifully chilling number that reminds me of band’s similar to Lost in the Trees.  Needless to say, it will take a bit of patience to get into, but I think everyone can find something to enjoy here.

New album, The Pink Caves, is due out March 4th on Morr Music.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Friday Top 5: Live Set Design

When attending a concert, the music can often be only a part of the overall equation. Setting is an enhancement or detriment to the overall experience. With the blissfully tranquil setting of  Sasquatch Fest around the corner, my mind began to wonder. Setting in a natural area is often the easiest way to enhance a mood. However, sometimes an artist wants to personally expand on the themes written through song in a live setting, and that’s when the set design becomes more and more elaborate. When the design just comes out as self-aggrandizing and strange, it distracts the audience from the show. Take for instance Kanye’s theoretical Ferrero Rocher Gold wrapper design or Bowie’s giant spider. There is certainly a fine line here. Nevertheless, in some instances bigger, brighter, and complex structures work to frame a show that can be talked about years after the fact. On that note, here’s the FT5 of most badass, over the top Set Designs.

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