New Tune from Happy Diving

happygilmoreWe’re drawing nearer to the release of the new album from Happy Diving, and their new single is really keeping me going today.  It’s got an old school feel to it, in regards to guitar pop, which reminds me of a more rocking blend of what Austin’s the Impossibles were trying to do in their later days.  Sure, there’s an ode to Weezer in that and  an innocence in the lyrical content, but wait until the song’s screeching guitars feedback into your ears, crashing down through your speakers; it’s a special bit for your listening pleasure today.  Big World is released on October 21st via Father Daughter Records.


Download: Happy Diving – Sad Planet [MP3]


Fuzzy Rocker from Happy Diving

bigworldWhile we’re all getting our guitar rock on, we tend to forget that the style’s always sort of been there, just waiting for us to get our jam back on.  I feel like the dude’s in Happy Diving were probably always into it, always hoping their friends would hear their songs and get tossed back into the golden age of guitar jams.  Their latest single is full of solos and feedback, yet still it’s all about turning your amps up and having a blast with your friends.  This track will be featured on the band’s new album, Big World, which will be released by Father Daughter Records on October 21st.

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